
YU Xiping

Position: Professor

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background

1979.9 - 1984.7 B. Eng., Department of Hydraulic Engineering,

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

1984.9 - 1986.12 M. Eng., Department of Hydraulic Engineering,

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

1987.10 - 1990.9 D. Eng., Department of Civil Engineering,

The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN

Work Experience

2001.1 - Present Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, CHINA

                Cheung Kong Professor (2001.10 - )

                Head of Department (2003.5 - 2008.12)

                Chair of Degree Committee (2011.12-2014.12)

                Chair of Teaching Committee (2016.2 - )

1999.4 - 2000.12 Professor, Department of Mechanics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, CHINA

1997.4 - 1999.3 Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, 

                                Faculty of Engineering,University of Tokyo,  JAPAN

1993.4 - 1997.3 Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,

                        Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, JAPAN

Teaching Courses

Fluid Mechanics

Research Interests

1. Water wave mechanics and coastal hydrodynamics

2. Two-phase flow modeling and coastal sediment transport

3. Air-sea interactions and storm surge modeling 

4. Coastal environmental studies

Honors and Awards

2000 Cheung Kong Professorship, granted by Ministry of Education, China

2001 Distinguished Young Scientist, awarded by Natural Science Foundation of China

2007 National Bai-Qian-Wan Talent Program, Ministry of Human Resources, China

2009 First Prize, Natural Science Award of Ministry of Education, China

2009 Fellow, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo

2013 First Prize, Guangxi Provincial Award for Science and Technology Advancement 

Academic Achievement

Books and Book Chapters

1. Yu, X., Numerical Methods for Nearshore Water Waves, Science Publication, 2017 (in Chinese).

2. Yu, X., Analytical Methods for Nearshore Water Waves, Science Publication, 2012 (in Chinese). 

3. Yu, X. (ed.), Development Strategy for Coastal Area and Islands of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang People's Publishing House, 2012 (in Chinese). 

4. Yu, X., (ed.), General Assessment and Reclamation Strategy of Coastal Lowland in Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2008 (in Chinese). 

5. Yu, X. and M. Isobe. Numerical Solution of Coastal Water Wave Equations, Chapter 1, Handbook of Coastal Engineering (ed. J. B. Herbich), McGraw Hill, 2000, 1-71. 

Journal Papers

1. Shan K., Yu X.* (2020). A Simple Trajectory Model for Climatological Study of Tropical Cyclones. Journal of Climate, 33 (18): 7777–7786.

2. Shan K., Yu X.* (2020). Enhanced understanding to poleward migration of tropical cyclone genesis. Environmental Research Letters, 15: 104062

3. Shan K., Yu X.* (2020). Interdecadal variability of tropical cyclone genesis frequency in western North Pacific and South Pacific ocean basins. Environmental Research Letters, 15: 064030.

4. Xu Y., Yu X.* (2020). Enhanced formulation of wind energy input into waves in developing sea. Progress in Oceanography, 186: 102376.

5. Lin X.*, Chamecki M., Yu X. (2020). Aerodynamic and deposition effects of street trees on PM2.5 concentration: from street to neighborhood scale. Building and Environment, 185: 107291. 

6. Shi H., Si P., Yu X.* (2019). A two-phase SPH model for massive sediment motion in free surface flows. Advances in Water Resources, 129: 80-98.

7. Si P., Shi H., Yu X.* (2019). A general frictional-collisional model for dense granular flows. Landslides, 16: 485-496.

8. Si P., Shi H., Yu X.* (2018). A general numerical model for surface waves generated by granular material intruding into a water body. Coastal Engineering, 142: 42-51.

9. Si P., Shi H., Yu X.* (2018). Development of a mathematical model for submarine granular flows. Physics of Fluids, 30: 083302.

10. Liang L., Yu X.*, Bombardelli F. (2018). A general formulation of relative motion between two phases in sediment-laden water flows. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 109: 63-83. 

11. Chen Y., Zhang F.*, Green B. W., Yu X.* (2018). Impacts of ocean cooling and reduced wind drag on Hurricane Katrina (2005) based on numerical simulations. Monthly Weather Review, 146: 287-306. 

12. Wen H., Ren B.*, Zhang X., Yu X. (2018). SPH modeling of wave transformation over a coral reef with seawall. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 145(1): 04018026

13. Wen H., Ren B.*, Yu X. (2018). An improved SPH model for turbulent hydrodynamics of a 2D oscillating water chamber. Ocean Engineering, 150: 152-166.

14. Lin X., Chamecki M.*, Katul G. G., Yu X. (2018). Effects of leaf area index and density on ultrafine particle deposition onto forest canopies: A LES study. Atmospheric Environment, 189: 153-163. 

15. Si P., Aaron J., McDougall S., Lu J., Yu X.*, Roberts N., Clague J. J. (2018). A non-hydrostatic model for the numerical study of landslide-generated waves. Landslides, 15:711–726. 

16. Shi H., Yu X.*, Dalrymple R. A. (2017). Development of a two-phase SPH model for sediment laden flows. Computer Physics Communications, 221: 259-272.

17. Liang L., Yu X.*, Bombardelli F. (2017). A general mixture model for sediment laden flows. Advances in Water Resources, 107: 108–125. 

18. Chen Y., Yu X.* (2017). Sensitivity of storm wave modeling to wind stress evaluation methods. Journal of Advances in Modelling Earth System, 9: 893–907. 

19. Chen Y., Yu X.* (2016). Enhancement of wind stress evaluation method under storm conditions. Climate Dynamics, 47: 3833-3843.

20. Liu Y., Yu X.* (2016). A coupled phase-field and volume-of-fluid method for accurate representation of limiting water wave deformation. Journal of Computational Physics, 321: 459-475. 

21. Liang T., Yu X.* (2016). A numerical study of sea-spray aerosol motion in a coastal thermal internal boundary layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 160: 347-361. 

22. Liang T., Chamecki M., Yu X. (2016). Sea salt aerosol deposition in the coastal zone: A large eddy simulation study. Atmospheric Research, 180: 119-127. 

23. Yu X.*, Niu X., Zhou H. (2015). Statistical law for tropical cyclone motion in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. International Journal of Climatology, 36: 1700-1707. 

24. Lin X., Yu X.* (2015). A finite difference method for effective treatment of mild-slope wave equation subject to non-reflecting boundary conditions. Applied Ocean Research, 53: 179-189. 

25. Chen X., Yu X.* (2015). A numerical study on oscillatory flow-induced sediment motion over vortex ripples. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45:228-246. 

26. Shi H., Yu, X.* (2015). An effective Euler-Lagrange model for suspended sediment transport by open channel flows. International Journal of Sediment Research, 30: 361-370. 

27. Niu X., Yu X. (2014). Numerical study on wave propagation over a fluid-mud layer with different bottom conditions, Ocean Dynamics, 64(2):293-300. 

28. Chen X., Niu X., Yu X.* (2013). Near-bed sediment condition in oscillatory sheet flows. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering (ASCE), 139(5):393-403. 

29. Shi H., Yu X.* (2013). Application of transport timescales to coastal environmental assessment: A case study. Journal of Environmental Management, 130:176-184.

30. Niu X., Yu X.* (2012). An analytic solution for combined wave diffraction and refraction around a vertical cylinder with idealized scour pit. Coastal Engineering, 67:80-87. 

31. Hu Y., Niu X., Yu X.* (2012). Large eddy simulation of wave breaking over muddy seabed. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 24(2):298-304. 

32. Chen X., Li Y., Niu X., Chen D., Yu X.* (2011). A two-phase approach to wave-induced sediment transport under sheet flow conditions. Coastal Engineering, 58(11):1072-1088. 

33. Chen X., Li Y., Niu X., Li M., Chen D., Yu X.* (2011). A general two-phase turbulent flow model applied to the study of sediment transport in open channels. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 37(9): 1099-1108. 

34. Niu X., Yu X.* (2011). Analytical Solution of Long Wave Propagation over a Submerged Hump. Coastal Engineering, 58(2): 143-150. 

35. Niu X., Yu X.* (2011). Analytical study on long wave refraction over a dredge excavation pit. Wave Motion, 48(3): 259-267. 

36. Niu X., Yu X.* (2011). Long Wave Scattering by a Vertical Cylinder with Idealized Scour Pit. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 137(6):279-285. 

37. Liu Y., Niu X., Yu X.* (2011). A new predictive formula for inception of regular wave breaking. Coastal Engineering, 58(9): 877-889. 

38. Hua L., Yu X. (2009). An enhanced element-free Galerkin method for dynamics response of poroelastic seabed. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 21(3): 429-435.

39. Hua L., Yu X. (2009). Element-free Galerkin method for response of stratified seabed under wave action. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 21(4): 550-556.

40. Niu X., Yu X. (2008). A practical model for decay of random waves on muddy beaches. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 20(3): 288-292. 

41. Lu J., Yu X. (2008). Numerical study of solitary wave fission over an underwater step. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 20(3): 398-402.

42. Li B., Yu X., Yu Y. (2007). Nonlinear dynamics of nearshore irregular waves: a three-dimensional numerical model. Coastal Engineering Journal, 49(2): 103-126.

43. Li B., Yu X., Yu Y. (2006). Three-dimensional numerical simulation of oblique wave action on vertical walls. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 25(1): 147-153.

44. Li B., Yu X., Yu Y. (2005). A 2-D Numerical Irregular Wave Tank and Its Verification. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 17(2): 222-227.

45. Yu X., Zhang B. (2003), An extended analytic solution for combined diffraction and diffraction of long waves over a circular shoal, Ocean Engineering, 30(10), 1253-1267.

46. Yu X. (2002), Functional performance of a submerged and essentially horizontal plate for offshore wave control: a review, Coastal Engineering Journal, 44(2): 127-147. 

47. Yu X. (1998). Finite difference methods for the reduced water wave equation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 154: 265-280.

48. Yu X. (1996). Finite analytic method for the mild slope wave equation. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 122(2): 109-115.

49. Yu X. (1996). Oscillations in a coupled bay-river system. 1. Analytic solution. Coastal Engineering, 28: 147-164.

50. Yu X., Togashi H. (1996). Oscillations in a coupled bay-river system. 2. Numerical method. Coastal Engineering, 28: 165-182.

51. Yu X., Isobe M., Watanabe A. (1995). Wave breaking over submerged horizontal plate, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 121(2): 105-113.

52. Yu X. (1995). Diffraction of water waves by porous breakwaters. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 121(6): 275-282.

53. Yu X., Chwang A. T. (1994). Wave induced oscillation in harbor with porous breakwaters. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 120(2): 125-144.

54. Yu X., Chwang A. T.  (1994). Water waves above submerged porous plate. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 120(6): 1270-1282.

55. Yu X., Chwang A. T.  (1994). Wave motion through porous structures. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 120(5): 989-1008.

56. Yu X., Chwang A. T.  (1993). Analysis of wave scattering by submerged circular disk. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 119(9): 1804-1917.
