
Zhao Zuozhou
Position: Associate Professor
Address: Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Phone: 010-62788620
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 010-62788620
Educational Background
BA: Sept. 1985 – July. 1990, Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
MA: Sept. 1990 – July. 1992, Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
PhD: Oct. 1997 – Dec. 2001, Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
Work Experience
Jan. 2004-:Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
Aug.2002-Oct. 2002: Senior Research Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
Jan. 2002 – Dec.2003:Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
Oct.1997-Dec. 2001: Ph.D Candidate, Research Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
Jan. 1994 – Sept.1997:Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
Aug.1992-Dec.1993:Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
Teaching Courses
1. Tall Building Structures (undergraduate)
2. Introduction of Seismic Design (undergraduate)
3. Concrete Structures (undergraduate)
4. Large-span Structures and Tall Building Structures (postgraduate student)
Research Interests
1. Structure engineering, analysis and evaluation of structures under earthquake
2. Inspection, evaluation and strengthening of existing structures
3 Behavior of assembled structure systems and innovative structure systems
4. Structural health monitoring
Research Projects
 Seismic behavior and design method of steel reinforced high strength concrete squat wall under high axial force ratio, CNSF project No. 51478243 (2015-2018). Principal Investigator
 Seismic behavior and design method of a RC frame structure with few steel braces, CNSF project No. 51278275 (2013-2016). Principal Investigator
 Seismic behavior and design method of new SRC corner columns under high axial force ratio, CNSF project No. 50978148 (2010-2012). Principal Investigator
 Key technologies on seismic safety of super high-rise building structure (No.2012BAJ07B0102), State key Science and Technical Supporting Project Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST), (2012–2015). Co-Principal Investigator
 Key technologies on energy- saving and seismic retrofitting of existing rural masonry building structures (No.2011BAJ08B0301), State key Science and Technical Supporting Project Ministry of Science & Technology(MOST), (2011–2014). Co-Principal Investigator
 Key technologies on collapse prevention of reinforced concrete frame structures under mega earthquake(No.2009BAJ28B0105), State key Science and Technical Supporting Project Ministry of Science & Technology(MOST), (2009–2012). Co-Principal Investigator
Professional Service
Member of National Post-Earthquake Building Assessment Expert Team(2013–present), Ministry of Housing and Urban –rural Development, China
Member of High-rise Building Professional Committee (2008–present), Member of Building Anti-collapse Committee(2013–present), Member of Composite Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Rural Green Building Technology Committee(2014–present), Seismic design and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Division, Architectural Society of China
Member of the 6th Concrete Structure committee (2009-present), China Engineering Construction Standard Association
Editorial Board of Journal of Beijing University of Technology, reviewer of several journal papers, such as Journal of Building Structures, China Civil Engineering Journal, Engineering Mechanics, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, etc.
Honors and Awards
 2014, the Second Prize of the Award of Science & Technology of Beijing (Rank 6th)
 2013, the second prize of the Award of Science & Technology of Beijing (Rank 6th)
 2011, the First Prize of Beijing Excellent Design of Engineering Project (Rank 5th).
 2010, the First Prize of Science and Technology Advancement Award of China Construction Engineering Group (Rank 7th).
 2010, the Second Prize of Tsinghua University Teaching Achievements (Rank 4th).
Academic Achievement
1. Zhao, Zuozhou, Guan, Hua, Qian, Jiaru. Design method of small scaled shaking table test structural model lacking artificial mass. Journal of Building Structures. 2010,31(7):75-85.

2. Zhao, Zuozhou, Xiao, Ming, Ke, Jianghua, He, Xiaogang, Qian, Jiaru, Guo, Zhonghua, Ma, Bing. Steel plate shear wall with vertical slips and its trial application in a high-rise steel frame building structure. Journal of Building Structures. 2010,31(9):9-15.

3. Zhao, Zuozhou, Pan, Peng, Guan, Hua, Hu, Xiao, Zhang, Yanhong. Shaking table test on the structural model of a large ship lift tower. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration. 2010,30(6):11-19

4. Liu Qingzhi, He Xiaogang, Zhao Zuozhou, Qian Jiaru. Discussion on rational model of RC frame structures without basement. Building Structure, 2010.40(9):49-54.

5. Zhao Zuozhou, Liang, Zhiyuan, Qian, Jiaru. Study on seismic behavior of SRC shear walls under high axial compression ratio. Building Structure, 2009,39(1):41-44.

6. Zhao, Zuozhou, Ke Jianghua, Qian Jiaru, Xu Yan. Seismic behavior of cast-in-place reinforced concrete hollow slab-shear wall joints. Building Structure, 2009,39(9):49-54.

7. Qian, Jiaru, Zhang, Weijing, Zhao, Zuozhou, Pan, Peng, Zhong, Congli, Jiang, Qianzhong. Simulation and monitoring for the construction of the steel roof of the Peking University Gymnasium. China Civil Engineering Journal, 2009.42(2):13-20.

8. Qian, Jiaru, Wei, Yong. Zhao, Zuozhou, Cai, Yiyan, Yu, Yinquan, Shen, Lin. Experimental study on seismic behavior of SRC shear walls with high axial force ratio. Journal of Building Structures. 2008,28(2):43-50.

9. Hou, Jie, Qian, Jiaru, Zhao, Zuozhou; Pan, Peng. Research on fire detection and putting out technology for high and large-span space buildings. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Urban Science Edition), 2008,25(4):196-204.

10. Zhao Z.Z., Dong H.J., Qian J.R., Shaking table test and numerical analysis on structural model of Beijing New-Poly Plaza,The 14thWCEE,Beijing,Oct.13-17,2008,05-06-0061.

11. Zhang G., Zhao Z.Z., Qian J.R.,Seismic performance and shear resisting capacity of steel plate reinforced concrete coupling beam,The 14thWCEE,Beijing,Oct.13-17,2008,05-05-0020.

12. Zhao Zuozhou, Qian Jiaru, Peng Mingying, Fan Zhong, Peng Yi. Tension tests of steel twisted box-section element of the National Stadium. Journal of Building Structures. 2007,28(2):104-111.

13. Zhao Zuozhou, Qian Jiaru, Peng Mingying, Fan Zhong, Peng Yi. Tension tests of elbow-shaped steel external column model of the National Stadium. Journal of Building Structures. 2007,28(2):120-125.

14. Qian Jiaru, Zhao Zuozhou, Duan An, Xia Zufeng, Wang Mingdan. Pseudo-dynamic tests of a 1:10 model of pre-stressed concrete containment vessel for CNP1000 nuclear power plant. China Civil Engineering Journal, 2007.40(6):7-13+53.

15. Wei Yong. Qian Jiaru, Zhao Zuozhou, Cai Yiyan, Yu Yinquan, Shen Lin. Lateral loading experiment of SRC Low shear walls with high axial force ratio. Industrial Construction. 2007,37(6):76-79.

16. Dong Huijun, Zhao Zuozhou, Qian Jiaru, Shi Peng, Jiang Zhongjie. Shaking Table Test on the Structural Model of Beijing New Poly Plaza, Building Structure, 2007.37(4):14-17.

17. Zhao Zuozhou, Xiao Ming, Qian Jiaru, Ke Jianghua. Experimental study on seismic behavior of steel plate shear walls with vertical slits. Building Structure, 2007.37(12):105-109.

18. Zhao Zuozhou, Qian Jiaru, Yang Xuebing, Zhu Wenyan. Experimental Study on Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Column-steel Beam Subassemblies, Building Structure, 2006.36 (8):69- 73.

19. Z.Z. Zhao, J.R. Qian, G. Zhang and L. Shen, Seismic behavior of steel plate reinforced concrete coupling beam under reversed cyclic loading, Proceedings of the Tenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-10),3-5 August 2006,Bangkok,Thailand,Vol.3,405-411.

20. Qian Jiaru, Kang Zhao, Zhao Zuozhou, Luo Lin, Liu Qingren, Zhang Hong-yuan. Displacement-based seismic safety assessment of existing municipal bridges. Engineering Mechanics. 2006.23(S1):194-202.

21. Qian Jiaru, Hu Xiaobin, Zhao Zuozhou, Fu Xueyi, Gu Lei. Cyclic lateral loading test on a sub-structure model of the National Swimming Center. China Civil Engineering Journal, 2006,39(9):1-7+53.