
TIAN Fuqiang

Position:Tenured Full Professor

E-mail: [email protected] 



Address:Room 330, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing

Zip code:100084

Educational Background

BA: 1993 – 1998,Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

MA: 1998 – 2000, Hydrology & Water Resources, Tsinghua University

PhD: 2002 – 2006, Hydraulic Engineering , Tsinghua University

Work Experience

2019-, Tenured Full Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

2017 –2019, Tenured Associate Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

2000 – 2017, Research Associate / Assistant Professor / Associate Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

2007 – 2008, Postdoc Research Associate, Department of Geography & Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.

Teaching Courses

1.  Advanced Hydrology 

2.  Engineering hydrological design 

3.  Principles and Applications of Hydrology (Ⅱ)

Research Interests

Hydrological forecast and water resources management under change environment:

1.  Hydrological mechanism and forecast of river basin.

2.  Water resources management of trans-border rivers.

3.  Agricultural water management

Research Projects

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Major research program integration project (92047301), Mechanism and future trend of runoff variation in river sources in Southwest China, 2021/01-2023/12

2.  National Natural Science Foundation of China, International cooperation and exchange program (51961125204), A comparative study of water-energy-food coupling systems in China and Chile: coordination of hydropower and other competitive water uses, 2020/01-2023/12.

3. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Distinguished Young Scientist Career Award Project (51825902), Hydrological Modeling and forecast at Watershed Scale, 2019/01-2022/12.

4. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Construction of A Cooperative Think Tank Alliance on Lancang-Mekong Water Resources, 2019/01-2020/12

5. The Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Water Resources Planning for Southern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 2018/07-2020/07.

6. National Natural Science Foundation of China (91647205), Water source apportionment for high mountainous watersheds by integrating multiple tracers and distributed hydrological model, 2017/01-2020/12.

Professional Service

1.  2019–present, Chair (2019-2020), IAHS Panta Rhei Decadal Initiative (2013-2022)

2.  2018–present, Editor, Journal of Hydrology

3.  2013–present, Editor, Hydrology and Earth System Science

Honors and Awards

1. 2019, WATSAVE Award (Technology) by International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage

2.  2018, Distinguished Young Scientist Career Award (2019-2023)

3.  2017, First Prize Award by Ministry of Education (ranked 2), Water resources system response and rational control considering ecological economy in cold-arid watershed

4. 2016, First Prize Award by Ministry of Water Resources (ranked 1), Water and Salt Movement and Regulation in Arid Oasis under Mulched Drip Irrigation

5. 2016, First Prize Award by Ministry of Education (ranked 5), Hydrological Response under Change Environment

Academic Achievement

1.  Wang L., Han S., Tian, F. (2020). Comparison of formulating apparent potential evaporation with pan measurements and Penman methods, Journal of Hydrology, 592,125816

2. Wang L., Tian, F., Han S., Wei Z.(2020). Determinants of the asymmetric parameter in the generalized complementary principle of evaporation, Water Resources Research, 56, e2019WR026570

3. Do, P., Tian, F., Zhu, T., Zohidov, B., Ni, G., Lu, H., & Liu, H. (2020). Exploring synergies in the water-food-energy nexus by using an integrated hydro-economic optimization model for the Lancang-Mekong River basin. Science of The Total Environment, 137996

4. Tian, F. , Lu, Y. , Hu, H. , Kinzelbach, W. , & Sivapalan, M. . (2019). Dynamics and driving mechanisms of asymmetric human water consumption during alternating wet and dry periods. International Association of Scientific Hydrology Bulletin, 64(5), 507-524.

5. Baldassarre, G. D. , Sivapalan, M. , Rusca, M. , Cudennec, C. , Garcia, M. , Kreibich, H. , Megan Konar, Elena Mondino, Johanna Mård, Saket Pande, Matthew R. Sanderson, Tian F., Viglione A., Wei J., Wei Y., David J. Yu, Veena Srinivasan & Günter Blöschl. (2019). Sociohydrology: scientific challenges in addressing the sustainable development goals. Water Resources Research, 55.

6. Xu, R., Hu, H., Tian, F., Li, C., & Khan, M. Y. A. (2019). Projected climate change impacts on future streamflow of the Yarlung Tsangpo-Brahmaputra River. Global and Planetary Change.

7. Han, S., & Tian, F. (2018). Derivation of a sigmoid generalized complementary function for evaporation with physical constraints. Water Resources Research, 54, 5050–5068. //doi.org/10.1029/ 2017WR021755.

8. Tie Q., Hu H., Tian F., Holbrook N. M. (2018). Comparing different methods for determining forest evapotranspiration and its components at multiple temporal scales. Science of the Total Environment, 633 12–29. //doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.082.

9. Tian F., Hou S., Yang L., Hu H., Hou A. (2018) How Does the Evaluation of the GPM IMERG Rainfall Product Depend on Gauge Density and Rainfall Intensity? Journal of Hydrometeorology, 19(2):339-349. //doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-17-0161.1

10. Xu R., Tian F., L. Yang, H. Hu, H. Lu, and A. Hou (2017), Ground validation of GPM IMERG and TRMM 3B42V7 rainfall products over southern Tibetan Plateau based on a high-density rain gauge network, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, doi:10.1002/2016JD025418. 

11. Tie Q., Hu H., Tian F. (2017). Huade Guan, Henry Lin. Environmental and physiological controls on sap flow in a subhumid mountainous catchment in North China, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 240 46–57.

12. Zhong Y., Tian F., Hu H., Grey D. and Gilmont M. (2016) Rivers and reciprocity: perceptions and policy on international watercourses. Water Policy 18, 803–825, doi: 10.2166/wp.2016.229.

13. He Z.H., Tian F. Q. , Gupta H. V., Hu H. C., and Hu H. P.. Diagnostic calibration of a hydrological model in a mountain area by hydrograph partitioning. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 1807–1826, 2015.

14. Liu D., Tian F. , Lin M., and Sivapalan M.. A conceptual socio-hydrological model of the co-evolution of humans and water: case study of the Tarim River basin, western China. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 1035–1054, 2015.

15. He, Z. H., Parajka, J., Tian, F. Q., and Blöschl, G.: Estimating degree-day factors from MODIS for snowmelt runoff modeling, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 4773-4789, doi:10.5194/hess-18-4773-2014, 2014.

16. Zhang, Z., Hu, H., Tian, F., Yao, X., and Sivapalan, M.: Groundwater dynamics under water-saving irrigation and implications for sustainable water management in an oasis: Tarim River basin of western China, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 3951-3967, doi:10.5194/hess-18-3951-2014, 2014.

17. Liu, Y., Tian, F., Hu, H., and Sivapalan, M.: Socio-hydrologic perspectives of the co-evolution of humans and water in the Tarim River basin, Western China: the Taiji–Tire model, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 1289-1303, doi:10.5194/hess-18-1289-2014, 2014.

18. Yang L., Tian F., Smith J. A., Hu H.. Urban Signatures in the Spatial Clustering of Summer Heavy Rainfall Events over the Beijing Metropolitan Region. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 1203–1217, doi:10.1002/2013JD020762. 

19. Zhang Z., Tian F., Hu H., and Yang P.(2014). A comparison of methods for determining field evapotranspiration: photosynthesis system, sap flow, and eddy covariance. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 1053–1072.

20. Sun Y., Tian F., Hu H., Yang L.(2014). Exploring the spatial variability of contributions from climate variation and change in catchment properties to streamflow decrease in a mesoscale basin by three different methods, Journal of Hydrology, 2014, Volume: 508 Pages: 170-180, China. J. Hydrol., 508:170-180.

21. Liu, H., Tian, F., Hu, H. C., Hu, H. P., and Sivapalan, M.: Soil moisture controls on patterns of grass green-up in Inner Mongolia: an index based approach, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 2013, 17:805-815, doi:10.5194/hess-17-805-2013.

22. Liu D., Tian F., Hu H., Hu H.(2012). The role of run-on for overland flow and characteristics of runoff generation in Loess Plateau, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57(6):1-11.

23. Liu D., Tian F., Hu H., Lin M., Cong Z.(2012). Ecohydrological evolution model on riparian vegetation in hyper-arid regions and its validation in the lower reach of Tarim River. Hydrological Processes, 26:2049-2060.

24. Tian F., Li H., Sivapalan M.(2012). Model diagnostic analysis of seasonal switching of runoff generation mechanisms in the Blue River basin, Oklahoma. Journal of Hydrology, 418-419, 136-149.

25. Zhou M., Tian F., Lall U., Hu H.(2011). Insights from a joint analysis of Indian and Chinese monsoon rainfall data. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 2709-2715.

26. Mou L., Tian F., Hu H., Sivapalan M.(2008). Extension of the Representative Elementary Watershed approach for cold regions: constitutive relationships and an application. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 12:565-585.

27. Tian F., Hu H., Lei Z., Sivapalan M.(2006). Extension of the Representative Elementary Watershed Approach for cold regions via explicit treatment of energy related processes. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 10:619-644.