
YANG Hanbo

Position:Associate Professor
Address:Xinshui Building 326, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
E-mail: [email protected]

Educational Background

BA: Sep.1999 – July.2003, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
PhD: Sep.2003 – July.2008, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

Work Experience

2008-2010, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
2010-2012, Lecturer, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
2012-: Associate Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

Teaching Courses

1.Hydrological Principles and Applications
2. Introduction to Water Conservancy and Cognition Practice

Research Interests

1.Evapotranspiration, Eco-Hydrology, Hydrological Responses Under Climate changes
2.Hydrological Simulation and Prediction
3. Water consumption in arid area

Research Projects

2015, the first prize of the Award of Education Ministry of China(Rank 3rd), (honored project: catchment eco-hydrological response to changing environment)
2015, the first prize of the Outstanding Paper Award of Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering (corresponding author),(honored paper: modeling of flood routing for Three Gorges reservoir area based on Mike11)
2015, the Top-Notch Young Talents Program of China
2014, the second prize of the Scientific and Technical Award of China Association for Instrumental Analysis (Rank 4th), (honored project: the monitoring and analysis technique for hydrology and water resources based on the natural-social hydrology theory and its application)
2013, Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project
2011, the first prize of the Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award of Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society, (honor paper: derivation of climate elasticity and its application in the analysis of water resources change)
2008, AGU Fall Meeting Outstanding Student Paper Award, (honor paper: Changing pan evaporation and its attribution in China)
2008, Tsinghua University Excellent Doctoral Thesis, (title: derivation and application of the coupled water-energy balance equation)
2007, the second prize of the DaYuScience and Technology Award (Rank 9th), (honor project: study on water consumptionof the Yarkand plain oasis)

Professional Service

Member of American Geophysical Union
Member of European Geoscience Union
Peer Reviews for National Natural Science Foundation of China
Peer Reviews for decades of International Journals, such as Water Resources Research, Journal of Hydrology, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Honors and Awards

The watershed water-energy balance coupling dynamic vegetation, Program from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2014-2017
The flood prediction techniques based on coupling atmosphere and land surface models, Special Fund for Water Resources Scientific Research in the Public Welfare Projects, 2014-2016
The interaction mechanism between vegetation and catchment water-energy balance, Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project, 2013-2105
The coupling and modeling of eco-hydrological processes in the upper reaches of Heihe River, the Major Research plan of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013-2016
The theory of watershed water-energy balance and its applications in simulating hydrological responses to changing environment, Program from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2008-2010

Academic Achievement

(1) Yang Hanbo*, Li Zhe, Li Mingliang, and Yang Dawen, Inconsistency in Chinese solar radiation data caused by instrument replacement: Quantification based on pan evaporation observations, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 2015, 120(8):3191-3198
(2) Yang Hanbo*, Yang Dawen, and Hu Qingfang, An error analysis of the Budyko hypothesis for assessing the contribution of climate change to runoff, Water Resources Research, 2014, 50(12): 9620-9629
(3) Yang Hanbo*, Qi Jia, Xu Xiangyu, Yang Dawen, and LvHuafang, The regional variation in climate elasticity and climate contribution to runoff across China, Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 517: 607-615
(4) Yang Hanbo*, and Yang Dawen, Climatic factors influencing changing pan evaporation across China from 1961 to 2001, Journal of Hydrology, 2012, 414-415: 184-193
(5) Yang, Hanbo*, and Yang Dawen, Derivation of climate elasticity of runoff to assess the effects of climate change on annual runoff, Water Resources Research, 2011, 47, W07526, doi:10.1029/2010WR009287
(6) Zhang Shulei, Yang Hanbo, Yang Dawen*, Jayawadena AW, Quantifying the effect of vegetation change on the regional water balance within the Budyko Framework, Geophysical Research Letters, 2016, DOI: 10.1002/2015GL066952
(7) Zhang Shulei, Yang Dawen*, Jayawardena, A. W., Xu Xiangyu, Yang Hanbo, Hydrological change driven by human activities and climate variation and its spatial variability in Huaihe Basin, China, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2015, DOI:10.1080/02626667.2015.1035657
(8) Yang Dawen*, Gao Bing, Jiao Yang, Lei Huimin, Zhang Yanlin, Yang Hanbo, and Cong Zhentao, A distributed scheme developed for eco-hydrological modeling in the upper Heihe River, Science China – Earth Sciences, 2015, 58(1): 36-45
(9) Yang Hanbo*, Yang Dawen, Hu Qingfang, and LvHuafang, Spatial variability of the trends in climatic variables China during 1961-2010, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2015, 120(3-4): 773-783
(10) Lei Huimin, Yang Dawen*, Yang Hanbo, Yuan Zaijian, and LvHuafang, Simulated impacts of irrigation on evapotranspiration in a strongly exploited region: a case study of the Haihe River basin, China, Hydrological Processes, 2015, 29(12): 2704-2719
(11) Xu Kai, Yang Dawen*, Yang Hanbo, Li Zhe, Qin Yue, Shen Yan,  Spatio-temporal variation of drought in China during 1961-2012: A climatic perspective, Journal of Hydrology, 2015, 526: 253-264
(12) Hu Qingfang*, Yang Dawen, Li Zhe, Mishra Ashok K., Wang Yintang, Yang Hanbo, Multi-scale evaluation of six high-resolution satellite monthly rainfall estimates over a humid region in China with dense rain gauges, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2014, 35(4): 1272-1294
(13) Cong Zhentao*, Zhang Xiaoying, Li Dan, Yang Hanbo, and Yang Dawen, Understanding Hydrological Trends by Combining the Budyko Hypothesis and a Stochastic Soil Moisture Model, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2014, doi:10.1080/02626667.2013.866710
(14) Xu Xiangyu, Yang Dawen*, Yang Hanbo, and Lei Huimin, Attribution analysis based on the Budyko hypothesis for detecting the dominant cause of runoff decline in Haihe basin, Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 510: 530-540
(15) Gao Bing, Yang Dawen*, Yang Hanbo, Impact of the Three Gorges Dam on flow regime in the middle and lower Yangtze River. Quaternary International, 2013, 304: 43-50
(16) Hu QingFang*, Yang DaWen, Wang YinTang, Yang HanBo, Accuracy and spatio-temporalvariation of high resolution satellite rainfall estimate over the GanjiangRiver Basin, Science China Technological Sciences, 2013, 56(4):853-865
(17) Xu Xiangyu, Yang Hanbo, Yang Dawen*, and Ma Huan, Assessing the impacts of climate variability and human activities on annual runoff in the Luan River basin, China, Hydrology Research, 2013, 44(5): 940-952
(18) Yang Hanbo*, Yang Dawen, and Lei Zhidong, Seasonal variability of the complementary relationship in the Asian monsoon region, Hydrological Processes, 2013, 27(19): 2736-2741
(19) HouAizhong, Ni Guangheng, Yang Hanbo*, and Lei Zhidong, Numerical Analysis on the Contribution of Urbanization to Wind Stilling: An Example over the Greater Beijing Metropolitan Area, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2013, 52(5): 1105-1115
(20) YANG, H. B., D. W. YANG, Z. T. CONG, and Z. D. LEI, Analysis of the dominant climatic factors of evaporation change over the main basins in mainland China based on Budyko and Bouchet hypotheses, IAHS Publication, 2009, 335: 111-115
(21) CONG, Z. T., D. W. YANG, B. GAO, H. B. YANG, and H. P. Hu, Hydrological Trend Analysis in the Yellow River Basin Using a Distributed Hydrological Model, Water Resources Research, 2009, doi:10.1029/2008WR006852
(22) YANG, D. W., W. W. SHAO, P. J.-F. YEH, H. B. YANG, S. KANAE, and T. OKI, Impact of Vegetation Coverage on Regional Water Balance in the Non-Humid Regions of China, Water Resources Research, 2009, 45, W00A14, doi:10.1029/2008WR006948
(23) YANG, H. B., D. W. YANG, Z. D. LEI, F. B. SUN, and Z. T. CONG, Variability of complementary relationship and its mechanism on different time scales, Science in China E: Technological Science, 2009, 52 (4): 1059-1067
(24) YANG, H. B., D. W. YANG, P. Y. LI, and Y. F. WANG, Possible impact of aerosols on orographic precipitation in the eastern part of China, IAHS Publication, 2008, 322: 48-53
(25) YANG, H. B., D. W. YANG, Z. D. LEI, and F. B. SUN, New analytical derivation of the mean annual water-energy balance equation. Water Resources Research, 2008, 44, W03410, doi:10.1029/2007WR006135