
Yang Yuting

Position:Associate Professor with tenure
Address:Institute of Hydrology and Water Resources Department of Hydraulic Engineering Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Postal Code:100084
E-mail:[email protected]

Educational Background

2008.9 ~ 2013.7: Ph.D., Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

2004.9 ~ 2008.6: B.E., College of Water Resources & Hydropower, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China

Work Experience

2019.6 ~ present: Associate Professor (tenured since 2024.7), Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

2018.8 ~ 2019.6: Assitant Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

2018.2 ~ 2018.8: Research Fellow, Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

2015.2 ~ 2018.2: OCE Postdoctoral Research Fellow, CSIRO Land and Water, Canberra, Australia

2013.9 ~ 2015.2: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of the Environment, Flinders University & National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training

Teaching Courses

1. “Catchment Ecohydrology”, for undergraduate students, since 2021

2. “Hydrology”, for undergraduate students, since 2022

3. “Oceanographic Remote Sensing & Big Data”, for undergraduate students, 2019 ~ 2021

4. “Groundwater Water Dynamics”, for graduate students, since 2019

Research Interests

Global change and hydrological cycle; Evaporation theory and model; Ecohydrology; Coupled Water-Carbon-Energy cycles; Extreme hydrometeorological events;

Professional Service and Membership

Associate Editor: Journal of Hydrology, since 2017

Associate Editor: Remote Sensing of Environment, since 2020

Editorial Board Member: Environmental Research Communications, since 2018

Editorial Board Member: Science of Remote Sensing, since 2020

Editorial Board Member: Journal of Remote Sensing, since 2022

Committee Member: International Association of Hydrological Sciences Chinese National Committee (CNC-IAHS)

Committee Member: Hydrological Science Committee, The Geographical Society of China

Member: American Geophysical Union (AGU) , European Geosciences Union (EGU)

Research Projects

As Cheif Investigator:

1.“Potential evaporation and the complementary relationship based on the coupled feedback interactions among evaporation, radiation and temperature”, National Natural Science Foundation of China – General Program, 2025 ~ 2028 (¥450,000)

2.“Evaluation and enhancing the water conservation capacity in the source region of the three rivers”, Key Program of the Department of Science and Technology, Qinghai Province, 2024 ~ 2027 (¥20,000,000)

3.“Coupled climate-hydrology-land modelling and attribution of water resources over the last millennium in the Yangtze River Basin”, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2023 ~ 2027 (¥2,912,000)

4.“Vegetation carrying capacity in the Three North region of China based on ecohydrological optimality and land-atmosphere interaction”, National Natural Science Foundation of China – General Program, 2021 ~ 2024 (¥550,000)

5.“Flash flood risk warning system: technology and uncertainties”, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2020 ~ 2022 (¥2,820,000)

6.“Modelling the water resources system in the Tsaidam Basin”, Key Program of the Department of Science and Technology, Qinghai Province, 2019 ~ 2021 (¥2,800,100)

7.“Development of water-heat intelligent control technology for residential comfort”, Guoqiang Institute of Tsinghua University, 2020 ~ 2021 (¥1,000,000)

8.“Global change and hydrological cycle”, Government Startup Funding, 2018 ~ 2021 (¥3,000,000)

9.“Hydrological implications of long-term vegetation response to CO2 fertilization”, CSIRO OCE Project, 2015 ~ 2018 (AU$ 720,000)

10.“Examination of extreme hydro-climatic events and its impact on regional carbon and water cycles in a large karst plateau of Southwest China using remote sensing”, Open Research Fund Program of State key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, 2014 ~ 2015 (¥80,000)

11.“Remote sensing the coupled water and carbon cycles in irrigation district of arid region”, Open Research Fund Program of State key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, 2014 ~ 2015 (¥100,000)

As Co-PI:

12.“Analysis of the source of flash floods”, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2023 ~ 2026 (Co-PI; Personal share:¥650,000)

13.“Spatial planning of water network of Yunnan province: principles and methods”, Department of Science and Technology of Yunnan Province, 2022 ~ 2024 (Co-PI; Personal share:¥800,000)

14.“Ecohydrological processes in inland basin”, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2022 ~ 2024 (Co-PI; Personal share:¥300,000)

15.“Water-saving potential in the Tarim River basin”, Investigation and Research Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower of Ministry of Water Resources and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 2022 ~ 2024 (Co-PI; Personal share:¥450,000)

16.“Technical Guidelines for Integrated River Basin Management based on ET/EC/ES Target Values”, World Bank - Global Environment Funding, 2021 (Co-PI; Personal share:¥200,000)

17.“Changes in water cycle and soil-water coupling processes in the Yellow River Basin”, National Natural Science Foundation of China - Major Program, 2021 ~ 2024 (Co-PI; Personal share:¥2,700,000)

18.“Change of the hydrological processes and its underlying mechanism in the source areas of Upper Yangtze River”, National Science Foundation of China - Major Program, 2019 ~ 2024 (Co-PI; Personal share:¥750,000);

Honors and Awards

1. First Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress of Qinghai Province for “Key Technologies and Innovative Practices in the Evolution and Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources in the Qaidam Basin”, 2023

2. Outstanding Ph.D Thesis of Tsinghua University, Supervisor Award, 2024 (Zhuoyi Tu)

3. Outstanding Master Thesis of Tsinghua University, Supervisor Award, 2021 (Juntai Han) & 2022 (Ishikawa Yuki)

4. National Higher Education Teaching Achievement Prizes in Hydraulic Engineering (1st Prize), 2020

5. Editor’s Choice Award, Water Resources Research, 2016 & 2020

6. Young Teachers Basic Teaching Skills Competition, Tsinghua University (1st Prize), 2020

7. Outstanding Young Scientist Award of Tsinghua University, 2019

8. AOGS Hydrology Session Kamide Lecturer, 2018

9. Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Early Career Researcher of Flinders University, 2014

10. Best Ph.D. Dissertation of Tsinghua University (1st Prize, top 1%), 2013

11. The National Outstanding Postgraduate Student Award of China, 2013

12. The Liu Guangwen Scholarship for Outstanding Postgraduate Student in Hydrology (1st Class), 2012

13. The Zhang Guangdou Scholarship for Outstanding Student in Hydraulic Engineering, 2007.


Book/Book chapters:

1. Yuting Yang, 2015. Evapotranspiration over heterogeneous vegetated surfaces: Models and Applications. Springer. p.145.

2. Yuting Yang, 2019. Remotely sensed evapotranspiration. In Observation and Measurement of Ecohydrological Processes. X. Li and H. Vereecken (eds.). Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany. pp 155-200.

3. Songhao Shang, Bing Yu, Lei Jiang, Yuting Yang, 2021. Remote Sensing-based Assessment Method for Agricultural Water Use Efficiency. Science Press. p. 172 (In Chinese)

4. Yuting Yang, 2023. Evapotranspiration. In Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, 2nd edition. M. J. Goss and M. A. Oliver (eds.). Oxford: Elsevier. Vol. [1], pp. 501-508.

5. Yuting Yang, Dawen Yang, Juntai Han, Zhengrong Wang, Qinghua Miao, 2023. Flash Flood Warning in Small Catchments: Methods and Applications. Science Press. P. 142. (In Chinese)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers (*Corresponding Author, &Student/Postdoc)


1. Juntai Han&, Ziwei Liu, Ross Woods, Tim McVicar, Taihua Wang, Ying Hou, Yuhan Guo, Changming Li, Yuting Yang*, 2024. Streamflow seasonality in a snow-dwindling world. Nature, 629, 1075-1081.

2. A-jiao Chen&, Jinghua Xiong&, Shixue Wu, Yuting Yang*, 2024. Changes in Terrestrial Water Storage in the Three-North region of China over 2003-2021: Assessing the Roles of Climate and Vegetation restoration. Journal of Hydrology, 637, 131303.

3. Yuhan Guo&, Hongxing Zheng*, Yuting Yang, Yanfang Sang, Congcong Wen, 2024. A hydrogeomorphic dataset for characterizing catchment hydrological behavior across the Tibetan Plateau. Earth System Science Data, 16, 1651-1665.

4. Hui Guo&, Ying Hou&, Yuting Yang*, Tim McVicar, 2024. Global evaluation of simulated high- and low-flows from 23 macro-scale models. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 25, 425-443.

5. Zhengrong Wang&, Yuting Yang*, 2024. Stationarity of High- and Low-flows Under Climate Change and Human Interventions Across Global Catchments. Earth and Space Sciences, 11,e2023EA003456.

6. Shuyan Cui, Yushan Xiao, Yuting Yang, Zhongmin Hu, Guo Zheng*, 2024. Spatial variations in water use efficiency across global terrestrial ecosystems. GATENA, 235, 107670.


7. Fangzhong Shi, Xiuchen Wu*, Xiaoyan Li, Philippe Ciais, Hongyan Liu, Chao Yue, Yuting Yang, Shulei Zhang, Shushi Peng, Yi Yin, Benjamin Poulter, Deliang Chen, 2023. Seasonal compensation implied no weakening of the land carbon sink in the Northern Hemisphere under the 2015/2016 El Niño. Science China Earth Sciences, 67, 281-291.

8. Yuting Yang*, Michael Roderick, Hui Guo&, Diego Miralles, Lu Zhang, Simone Fatichi, Xiangzhong Luo, Yongqiang Zhang, Tim McVicar, Zhuoyi Tu&, Trevor Keenan, Joshua Fisher, Rong Gan&, Xuanze Zhang, Shilong Piao, Baoqing Zhang, Dawen Yang*, 2023. Evapotranspiration on a greening Earth. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 4, 626-641.

9. Zhuoyi Tu&, Yuting Yang*, Michael Roderick, Tim McVicar, 2023. Reply to Comment on “Potential Evaporation and the Complementary Relationship” by Jozsef Szilagyi. Water Resources Research 59, e2022WR033763.

10. Shanshan Guo&, Yuting Yang*, Ping Guo, 2023. An integrated distributed robust optimization framework for agricultural water-food-energy management integrating ecological impact and dynamic water cycle processes. Journal of Hydrology, 624, 129859.

11. Qiang Liu*, Yuting Yang, Liqiao Liang*, Denghua Yan, Xuan Wang, Tao Sun, Chunhui Li, 2023. Water balance shifts induced by multiyear drought within the Budyko framework. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD036758.

12. Congsheng Fu, Guiling Wang*, Yuting Yang, Huawu Wu*, Haohao Wu, Haixia Zhang, Ye Xia, 2023. Temperature thresholds for carbon flux variation and warming-induced changes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2023JD039747.

13. Zhuoyi Tu&, Yuting Yang*, Michael Roderick, Tim McVicar, 2023. Potential evaporation and the complementary relationship. Water Resources Research 59, e2022WR033763.

14. Ying Hou&, Hui Guo&, Yuting Yang*, Wenbin Liu, 2023. Global evaluation of simulated runoff from climate, global hydrological and land surface models. Water Resources Research, 59, e2021WR031817.

15. Wang Taihua, Dawen Yang*, Yuting Yang, Guanheng Zheng, Huijun Jin, Xin Li, Tandong Yao, Guodong Cheng, 2023. Pervasive permafrost thaw exacerbates future risk of water shortage across the Tibetan Plateau. Earth’s Future, 11, e2022EF003463.

16. Wang Taihua, Dawen Yang*, Yuting Yang, Guanheng Zheng, Huijun Jin, Xin Li, Tandong Yao, Guodong Cheng, 2023. Unsustainable water supply from thawing permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau in a changing climate. Science Bulletin, 68, 1105-1108.

17. Shen Tan, Han Wang*, Iain Colin Prentice, Kun Yang, Rodolfo Nobrega, Xiaomang Liu, Yong Wang, Yuting Yang, 2023. Towards a universal evapotranspiration model based on optimality principles. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 336, 109478.

18. Shuyu Yang, Baoxu Zhao, Dawen Yang*, Taihua Wang, Yuting Yang, Teng Ma, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, 2023. Future changes in water resources, floods and droughts under the joint impact of climate and land-use changes in the Chao Phraya basin, Thailand. Journal of Hydrology, 620, 129454.

19. Jingjing Yang&, Taihua Wang, Dawen Yang*, Yuting Yang, 2023. Insights into runoff changes in the source region of Yellow River under frozen ground degradation. Journal of Hydrology, 617, 128892.

20. Qiang Liu, Yuting Yang, Liqiao Liang*, Denghua Yan, Xuan Wang, Chunhui Li, Tao Sun, 2023. Shift in precipitation-streamflow relationship induced by multi-year drought across global catchments. Science of the Total Environment, 857, 159560.

21. Xiuchen Wu*, Xiaofei Jiang, Hongyan Liu, Craig Allen, Xiaoyan Li, Pei Wang, Zongshan Li, Yuting Yang, Shulei Zhang, Fangzhong Shi, Pengtao Yu, Mei Zhou, Pengwu Zhao, Yanhui Wang, Chao Yue, Deliang Chen, 2023. CPSDv0: a forest stand structure database for plantation forests in China. Big Earth Data, 7, 212-230.

22. Zhengrong Wang, Juntai Han, Yuting Yang*, 2023. Coupled uncertainty of flash flood forecasting method and its application. Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 42(6), 30-39 (In Chinese with English Abstract).

23. Juntai Han, Ying Hou, Zhengrong Wang, Yuting Yang*, 2023. Spatial interpolation method of precipitation based on terrain revising and application. Yangtze River, 54(7), 75-80 (In Chinese with English Abstract).


24. Shulei Zhang*, Liming Zhou, Lu Zhang, Yuting Yang, Dawen Yang, Zhongwang Wei, Shupeng Zhang, Xiaofan Yang, Sha Zhou, Xiuchen Wu, Xiaoyan Li, Yongqiang Zhang, Yongjiu Dai*, 2022. Reconciling disagreement on global river flood changes in a warming climate. Nature Climate Change, 12, 1160–1167.

25. Yuting Yang*, Zhuoyi Tu, Michael Roderick, 2022. Reply to Comment on "On the estimation of potential evaporation under wet and dry conditions" by Jozsef Szilagyi. Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR033674.

26. Xiuchen Wu*, Hongyan Liu, Henrik Hartmann, Philippe Ciais, John S. Kimball, Christopher R. Schwalm, Jesús Julio Camarero, Anping Chen, Pierre Gentine, Yuting Yang, Shulei Zhang, Xiaoyan Li, Chongyang Xu, Wen Zhang, Zongshan Li, Deliang Chen, 2022. Timing and order of extreme drought and wetness determine bioclimatic sensitivity of tree growth. Earth’s Future, 10, e2021EF002530.

27. Baoqing Zhang, Lei Tian, Yuting Yang*, Xiaogang He*, 2022. Revegetation does not decrease water yield in the Loess Plateau of China. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098025.

28. Qiang Liu*, Yuting Yang, Liqiao Liang*, Denghua Yan, Xuan Wang, Chunhui Li, Tao Sun, 2022. Hydrological effects of the snow fraction and its ecohydrological explication within the Budyko framework. Journal of Hydrology, 610, 127813.

29. Fangzheng Ruan&, Yuting Yang*, Tim R. McVicar, Hui Guo&, Ying Hou&, 2022. Historical and future shifts of a sharp zonal aridity gradient: A case study of the Hu Line in China. Journal of Hydrology, 614, 128590.

30. Lei Jiang, Yuting Yang, Songhao Shang*, 2022. Remote sensing-based assessment of maize water use efficiency over a large irrigation district in arid region. Remote Sensing, 14, 2035.

31. Zhengrong Wang&, Yuting Yang*, Hui Guo&, Ying Hou&, 2022. Historical and future Palmer Drought Severity Index with improved hydrological modeling. Journal of Hydrology, 610, 127941.

32. Zhuoyi Tu&, Yuting Yang*, Michael Roderick, 2022. Testing a maximum evaporation theory over saturated land: Implications for potential evaporation estimation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26, 1745-1754.

33. Zhuoyi Tu&, Yuting Yang*, 2022. On the estimation of potential evaporation under wet and dry conditions. Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR031486.

34. Hui Guo&, Yuting Yang*, 2022. Spring snow-albedo feedback from satellite observation, reanalysis and model simulations over the Northern Hemisphere. Science China Earth Sciences, 65, 1463-1476.

35. Ruijie Shi, Taihua Wang, Dawen Yang*, Yuting Yang, 2022. Streamflow decline threatens water security in the upper Yangtze River. Journal of Hydrology, 606, 127448.

36. Juntai Han, Zhengrong Wang, Yuting Yang*, 2022. Flash flood grading and warning based on dynamic rainfall thresholds. Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 41(9), 67-76 (In Chinese with English Abstract).


37. Yuting Yang*, Michael Roderick, Dawen Yang, Zhengrong Wang&, Fangzheng Ruan&, Tim McVicar, Shulei Zhang&, Hylke Beck, 2021. Streamflow stationarity in a changing world. Environmental Research Letters, 16, 064096.

38. Dawen Yang*, Yuting Yang, Jun Xia, 2021. Hydrological cycle and water resources in a changing world: A review. Geography and Sustainability, 2, 115-122.

39. Rong Gan&, Lu Zhang, Yuting Yang, Enli Wang, William Woodgate, Yongqiang Zhang*, Dongdong Kong, Tony Fischer, Freancis Chiew, Qiang Yu*, 2021. Estimating ecosystem maximum light use efficiency based on the water use efficiency principle. Environmental Research Letters, 16, 104032.

40. Chong Nie, Yuefei Huang, Shuo Zhang*, Yuting Yang, Sha Zhou, Changjie Lin, Guangqiang Wang, 2021. Effects of soil water content on forest ecosystem water use efficiency through changes in transpiration/evapotranspiration ratio. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 308-309, 108605.

41. Daniele Penna*, Luisa Hopp, Yuku Asano, Sally Thompson, Yuting Yang, 2021. Editorial: Virtual Special Issue “Advances in forest hydrology in the light of land use change and disturbances”. Journal of Hydrology, 601, 126788.

42. Yuting Yang*, Tim McVicar, Dawen Yang, Yongqiang Zhang, Shilong Piao, Shushi Peng, Hylke Beck, 2021. Low and contrasting impacts of vegetation CO2 fertilization on global terrestrial runoff over 1982-2010: Accounting for above- and below-ground vegetation-CO2 effects. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25, 3411-3427.

43. Shulei Zhang&, Yuting Yang*, Xiuchen Wu, Xiaoyan Li, Fangzhong Shi, 2021. Post-drought recovery time across global terrestrial ecosystems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126, e2020JG005699.

44. Hui Guo&, Yuting Yang*, Wenjie Zhang, Cicheng Zhang, Hui Sun, 2021. Attributing snow cover extent changes over the Northern Hemisphere for the past 65 years. Environmental Research Communications, 3, 061001.

45. Cicheng Zhang&, Yuting Yang*, Dawen Yang, Shulei Zhang&, Xiuchen Wu, 2021. Multidimensional assessment of global dryland changes under warming in climate projections. Journal of Hydrology, 592, 125618.

46. Yunqiao Li, Xiuchen Wu*, Yongmei Huang, Xiaoyan Li, Fangzhong Shi, Shoudong Zhao, Yuting Yang, Yuhong Tian, Pei Wang, Shulei Zhang, Cicheng Zhang, Yang Wang, Chongyang Xu, Pengwu Zhao, 2021. Compensation effect of winter snow on larch growth in Northeast China. Climatic Change, 164(3-4), 10.1007/s10584-021-02998-1.

47. Xu Lian, Shilong Piao*, Anping Chen, Chris Huntingford, Laurent Li, Justin Sheffield, Trevor Keenan, Tim McVicar, Yuting Yang, Michael Roderick, 2021. Multifaceted characteristics of dryland aridity changes in a warming world. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2, 232-250.

48. Dawen Yang*, Yuting Yang, Guangyao Gao, Jianping Huang, Enhui Jiang, 2021. Water Cycle and Soil-water Coupling Processes in the Yellow River Basin. Science Foundation of China, 35(4), 46-53 (In Chinese with English Abstract).


49. Yuyan Luo&, Yuting Yang*, Dawen Yang, Shulei Zhang&, 2020. Quantifying the impact of vegetation changes on global terrestrial runoff using the Budyko framework. Journal of Hydrology, 590, 125389.

50. Cicheng Zhang&, Yuting Yang*, Dawen Yang, Zhengrong Wang&, Xiuchen Wu, Shulei Zhang&, Wenjie Zhang&, 2020. Vegetation response to elevated CO2 slows down the eastward movement of the 100th Meridian. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL089681.

51. Juntai Han&, Yuting Yang*, Michael Roderick, Tim McVicar, Dawen Yang, Shulei Zhang&, Hylke Beck, 2020. Assessing the steady-state assumption in water balance calculation across global catchments. Water Resources Research, 56(7), e2020WR027392 (Editor’s Choice Award 2020).

52. Yuting Yang*, Shulei Zhang&, Michael Roderick, Tim McVicar, Dawen Yang, Wenbin Liu, Xiaoyan Li, 2020. Comparing PDSI drought assessments using the traditional offline approach with direct climate model outputs. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24, 2921-2930.

53. Guanheng Zheng&, Yuting Yang, Dawen Yang*, Baptiste Dafflon, Yonghong Yi, Deliang Chen, Bing Gao, Taihua Wang&, Ruijie Shi&, Qingbai Wu, 2020. Remote sensing spatiotemporal patterns of frozen soil and the environmental controls over the Tibetan Plateau during 2002–2016. Remote Sensing of Environment, 247, 111927.

54. Taihua Wang&, Dawen Yang*, Yuting Yang*, Shilong Piao, Xin Li, Bojie Fu, Guodong Chen, 2020. Permafrost thawing puts the frozen carbon at risk over the Tibetan Plateau. Science Advances, 6, eaaz3513.

55. Ruochen Cao, Zhongmin Hu*, Zhiyun Jiang, Yuting Yang, Wei Zhao, Genan Wu, Xiaoming Feng, Ruru Chen, Guangcun Hao, 2020. Shifts in ecosystem water use efficiency on China's Loess Plateau caused by the interaction of climatic and biotic factors over 1985-2015. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 291, 108100.

56. Shulei Zhang&, Yuting Yang*, Tim McVicar, Lu Zhang, Dawen Yang, Xiaoyan Li, 2020. A proportionality-based multi-scale catchment water balance model and its global verification. Journal of Hydrology, 582, 124446.

57. Bing Liu*, Wenzhi Zhao, Zijuan Wen, Yuting Yang, Xuexiang Chang, Zhaocen Zhu, Rui Si, 2020. Hydrochemical characteristics jointly determine the transport and cycling of soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in an arid Chinese wetland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125(7), e2020JG005697.

58. Xu Lian, Shilong Piao*, Laurent Z. X. Li, Yue Li, Chris Huntingford, Philippe Ciais, Alessandro Cescatti, Ivan A. Janssens, Josep Peñuelas, Wolfgang Buermann, Anping Chen, Xiangyi Li, Yongwen Liu, Ranga B. Myneni, Xuhui Wang, Yilong Wang, Yuting Yang, Zhenzhong Zeng, Yongqiang Zhang, Tim R. McVicar, 2020. Summer soil drying exacerbated by earlier spring greening of northern vegetation. Science Advances, 6, eaax0225.


59. Guanheng Zheng&, Yuting Yang, Dawen Yang*, Baptiste Dafflon, Huimin Lei, Hanbo Yang, 2019. Satellite-Based Simulation of Soil Freeze-Thaw Processes in the Northeast Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing of Environment, 231, 111269.

60. Yuting Yang*, Michael Roderick*, Shulei Zhang&, Tim McVicar, Randall Donohue. Hydrologic implications of vegetation response to elevated CO2 in climate projections, 2019. Nature Climate Change, 9, 44-48.

61. Yuting Yang, Michael Roderick*, 2019. Radiation, surface temperature and evaporation over wet surfaces. Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, 145, 1118-1129.

62. Sergio Vicente-Serrano*, Tim McVicar, Diego Miralles, Yuting Yang, Mique Tomas-Burguera, 2019. Unraveling the influence of atmospheric evaporative demand on drought and its response to climate change. WIREs Climate Change, e632.

63. Kun Zhang, Gaofeng Zhu, Jinzhu Ma*, Yuting Yang, Shasha Shang, Chunjie Gu, 2019. Parameter analysis and estimates for the MODIS evapotranspiration algorithm, and multi-scale verification. Water Resources Research, 55, 2211-2231.

64. Yongqiang Zhang*, Dongdong Kong, Rong Gan, Francis Chiew, Tim McVicar, Qiang Zhang, Yuting Yang, 2019. Coupled estimation of 500m and 8-day resolution global evapotranspiration and gross primary production in 2002-2017. Remote Sensing of Environment, 222, 165-182.

65. Baoqing Zhang, Amir AghaKouchak, Yuting Yang, Jiahua Wei*, Guangqiang Wang*, 2019. A water-energy balance approach for multi-category drought assessment across globally diverse hydrological basins. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 264, 247-265

66. Bing Liu, Wenzhi Zhao, Zijuan Wen, Yuting Yang, Xuexiang Chang, Qiyue Yang, Yangyang Meng, Chan Liu, 2019. Mechanisms and feedbacks for evapotranspiration-induced salt accumulation and precipitation in an arid wetland of China. Journal of Hydrology, 568, 403-415


67. Hui Yang, Shilong Piao, Chris Huntingford, Philippe Ciais, Yue Li, Tao Wang, Shushi Peng, Yuting Yang, Dawen Yang, Jinfeng Chang, 2018. Changing retention properties of catchments and their influence on runoff under climate change. Environmental Research Letters, 13(9), 094019.

68. Yuting Yang*, Shulei Zhang, Tim McVicar, Hylke Beck, Yongqiang Zhang, Bing Liu, 2018. Disconnection between trends of atmospheric drying and continental runoff. Water Resources Research, 54(7), 4700-4713.

69. Jianyu Liu, Yongqiang Zhang*, Yuting Yang*, Xihui Gu, Mingzhong Xiao, 2018. Investigating Relationships Between Australian Flooding and Large-Scale Climate Indices and Possible Mechanism. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 123(16), 8708-8723.

70. Xu Lian, Shilong Piao*, Chris Huntingford, Yue Li, Zhenzhong Zeng, Xuhui Wang, Philippe Ciais , Tim McVicar, shushi Peng, Catherine Ottlé, Hui Yang, Yuting Yang, Yongqiang Zhang, Tao Wang, 2018. Partitioning global land evapotranspiration using CMIP5 models constrained by observations. Nature Climate Change, 8, 640-646.

71. Rong Gan, Yongqiang Zhang*, Hao Shi, Yuting Yang, Derek Eamus, Lei Cheng, Francis Chiew, Qiang Yu, 2018. Use of satellite leaf area index estimating evapotranspiration and gross assimilation for Australian Ecosystems. Ecohydrology, e1974.

72. Shulei Zhang&, Dawen Yang*, Yuting Yang, Shilong Piao, Hanbo Yang, Huimin Lei, Bojie Fu, 2018. Excessive afforestation and soil drying on China’s Loess Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123(3), 923-935.

73. Zhenzhong Zeng, Shilong Piao*, Laurent Z.X. Li, Tao Wang, Philippe Ciais, Xu Lian, Yuting Yang, Jiafu Mao, Xiaoying Shi, Ranga B. Myneni, 2018. Impact of Earth greening on the terrestrial water cycle. Journal of Climate, 31, 2633-2650.

74. Shulei Zhang&, Yuting Yang*, Tim McVicar, Dawen Yang, 2018. An analytical solution for the impact of vegetation cover changes on hydrological partitioning within the Budyko framework. Water Resources Research, 54, 519-537.

Before 2018:

75. Zhao Jin, Wei Liang, Yuting Yang, Weibin Zhang, Jianwu Yan*, Xuejuan Chen, Sha Li, Xingguo Mo, 2017. Separating vegetation greening and climate change controls on evapotranspiration over the Loess Plateau. Scientific Reports, 7, 8191.

76. Yuting Yang*, Tim McVicar, Randall Donohue, Yongqiang Zhang, Michael Roderick, Francis Chiew, Lu Zhang, Junlong Zhang, 2017. Lags in hydrologic recovery following an extreme drought: assessing the roles of climate and catchment characteristics. Water Resources Research, 53(6), 4821-4837 (Editor’s Highlight).

77. Jia Li, Dan Liu, Tao Wang*, Yinnian Li, Shiping Wang, Yuting Yang, Xiaoyi Wang, Hui Guo, Hui Yang, Shushi Peng, Jinzhi Ding, Miaogen Shen, Lei Wang, 2017. Grassland restoration reduces water yield in the headstream region of Yangtze River. Scientific Reports, 7, 2162.

78. Bing Liu*, Huade Guan, Wenzhi Zhao, Yuting Yang, ShouboLi, 2017. Groundwater facilitated water-use efficiency along a gradient of groundwater depth in arid northwestern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 233, 235-241.

79. Randall Donohue*, Michael Roderick, Tim McVicar, Yuting Yang, 2017. A simple hypothesis of how leaf and canopy-level transpiration and assimilation respond to elevated CO2 reveals distinct response patterns between disturbed and undisturbed vegetation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122(1), 168-184.

80. Yuting Yang*, Donohue J. Randall, Tim R. McVicar, 2016. Global estimation of effective plant rooting depth: Implications for hydrological modelling. Water Resources Research, 52, 8260-8276 (Editor’s Highlight; Editor’s Choice Award 2016).

81. Yuting Yang*, Randall Donohue, Tim McVicar, Michael Roderick, Hylke Beck, 2016. Long-term CO2 fertilization increases vegetation productivity and has little effect on hydrological partitioning in tropical rainforests. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121(8), 2125-2140 (Editor’s Highlight).

82. Yuting Yang*, Huade Guan, Okke Batelaan, Tim McVicar, Di Long, Wei Liang, Shilong Piao, Bing Liu, Zhao Jin, Craig Simmons, 2016. Contrasting responses of water use efficiency to drought across global terrestrial ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 6, 23284.

83. Lei Jiang, Songhao Shang*, Yuting Yang, Huade Guan, 2016. Mapping interannual variability of maize cover in a large irrigation district using a vegetation index – phenological index classifier. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 123, 351-361.

84. Tian Zhang, Jian Peng*, Wei Liang, Yuting Yang, Yanxu Liu, 2016. Spatial-temporal patterns of water use efficiency and climate controls in China’s Loess Plateau during 2000-2010. Science of the Total Environment, 565, 105-122.

85. Wenzhi Zhao*, Bing Liu, Xuexiang Chang, Qiyue Yang, Yuting Yang, Zhiling Liu, James Cleverly, Derek Eamus, 2016. Evapotranspiration partitioning, stomatal conductance and components of the water balance: A special case of a desert ecosystem in China. Journal of Hydrology, 538, 374-386.

86. Qiang Liu*, Tim McVicar, Zhifeng Yang, Randall Donohue, Liqiao Liang, Yuting Yang, 2016. The hydrological effects of varying vegetation characteristics in a temperate water-limited basin: Development of the dynamic Budyko-Choudhury-Porporato (dBCP) model. Journal of Hydrology, 534, 595-611.

87. Yuting Yang*, Randall Donohue, Tim McVicar, Michael Roderick, 2015. An analytical model for relating global terrestrial carbon assimilation with climate and surface conditions using a rate-limitation framework. Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 9825-9835.

88. Yuting Yang*, Huade Guan, Di Long, Bing Liu, Guanghua Qin, Jun Qin, Okke Batelaan, 2015. Estimation of surface soil moisture from thermal infrared remote sensing using an improved trapezoid method. Remote Sensing, 7, 8250-8270.

89. Yuting Yang*, Di Long, Huade Guan, Wei Liang, Simmons Craig, Batelaan Okke, 2015. Comparison of three dual-source remote sensing evapotranspiration models during the MUSOEXE-12 campaign: Revisit of model physics. Water Resources Research, 51, 3145-3165.

90. Yuting Yang*, Huade Guan, Miaogen Shen, Wei Liang, Lei Jiang, 2015. Changes in autumn vegetation dormancy onset date and the climate controls across temperate ecosystems in China from 1982 to 2010. Global Change Biology, 21(2), 652-665.

91. Wei Liang, Yuting Yang, Dongmei Fan, Huade Guan, Tian Zhang, Di Long, Yi Zhou, Dan Bai*, 2015. Analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of net primary production and their climate controls in China from 1982 to 2010. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 204, 22-36.

92. Di Long*, Yuting Yang, Yoshihide Wada, Yang Hong, Wei Liang, Yaning Chen, Bin Yong, Aizhong Hou, Jiangfeng Wei, Lu Chen, 2015. Deriving scaling factors using a global hydrological model to restore GRACE total water storage changes for China’s Yangtze River Basin. Remote Sensing of Environment, 168, 177-193.

93. Bing Liu, Wenzhi Zhao*, Zhiling Liu, Yuting Yang, Weicheng Luo, Hai Zhou, Yongyong Zhang, 2015. Changes in species diversity, aboveground biomass, and vegetation cover along an afforestation successional gradient in a semiarid desert steppe of China. Ecological Engineering, 81, 301-311.

94. Wei Liang, Dan Bai*, Feiyu Wang, Bojie Fu, Junping Yan, Shuai Wang, Yuting Yang, Di Long, Minquan Feng, 2015. Quantifying the impacts of climate change and ecological construction on streamflow change based on the Budyko framework in the Loess Plateau of China. Water Resources Research, 51, 6500-6519.

95. Wei Liang, Dan Bai*, Zhao Jin, Yuchi You, Jiaxing Li, Yuting Yang*, 2015. A study on the streamflow change and its relationship with climate change and ecological restoration measures in a sediment concentrated region in the Loess Plateau. Water Resources Management, 29, 4045-4060.

96. Yuting Yang*, Di Long, Huade Guan, Bridget Scanlon, Craig Simmons, Lei Jiang, Xiang Xu, 2014. GRACE satellite observed hydrological controls on interannual and seasonal variability of surface greenness over mainland Australia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 119, 2245-2260.

97. Yuting Yang*, Huade Guan, Songhao Shang, Di Long, Craig T. Simmons, 2014. Towards the use of the MODIS ET product to estimate terrestrial GPP for non-forest ecosystems. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11, 1624-1628.

98. Hanyu Lu*, Tingxi Liu, Yuting Yang, Dandan Yao, 2014. A hybrid dual-source model of estimating evapotranspiration over different ecosystems and implications for satellite-based approaches. Remote Sensing, 6, 8359-8386.

99. Di Long*, Yanjun Shen, Alexander Sun, Yang Hong, Laurent Longuevergne, Yuting Yang, Bin Li, Lu Chen, 2014. Drought and Flood Monitoring for a Large Karst Plateau in Southwest China from Extended GRACE Data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115, 145-160.

100. Yuting Yang*, Russ Scott, Songhao Shang, 2013. Modeling evapotranspiration and its partitioning over a semiarid shrub ecosystem from satellite imagery: a multiple validation. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 7(1), 073459.

101. Yuting Yang*, Di Long, Songhao Shang, 2013. Remote estimation of terrestrial evapotranspiration without using meteorological data. Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 3026-3030.

102. Yuting Yang*, Songhao Shang, Huade Guan, Lei Jiang, 2013. A novel algorithm to assess gross primary production for terrestrial ecosystems from MODIS imagery. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 118, 590-605.

103. Yuting Yang, Songhao Shang*, 2013. A hybrid dual source scheme and trapezoid framework based evapotranspiration model (HTEM) using satellite images: algorithm and model test. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 118, 2284-2300.

104. Yuting Yang*, Huade Guan, John Hutson, Hailong Wang, Caecilia Ewenz, Songhao Shang and Craig Simmons, 2013. Examination and parameterization of the root water uptake model from stem water potential and sap flow measurements. Hydrological Processes, 27(20), 2857-2863.

105. Yuting Yang, Songhao Shang* and Lei Jiang, 2012. Remote Sensing temporal and spatial patterns of evapotranspiration and the responses to water management in a large irrigation district of North China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 164, 112-122.

106. Yuting Yang, Songhao Shang* and Huade Guan, 2012. Development of a soil-plant-atmosphere continuum model (HDS-SPAC) based on hybrid dual-source approach and its verification in wheat land. Science China: Technological Sciences. 55(10): 2671-2685.

107. Songhao Shang*, Lei Jiang, Yuting Yang, 2015. Review of remote sensing-based assessment method for irrigation and crop water use efficiency. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 46(10), 81-92 (In Chinese with English Abstract).

108. Lei Jiang, Yuting Yang, Songhao Shang*, 2013. Evaluation on irrigation efficiency of irrigation district in arid region based on evapotranspiration estimated from remote sensing data. Transactions of the CSAE, 29(20), 95-101 (In Chinese with English abstract).

109. Yuting Yang, Songhao Shang*, 2012. Comparison of three dual-source evapotranspiration models in partitioning potential evaporation and potential transpiration. Transactions of the CSAE, 28(24), 85-91 (In Chinese with English abstract).

110. Yuting Yang, Songhao Shang* and Chao Li, 2010.Correcting the smoothing effect of ordinary Kriging estimates in soil moisture interpolation. Advances in Water Science, 21, 64-69. (In Chinese with English abstract)

111. Yuting Yang, Chuan Liang*, 2008. Research on runoff forecasting and optimal operation of Daqiao reservoir in Xichang. Sichuan Water Power, 27, 77-80. (In Chinese with English abstract)