
Research Areas
Reasearch Areas

The influence of underground construction on adjacent structures and environment;

Anti-earthquake research of underground structures and soil dynamics;

Foundations and embankments;

Geotechnical disaster mitigation;

Geo-synthetic reinforced soil structures;

Geotechnical problems related to new energy exploration;

Ground improvement with biotechnology;

Multi-scale study of the soil behavior;

Planning of urban underground space;

Investigation and evaluation of underground space recourses;

Testing, improvement and protection of existing structures;

Novel cementitious materials;

Hydration mechanism of composite binder containing various mineral admixtures;

High efficient usage of solid industrial waste in building materials;

High Perance Concrete;

HPC for infrastructure;

Volume stability and crack prohibitition;

High volume fly ash concrete;

High flowing concrete;

Ultra-high strength concrete;

Reactive powder concrete;

Concrete pavement;

Workability of fresh concrete;

Utilization of mineral admixtures;

Durability and Service Life of concrete;

Chemical Admixtures;

Building Sealants and Adhesives;

Fracture Mechanics;

Fracture Processes;

Disaster and Prevention;

Computer Drawing in Engineering;

Fundamentals of Civil Engineering CAD Technology;

Objected-Oriented Programming;

Structural Reliability;

Structural Design for Fire Safety;

CAE in Civil and Building Engineering;

Object-Oriented Design Method;

Structural Dynamics;

Fundamentals of Seismic Design;

Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete;

Fire Safety Engineering of Building Structures;

Composite Structures (Concrete Filled Steel Tubes), and Theory and Engineering on System Reliability;

Safety and durability of engineering structures;

Steel-concrete composite structures;

Steel structures;

Reinforced concrete structures;

New reinforced polymer structures;

Earthquake resistance of engineering structures;

Bridge structures;

Inspection assessment and retrofitting technology of structures;

Constitutive and high-temperature perance of engineering materials;

Application of computer technology in civil engineering;

Structural test technology;

Areas of research focus include;

Transportation planning;

Road planning and road policy;

Traffic operations;

Transportation economics and finance;

Ntelligent transportation systems;

Public transportation;

Public Safety of Road and Rail;

Urban Rail and Traffic Junction;

Infrastructure construction and management;

Road Asset Management;

Road environment and landscape;

Airport Engineering;

Subgrade and pavement engineering;

Bridge and Tunnel Engineering;

And so on.