
NIU Xiaojing

Position:Associate Professor, Director of Institute of Hydraulics Research

Address:Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084 China

Tel:+86-10- 62797367

E-mail: [email protected]

Educational Background

BA:  Aug.1999 – Jul.2003, Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

PhD: Sep.2003 – Jul.2008, Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

Work Experience

2012/12–present, Associate Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

2010/06–2012/11, Assistant Professor,Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

2008/08–2009/07, Assistant Professor,Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan

2008/07–2010/05, Postdoctoral fellow,Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

2005/11–2005/12, Visiting Scholar,Department of Water Resources Engineering, Lund University, Sweden

2004/10–2004/12, Visiting Scholar,Department of Water Resources Engineering, Lund University, Sweden

Teaching Courses

1)Fundamentals of Engineering Fluid Mechanics

2)Fluid Mechanics

3)An Introduction to Ocean Science

4)Physical oceanography

Research Interests

Marine Hydrodynamics

Risk Assessment for Coastal Disasters

Coastal Sediment Transport

Research Projects

2022-2026   Probabilistic Assessment on Extreme Marine Dynamic Conditions and its Effects 

           on the Safety of Offshore Wind Power Structures, funded by State Key Laboratory of

           Hydroscience and Engineering

2022-2025   on hydrodynamic digital twin model,

           sub-project funded by National Key R&D Program of China

2018-2021   Study on the Mechanisms and Prediction Method of Meteotsunamis,

           funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China

2018-2021   Analysis on utilization and carrying capacity of typical coastal tidal flat in bays,

           sub-project funded by National Key R&D Program of China

2018-2020   Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis for Islands in the South China Sea,

           funded by State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering

2015-2018   Study on the multiphase buoyant jet from underwater blowouts,

           funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China,

2015-2017  Risk Identification and Early Warning System for Large River-Crossing Structures 

           in the South-to-North Water Diversion Project,

           sub-project funded by National Key Technology Support Program

2013-2015   Numerical model on the spreading of oil and gas in deepwater oil spills,

           funded by Youth Talent Plan for universities in Beijing

2012-2014   Study on dynamic process of submarine oil spill,

           funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China

2012-2014   Sediment transport under the combined waves and current in a storm,

           funded by Ministry of Education of China

Professional Service

[1] Associate editor of Coastal Engineering Journal

[2] Editorial board member of Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics

Honors and Awards

2019, Award for Teaching Achievement of Tsinghua University (Second Prize)

2018, Excellent master's thesis supervisor of Tsinghua University

2017, Award for Teaching Achievement (First Prize),awarded by the National Teaching Advisory Board on Hydraulic Engineering under Ministry of Education.

2013, Outstanding Advisor Award in the 3rd National Hydraulic creative design contest, awarded by the National Teaching Advisory Board on Hydraulic Engineering under Ministry of Education.

2012, Outstanding Advisor Award (First Prize) for the Student Research Training project (SRT) of Tsinghua University.

Academic Achievement

[1] Ye X., Zhou H., Shao D., Niu X.* (2022). Experimental study on behavior of non-uniform bubbles in a plume. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 34, 116-124.

[2] Zhao G., Niu X.* (2022). Relation between the Period of Leading Tsunami Wave and Source Parameters. Ocean Engineering, 249, 110891. //doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.110891

[3] Sun Q., Niu X.*(2021). Harbor oscillation induced by atmospheric pressure disturbances moving in different directions. Coastal Engineering Journal, AHEAD-OF-PRINT, 1-12. //doi.org/10.1080/21664250.2021.2004037

[4] Sun Z., Niu X.* (2021). Variation tendency of coastline under natural and anthropogenic disturbance around the Abandoned Yellow River Delta in 1984-2019. Remote Sensing, 13, 3391. //doi.org/10.3390/rs13173391

[5] Sun Q., Niu X.* (2021). Harbor resonance triggered by atmospherically driven edge waves, Ocean Engineering, 224, 108735. //doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.108735

[6] Zhang T., Niu X.* (2021). Analysis on the utilization and carrying capacity of coastal tidal flat in bays around the Bohai Sea. Ocean and Coastal Management, 203, 105449. //doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2020.105449

[7] Niu X.*, (2021). Resonance of long waves around a circular island and its relation to edge waves, European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 86, 15-24. //doi.org/10.1016/j.euromechflu.2020.11.007

[8] Wang Y., Niu X.*, Yu Z., Gao X. (2021). Numerical study on a possible cause of the ‘strange tide’ in the coastal area of Jiangsu Province, China. Natural Hazards, 106: 1687-1701. //doi.org/10.1007/s11069-020-04111-8

[9] Niu X.*, (2020). Conditions for the occurrence of notable edge waves due to atmospheric disturbances. Applied Ocean Research, 101:102255. //doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2020.102255

[10] Zhang X., Niu X.* (2020). Probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment and its application to southeast coast of Hainan Island from Manila Trench. Coastal Engineering, 155: 103596.  //doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.103596

[11] Zhou H., Niu X.* (2020). An image processing algorithm for the measurement of multiphase bubbly flow using predictor-corrector method. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 128: 103277. //doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103277

[12] Niu X.*, Chen Y. (2020). Energy accumulation during the growth of forced wave induced by a moving atmospheric pressure disturbance. Coastal Engineering Journal, 62(1): 23-34. //doi.org/10.1080/21664250.2019.1682747

[13] Niu X., (2019). Edge waves induced by an atmospheric pressure disturbance moving at an oblique angle to coastline. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2019), Hanoi, Vietnam, September 25-28, 2019.

[14] Chen Y., Niu X.*, (2018). Forced wave induced by an atmospheric pressure disturbance moving towards shore. Continental Shelf Research, 160: 1-9. //doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2018.03.007

[15] Niu X., Yang B., Zhang T., Zhou H., (2018). Large eddy simulation of multiphase buoyant plume based on OpenFOAM. Proceeding of the 13th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD2018), 454-461, Incheon, Korea, Sep. 2-6, 2018.

[16] Niu X., Chen Y., Zhou H. (2018) Study on the Proudman Resonance of waves induced by a moving atmospheric pressure disturbance. Proceeding of the 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Baltimore, USA, July 30-August 3, 2018.

[17] Chen Y., Niu X. (2018). Edge wave induced by an atmospheric pressure disturbance moving along a sloping beach.  Proceeding of the 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Baltimore, USA, July 30-August 3, 2018.

[18] Niu X., (2017).Modeling the dispersion of surface oil slick under breaking waves by using a multiphase SPH. 9th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2017), Oct.19-22, Pasay City, Philippines.

[19] Niu X., (2017).An analytical solution for long waves scattering around circular islands with flexible profile shapes. Proceeding of Coastal Dynamics 2017, 1582-1593.

[20] Yu X.*, Niu X., Zhou H. (2016). Statistical law for tropical cyclone motion in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. International Journal of Climatology, 36(4):1700-1707.

[21] Niu X.*, Zhou H. (2015). Wave pattern induced by a moving atmospheric pressure disturbance. Applied Ocean Research, 52: 37-42.

[22] Wang R., Niu X., Chen X. (2015). The nonlinear effects of wave on sand beach evolution. The Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2015, May 11-15, 2015, San Diego, California, USA.

[23] Niu X., Yu J. (2015). A modified SPH model for simulating water surface waves. Procedia Engineering, 116: 254-261, 8th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2015), Sep. 7-10, 2015, IIT Madras, Chennai, India.

[24] Niu X.* and Yu X., (2014). Numerical study on wave propagation over a fluid-mud layer with different bottom conditions, Ocean Dynamics, 64(2):293-300.

[25] Chen X., Niu X., Yu X.*,(2013). Near-Bed sediment condition in oscillatory sheet flows. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 139(5): 393-403.

[26] Niu X., Li X., Yu X., (2013). A model to simulate the spreading of oil and gas in underwater oil spills, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC2013). Bali,Indonesia.

[27] Niu X. and Yu X.*(2012), An analytic solution for combined wave diffraction and refraction around a vertical cylinder with idealized scour pit. Coastal Engineering, 2012, 67:80-87.

[28] Hu Y., Niu X., Yu X.*, (2012). Large eddy simulation of wave breaking over muddy seabed. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 24(2): 298-304.

[29] Niu X. and Yu X.*, (2011). Long wave scattering by a vertical cylinder with idealized scour pit. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 137(6):279-285.

[30] Niu X. and Yu X.*, (2011). Analytical solution of long wave propagation over a submerged hump. Coastal Engineering, 58(2):143-150.

[31] Niu X. and Yu X.*, (2011). Analytical study on long wave refraction over a dredge excavation pit. Wave Motion, 48(3):259-267.

[32] Chen X., Li Y., Niu X., Chen D., Yu X.*, (2011). A two-phase approach to wave-induced sediment transport under sheet flow conditions. Coastal Engineering, 58(11): 1072-1088.

[33] Chen X., Li Y., Niu X., Li M., Chen D., Yu X.*, (2011). A general two-phase turbulent flow model applied to the study of sediment transport in open channels. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 37(9): 1099-1108.

[34] Liu Y., Niu X., Yu X.*, (2011). A new predictive formula for inception of regular wave breaking. Coastal Engineering, 58(9): 877-889.

[35] Liu Y., Niu X., Yu X., (2011). Empirical formula for regular wave breaking over currents, 6th International conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, Hongkong.

[36] Niu X., Yu X., (2011) Numerical study on the movement of muddy seabed under waves, 6th International conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, Hongkong.

[37] Niu X., Yu X., (2010). A numerical model for wave propagation over muddy slope, 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Shanghai.

[38] Ueyama S., Niu X., Wada M., Liu H., Takagawa T., Tajima Y., Sato S., (2009). Waves, currents and sediment movement in river estuary with dominant wave incidence, Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 456-460. (in Japanese)

[39] Niu X., Ueyama S., Sato S., Tajima Y., Liu H., (2009). Sediment movement under combined waves, tide and river discharge in a river mouth, Coastal Dynamics 2009, Tokyo.

[40] Niu X., Yu X.*, (2008). A Practical model for the decay of random waves on muddy beaches, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 20(3), 288-292.