

Position:Associate Professor
Address:Associate Professor Address: Sedimentation Laboratory, 1 Qinghuayuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing
Postal Code:100084
E-mail:[email protected]

Personal homepage

Webpage: //yuanjinglab.gitee.io/yj_website/


Educational Background

2008.9-2013.9 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environ. Engineering, PhD

2004.8-2008.7 Tsinghua University, Dept. of Hydraulic Engineering, Bachelor

Work Experience

2013.9-2021.9 National University of Singapore, Dept. of Civil and Environ. Engineering, Assistant Professor

Teaching Courses

Introduction to Coastal Engineering

Fluid Mechanics

Offshore Engineering Design

Research Interests

Coastal boundary layer and sediment transport

Wave-structure interaction

Hydrodynamics of floating green-energy devices

Scour and scour protection for offshore wind power

Research Projects

Currencies: (S$: Singapore dollars, ¥: Chinese RMB)

Projects in Tsinghua University

Ø Development of a novel floating tidal-wave energy device, MOST-NRF flagship project (2024.04-2027.04, co-PI, ¥:1.06 m)

Ø Feasibility study of using artificial reef to control scour of offshore monopile (PI, ¥:0.5 m, China Huaneng Group, 2024.3-2024.10)

Ø Development of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model for floating wind turbine (PI, ¥:0.75 m, Water Conservancy Hydropower Planning Design General Institute, Singapore-China joint flagship project, 2024.1-2026.1)

Ø Groundwater and slope stability of area III of Yiming open-pit coral mine (PI, ¥:8.5 m, China Huaneng Group, 2023.1-2025.10)

Mechanism of scour of offshore monopile foundation (co-PI, ¥:1.30 m, China Huaneng Group, 2022.1-2023.1)

Ø Wave boundary layer streaming over rippled seabed (PI, ¥:0.3 m, State Key Research Laboratory of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, China, 2022.1-2022.12)

Projects in National University of Singapore

Ø National Coastal-Inland Flood Model for Climate Change (Co-PI, Yuan’s contribution: ~$700 k, Public Utility Board, Singapore, 2021.4-2025.4)

Ø Risk assessment and mitigation for seawall wave overtopping in the context of climate change (PI, S$ 627,200, Public Utility Board, 2018.4-2021.3)

Ø On sediment transport in wave-current benthic boundary layer (co-PI, S$ 755,376, Ministry of Education, Tier-2, 2019.5-2022.5)

Ø Eco-engineering Singapore’s seawalls for enhancing biodiversity (Collaborator, S$ 819,318.38, National Research Foundation, MSRDP program, 2016.10-2021.4)

Ø An experimental study of coastal sediment transport under waves and currents(PI, S$ 45,000, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, 2017.3-2018.1)

Ø Full-scale experimental study of sediment transport by oscillatory flows and currents (PI, S$ 180,000, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, 2015.4-2017.3)

Ø Sheet-flow sediment transport in the coastal environment (PI, S$ 150,000, Ministry of Education, Tier-1, 2015.3-2018.8)

Ø Sediment transport rates in combined wave-current flows (PI, S$ 167,417, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, 2013.9-2015.3)

Ø Turbulent bottom boundary layers under random waves (PI, S$179,900, Ministry of Education, NUS faculty member start-up fund, 2013.10-2016.10)

Professional Service

Editorial board member of:

Ø Applied Ocean Research (2021- )

Ø Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics (2022- )

Ø International Journal of Coastal and Ocean Engineering (2019- )

Ø Journal of Intelligent Construction (2023-)

Member of the international steeling committee of the International Conference on Asian and PAcific Coasts (APAC) (2019-present)

Academic Achievement

Journal publications:

corresponding author*, Supervised PhD. Student, Supervised Post-doc fellow

1. Yuan, J.* and O.S. Madsen (2014), Experimental study of turbulent oscillatory boundary layers in an oscillating water tunnel. Coastal Engineering. 89: p. 63-84 doi: //dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2014.03.007.

2. Yuan, J.* and O.S. Madsen (2015), Experimental and theoretical study of wave–current turbulent boundary layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 765: p. 480-523 doi: //doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2014.746.

3. Yuan, J.*, Turbulent boundary layers under irregular waves and currents: experiments and the equivalent-wave concept (2016). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 121(4): p. 2616-2640 doi: 10.1002/2015JC011551.

4. Yuan, J.* and S.M. Dash (2017), Experimental investigation of turbulent wave boundary layers under irregular coastal waves. Coastal Engineering. 128: p. 22-36 doi: //doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2017.07.005.

5. Yuan, J.*, Z. Li, and O.S. Madsen (2017), Bottom-slope-induced net sheet-flow sediment transport rate under sinusoidal oscillatory flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 122(1): p. 236-263 doi: 10.1002/2016JC011996.

6. Yuan, J.* and W. Tan (2018), Modeling net sheet-flow sediment transport rate under skewed and asymmetric oscillatory flows over a sloping bed. Coastal Engineering. 136: p. 65-80 doi: //doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2018.02.004.

7. Yuan, J.* and D. Wang (2018), Experimental investigation of total bottom shear stress for oscillatory flows over sand ripples. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 123(9): p. 6481-6502 doi:10.1029/2018JC013953.

8. Wang, D. and J. Yuan* (2018), Bottom‐slope‐induced net sediment transport rate under oscillatory flows in the rippled‐bed regime. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 7308–7331. doi:10.1029/2018JC013810.

9. Önder, A. and J. Yuan (2019), Turbulent dynamics of sinusoidal oscillatory flow over a wavy bottom. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 858, 264-314. doi:10.1017/jfm.2018.754

10. Zhao, K., J. Yuan*, et al. (2019), Modelling surface temperature of granite seawalls in Singapore, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 13: 100395.

11. Tan, W., and J. Yuan* (2019), Experimental study of sheet-flow sediment transport under nonlinear oscillatory flow over a sloping bed, Coastal Engineering, 147, 1-11. doi://doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.01.002.

12. Wang, D., and J. Yuan* (2019), Geometric characteristics of coarse-sand ripples generated by oscillatory flows: A full-scale experimental study. Coastal Engineering, 147, 159-174. doi://doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.02.007.

13. Yuan, J.*, and Wang, D. ( 2019), An experimental investigation of acceleration‐skewed oscillatory flow over vortex ripples. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124., //doi.org/10.1029/2019JC015487

14. Wang, D. and J. Yuan* (2020), Modelling of net sediment transport rate due to wave-driven oscillatory flows over vortex ripples Applied Ocean Research, vol. 94, p. 101979, doi: //doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2019.101979.

15. Wang, D. and J. Yuan* (2020), Measurements of net sediment transport rate under asymmetric oscillatory flows over wave-generated sand ripples, Coastal Engineering, vol. 155, p. 103583, doi: //doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.103583

16. Cao, D., Chen, H*., & Yuan, J. (2021). Inline force on human body due to non-impulsive wave overtopping at a vertical seawall. Ocean Engineering, 219(October 2020), 108300. //doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.10830

17. Cao, D., Yuan, J.*, Chen, H., Zhao, K., & Li-Fan Liu, P. (2021). Wave overtopping flow striking a human body on the crest of an impermeable sloped seawall. Part I: physical modeling. Coastal Engineering, 167(September 2020), 103891. //doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2021.103891

18. Chen, H., Yuan, J*., Cao, D., & Liu, P. (2021). Wave overtopping flow striking a human body on the crest of an impermeable sloped seawall. Part II: Numerical modelling. Coastal Engineering, 103892. //doi.org///doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2021.103892

19. Tan, W., and Yuan, J* (2021). A two-layer numerical model for coastal sheet-flow sediment transport. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2021JC017241.

20. Cao, D., Yuan, J*, & Chen, H. (2021). Towards modelling wave-induced forces on an armour layer unit of rubble mound coastal revetments. Ocean Engineering, 239(May), 109811. //doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109811

21. Cao, D., Tan, W., & Yuan, J* (2022). Assessment of wave overtopping risk for pedestrian visiting the crest area of coastal structure. Applied Ocean Research, 120. //doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2021.102985

22. Tan, W., Cao, D., & Yuan, J. (2022). Numerical modelling of green-water overtopping flow striking a pedestrian on the crest of a sloped coastal structure. Ocean Engineering, 260. //doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112153

23. Tan, W., & Yuan, J* (2022). Net sheet-flow sediment transport rate: Additivity of wave propagation and nonlinear waveshape effects. Continental Shelf Research, 240. //doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2022.104724

24. Tan, W., & Yuan, J* (2022). Drag-related wave-current interaction inside a dense submerged aquatic canopy. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 941. //doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2022.293

25. Fan, Q., Wang, X., Yuan, J., Liu, X., Hu, H., & Lin, P. (2022). A Review of the Development of Key Technologies for Offshore Wind Power in China. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(7), 929.

26. Yuan, J* (2023). Observations of net sediment transport rate and boundary layer of wave–current flows over vortex ripples." Coastal Engineering 181: 104288.

27. Dong, Y., & Yuan, J* (2023). Projections of offshore wind energy and wave climate in Guangdong’s nearshore area using CMIP6 simulations. Journal of Intelligent Construction, 1(1), 9180007.

28. Xiang, Y., Lin, P., An, R., Yuan, J., Fan, Q., & Chen, X. (2023). Full participation flat closed-loop safety management method for offshore wind power construction sites. Journal of Intelligent Construction, 1(1), 9180006.

29. Cao, D., Lin, Z., Yuan, J., Tan, W., & Chen, H. (2024). Swash-flow induced forces on human body standing on a smooth and impermeable slope: A numerical study with experimental validations. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 18(1), 2319768.

30. Dong, Y., Tan, W.*, Chen, H., & Yuan, J.* (2024). Numerical modeling of wave interaction with a porous floating structure consisting of uniform spheres. Physics of Fluids, 36(8).

31. Wang, X., Yuan, J.*, Qiu, X., Huang, H., Lin, P., Liu, X., & Hu, H. (2024). Time development of live-bed scour around an offshore-wind monopile under large current–wave ratio. Coastal Engineering, 190, 104509.

32. Wei, Z., & Yuan, J. * (2024). A theoretical study of wave-induced response of buried long submarine cables. Ocean Engineering, 314, 119612.

33. Yuan, J. * & Cao, D. (2024). Ripple-averaged wave boundary layer over long-crest sand ripples at high Reynolds number: observations and theoretical model. Applied Ocean Research, vol. 154, p. 104357.

Journal in Chinese (中文期刊)

34. Wang, X, Lin, P., Huang, H., Yuan, J., Qiu, X., Liu, X.(2023). Scour dynamic properties and online monitoring of offshore wind power foundation[J]. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), 2023, 63(7): 1087-1094.