
CONG Zhentao

Address:Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing
E-mail: [email protected]

Personal Homepage
Educational Background

BA: Sep.1993 – Jul.1998, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
PhD: Sep.1998 – Jul.2003, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

Work Experience

2017-:Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
2010 – 2011: Visiting Fellow, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Princeton University
2008 – 2017: Associate Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
2003 – 2008: Lecturer, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
2001 – 2003: Assistant Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

Research Interests

1、 Hydrological responses under changing environment in catchments
2、 Eco-hydrological optimality
3、 crop water demand and irrigation

Research Projects

Grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China
The ecohydrological optimality and its dynamics,2015.01-2018.12
Ecohydrology in arid oasis based on optimization principle,2012.01-2015.12
Influence of Climate Change on Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Water Requirement of Winter Wheat,2010.01-2012.12
Study on the trend, theory and influence of the Evaporation Paradox,2006.01-2008.12

Honors and Awards

2016: First-class of Science and Technology Award by Ministry of Education
2008: Second-class of Science and Technology Award by Ministry of Water Resources
2007: Second-class of Science and Technology Award by Ministry of Water Resources
2007: Second-class of Science and Technology Award by Ministry of Education
2004: Second-class of Science and Technology Award by Ministry of Education
Second Prize of Beijing Teaching Achievements in 2013
First Prize of Tsinghua University Teaching Achievements in 2012
Second Prize of Tsinghua University Teaching Achievements in 2010
Second Prize of Beijing Teaching Achievements in 2009

Academic Achievement

Papers in Journals
1 Shen, Q. N., Cong, Z. T. and Lei, H. M. (2017), Evaluating the impact of climate and underlying surface change on runoff within the Budyko framework a study across 224 catchments in China, Journal of Hydrology, 554, 251-262.
2 Shahid M., Cong Z. T., Zhang D. W (2017), Understanding the impacts of climate change and human activities on streamflow: a case study of the Soan River basin, Pakistan. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1-15.
3 Zhang, L. X., Cong, Z. T., Zhang, D. W. and Li, Q. S (2017), Response of vegetation dynamics to climatic variables across a precipitation gradient in the Northeast China Transect, Hydrological Sciences Journal,62(10), 1517-1531.
4 Cong, Z. T., Li, Q. S., Mo, K. L., Zhang, L. X. and Shen, H. (2017), Ecohydrological optimality in the Northeast China Transect. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(5), 2449-2462.
5 Cong, Z. T., Shen, Q. N., Zhou, L., Sun, T. and Liu, J. H (2017), Evapotranspiration estimation considering anthropogenic heat based on remote sensing in urban area, Science China Earth Sciences, 60(4), 659-671.
6 Cong, Z. T., Shahid, M., Zhang, D. W., Lei, H. M., & Yang, D. W (2017), Attribution of runoff change in the alpine basin:
a case study of the Heihe Upstream Basin, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 62(6), 1013-1028.
7 Pan, B., and Z. Cong (2016), Information Analysis of Catchment Hydrologic Patterns across Temporal Scales,
Adv Meteorol, 2016, 11.
8 Mo, K. L., Z. T. Cong and H. M. Lei (2016), Optimal vegetation cover in the Horqin Sands, China, Ecohydrology, 9(4), 700-711.
9 Zhang, D., Z. Cong, G. Ni, D. Yang, and S. Hu (2015), Effects of snow ratio on annual runoff within the Budyko framework, Hydrol Earth Syst Sc, 19(4), 1977-1992.
10 Yang, D. W., B. Gao, Y. Jiao, H. M. Lei, Y. L. Zhang, H. B. Yang, and Z. T. Cong (2015), A distributed scheme developed for eco-hydrological modeling in the upper Heihe River, Sci China Earth Sci, 58(1), 36-45.
11 Zhang, X. Y., and Z. T. Cong (2014), Trends of precipitation intensity and frequency in hydrological regions of China from 1956 to 2005, Global Planet Change, 117, 40-51.
12 Zhang, D. W., G. H. Ni, Z. T. Cong, T. Chen, and T. Zhang (2014), Statistical interpretation of the daily variation of urban water consumption in Beijing, China, Hydrolog Sci J, 59(1), 181-192.
13 Cong, Z. T., X. Y. Zhang, D. Li, H. B. Yang, and D. W. Yang (2014), Understanding hydrological trends by combining the Budyko hypothesis and a stochastic soil moisture model, Hydrolog Sci J, 60(1), 145-155.
14 Li, D., M. Pan, Z. T. Cong, L. Zhang, and E. Wood (2013), Vegetation control on water and energy balance within the Budyko framework, Water Resources Research, 49(2), 969-976.
15 Liu, D. F., F. Q. Tian, H. P. Hu, M. Lin, and Z. T. Cong (2012), Ecohydrological evolution model on riparian vegetation in hyperarid regions and its validation in the lower reach of Tarim River, Hydrological Processes, 26(13), 2049-2060.
16 Yang, H. J., Z. T. Cong, Z. W. Liu, and Z. D. Lei (2010), Estimating sub-pixel temperatures using the triangle algorithm, Int J Remote Sens, 31(23), 6047-6060.
17 Cong, Z. T., J. J. Zhao, D. W. Yang, and G. H. Ni (2010), Understanding the hydrological trends of river basins in China, Journal of Hydrology, 388(3-4), 350-356.
18 Yang, H. B., D. W. Yang, Z. D. Lei, F. B. Sun, and Z. T. Cong (2009), Variability of complementary relationship and its mechanism on different time scales, Sci China Ser E, 52(4), 1059-1067.
19 Cong, Z. T., D. W. Yang, and G. H. Ni (2009), Does evaporation paradox exist in China?, Hydrol Earth Syst Sc, 13(3), 357-366.
20 Cong, Z. T., D. W. Yang, B. Gao, H. B. Yang, and H. P. Hu (2009), Hydrological trend analysis in the Yellow River basin using a distributed hydrological model, Water Resources Research, 45, W00A13.
21 Cong, Z. T., Zhao J. J., Shang Z. N., Yang D. W (2009), Hydrological trends during the past 50 years in the Yangtze River basin, IAHS Publ. 335, p143-148
22 Yao, B. Z., Cong, Z. T., Ni, G. H (2009), Reference evapotranspiration under climate change. Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition), 41(S2), 182-186
23 Yang, H. B., Yang D. W., Cong Z. T., Lei Z. D (2009), Analysis of the dominant climatic factors of evaporation change over the main basins in mainland China based on Budyko and Bouchet hypotheses, IAHS Publ. 335, p111-115
24 Yang, H. J., Cong, Z. T., Lei, Z. D (2009), Methods comparison of soil heat flux in remote sensing model to estimate evapotranspiration. Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition), 41(S2), 115-121
25 Zhentao CONG, Dawen YANG, Fubao SUN, Guangheng NI (2008), Evaporation Paradox and its Response in Yellow River Basin, China. Hydrological Research in China: Process Studies, Modelling Approaches and Applications (Proceedings of Chinese PUB International Symposium, Beijing, September 2006). IAHS Publ. 322, 3-8
26 Yang, D. W., F. B. Sun, Z. Y. Liu, Z. T. Cong, G. H. Ni, and Z. D. Lei (2007), Analyzing spatial and temporal variability of annual water-energy balance in nonhumid regions of China using the Budyko hypothesis, Water Resources Research, 43(4), W04426.
27 Yang, D. W., F. B. Sun, Z. T. Liu, Z. T. Cong, and Z. D. Lei (2006), Interpreting the complementary relationship in non-humid
environments based on the Budyko and Penman hypotheses, Geophysical Research Letters, 33(18), L18402.
28 CONG-Zhentao, ZHANG-Zhuoying, NI-Guangheng, LEI-Zhidong. Parameters of vG Model for Soil Water Retention Curve. Effective utilization of agricultural soil-water resources and protection of environment (Proceedings of International conference on effective utilization of agricultural soil-water resources and protection of environment at Najing, 2006.8), 2007, 222-229
29 Cong Z. T., Ni G. H., Lei Z. D., Barati M (2005), The Hydrological and Ecological Effect of Restoring the Green Corridor in the Lower Tarim River, China. Dynamics and Biogeochemistry of River Corridors and Wetlands (Proceedings of symposium S4 held during the Seventh IAHS Scientific Assembly at Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, April 2005). IAHS Publ. 294, p114-121
30 Lei, Z. D., B. L. Zhen, S. H. Shang, S. X. Yang, Z. T. Cong, F. W. Zhang, X. H. Mao, and H. Y. Zhou (2001), Formation and utilization of water resources of Tarim River, Sci China Ser E, 44(6), 615-624.