
Tao Muxuan
Position:Associate Professor (with Tenure)
Address:Dept. Civil Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China 100084
E-mail: [email protected]
Personal Homepage
Educational Background
BA: Aug. 2003 – July. 2007, Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
PhD: Aug.2007 – July. 2012, Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
Work Experience
2012.07-2014.12: Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
2014.12-2016.06: Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
2016.07-2016.12: Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
2016.12-2019.02: Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
2019.02-present: Associate Professor (with Tenure), Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
Teaching Courses
1. Design of Concrete Structures (Course for undergraduates)
2. Principle of Reinforced Concrete (Course for graduates)
Research Interests
Dr. Tao Mu-Xuan has a very wide range of research interests in the field of steel-concrete composite structures. In particular, for the application of composite structures at the system level, Dr. Tao is carrying out intensive explorations in the aspects of fundamental research and key technology development. The research focus mainly includes the following three aspects:
1. Mechanism and Design Method of Slab Composite Effect in Composite Structural Systems
The slab composite effect is a mechanical behavior that can best reflect the intrinsic characteristics of composite structural systems. It is the result of the out-of-plane and in-plane coupling effect under combined vertical and lateral loads. Only by thoroughly understanding the complex mechanical mechanism of this effect, can it be possible to obtain the scientific design method of composite structural systems applied in seismic areas. The final goal of this research is to propose the seismic design method of composite frame beams.
2. New High-Efficiency Numerical Models for Elaborate Simulation of Structural Systems
One-dimensional and two-dimensional structural members are the two most widely used components in the structural system. Therefore, advances of the traditional one-dimensional fiber beam-column element and two-dimensional layered shell element to realize the elaborate simulations of a series of critical complex effects, such as shear lag, shear nonlinearity, bond slip, crack width, punching shear and shear sliding etc., will be helpful to develop more powerful high-performance numerical simulation technologies and software platforms for the structural system. The final goal of this study is to develop numerical simulate packages for nonlinear analysis of structural systems COMPONA-FIBER/SHELL.
3. Performance Assessment of High-Performance Composite/Mixed Structural Systems
There are many types of composite/mixed structural systems. In addition to the most commonly used composite frame and composite frame-concrete core tube structural systems in the engineering practice, there are also various innovative high-performance systems such as hybrid frame systems, gravity-lateral force separable systems, composite/mix systems using novel high-performance composite structural components, and composite/mix systems using energy dissipation components. In order to find reliable design control indices for these systems, it is necessary to find powerful comprehensive performance assessment technology of composite/mix structural systems. The final goal of this study is to find quantitative indices for comprehensive performance assessment of composite/mixed structural systems.
Research Projects
1. Steel-concrete composite structures (National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI, 2018.1~2020.12)
2. Industrialization technology and demonstration of prefabricated buildings using flat plate steel structural systems (Project of the National Key Research Program of China, PI, 2017.7~2020.12)
3. Research on in-plane nonlinear behavior of composite frame slab considering the out-of-plane composite effect under strong earthquake (General Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI, 2019.1~2022.12)
4. Research on efficient model for elaborate seismic catastrophe simulation of high-rise composite structural systems (General Project of the National Natural Science Fund of China, PI, 2014.1~2017.12)
5. XXHSRGD (Sub Project of the National Key Research Program of China, Secret Project, PI, 2016.10~2017.12)
6. Basic theory and efficient model for elaborate simulation of structural cracking behavior (General Project of the National Natural Science Fund of Beijing, PI, 2016.1~2018.12)
7. Research on quantitative evaluation of deformation mechanism and failure mode for composite frames (Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program, PI, 2016.1~2018.12)
8. Research on mechanism and full-process quantitative prediction model of cracking behavior of engineering structures (Open Project of the State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, PI, 2015.12~2017.10)
9. Research on numerical model for elaborate seismic analysis of composite structural systems (Special Financial Grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, PI, 2013.7~2014.6)
10. Research on slab composite action in composite frame systems considering spatial cracking coupling effect (General Financial Grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, PI, 2012.10~2014.6)
Professional Service
1. Deputy Secretary General of Steel-Concrete Composite Structure Branch of China Steel Construction Society.
2. Editorial board member of the structural engineering discipline in Encyclopedia of China.
3. Co-Chairman of the Innovative Bridge Maintenance and Strengthening Materials Technical Committee of World Transport Convention (WTC).
4. Contributions to codes and standards: General Specification for Composite Structures (National Code, Member of drafting committee); Code for design of steel-concrete composite structures (Standard of Power Industry, Member of drafting committee); Guideline for design of steel-concrete composite bridges (Standard of China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization, Member of drafting committee); Standard for composite bridges with corrugated steel webs (Standard of Urban Construction Industry, Member of consulting committee).
Honors and Awards
Awards for Research Projects:
1. 2012, State Technological Invention Award issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, First Prize, Ranking 3.
2. 2018, State Science and Technology Progress Innovation Team Award issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, First Prize, Ranking 4.
3. 2016, State Science and Technology Progress Award issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, Second Prize, Ranking 5.
4. 2015, Science and Technology Award issued by the Government of Tianjin City, First Prize, Ranking 7.
5. 2014, Science and Technology Award issued by the China Railway Engineering Corporation, Second Prize, Ranking 3.
6. 2012, Science and Technology Award issued by the Government of Beijing City, Third Prize, Ranking 4.
7. 2017, China Civil Engineering Zhan Tianyou Award issued by the China Civil Engineering Society, Ranking 6.
8. 2017, China Construction Science and Technology Award issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China, Second Prize, Ranking 7.
9. 2010, Zhan Tianyou Prestress Technology Award issued by the Beijing Zhan Tianyou Civil Engineering Science and Technology Development Foundation, Second Prize, Ranking 2.
10. 2018, National Design Innovation Competition Award of Prefabricated Steel Building Structures issued by the China Steel Construction Society, Special Award, Ranking 10.

Awards for Academic Papers:
1. 2012, Outstanding Paper Award issued by the China Civil Engineering Society, First Prize (first author).
2. 2018, Award for 40 classical academic papers for the 40th Anniversary of the Founding of Journal of Building Structures (second author).
3. 2018, Editor’s Choice in Vol. 23 Issue 11 of Journal of Bridge Engineering-ASCE (corresponding author).
4. 2009, Zhan Tianyou Prestress Excellent Paper Award issued by the Beijing Zhan Tianyou Civil Engineering Science and Technology Development Foundation, Second Prize (second author).
5. 2017, Outstanding Paper Award of the 26th National Structural Engineering Conference issued by the Committee of structural Engineering and the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, First Prize (first author).

1. 2017, National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation issued by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
2. 2014, Top 10 Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellow Award issued by Tsinghua University.
3. 2012, Top 10 Doctoral Students Scholar Award issued by Tsinghua University.
4. 2010, National Scholar Award for Excellent Doctoral Students issued by the China Ministry of Education.
5. 2015, Key Talent Supporting Fund issued by Tsinghua University.
6. 2012, Postdoctoral Supporting Fund issued by Tsinghua University.
7. 2012, Distinguished Ph.D. Dissertation Award (First Prize) issued by Tsinghua University.
8. 2012, Honor for Excellent Ph.D. Graduates issued by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education.
9. 2012, Honor for Excellent Ph.D. Graduates issued by Tsinghua University.
Academic Achievement
1. Tao M X*, Nie J G. Fiber beam-column model considering slab spatial composite effect for nonlinear analysis of composite frame systems. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 2014, 140(1): 04013039.
2. Ding R, Tao M X*, Nie J G, Mo Y L. Shear deformation and sliding-based fiber beam-column model for seismic analysis of reinforced concrete coupling beams. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 2016, 142(7): 04016032.
3. Ding R, Nie X, Tao M X*. Fiber beam-column element considering flange contribution for steel links under cyclic loads. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 2018, 144(9): 04018131.
4. Nie J G, Pan W H, Tao M X*, Zhu Y Z. Experimental and numerical investigations of composite frames with innovative composite transfer beams. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 2017, 143(7): 04017041.
5. Nie J G, Tao M X*, Cai C S, Li S J. Deformation analysis of prestressed continuous steel-concrete composite beams. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 2009, 135(11): 1377-1389.
6. Wang J J, Zhou M, Nie X, Fan J S, Tao M X*. Simplified design method for the shear capacity of steel plate shear-strengthened reinforced-concrete beams. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2018, 23(11): 04018089.
7. Nie J G, Zhu Y J, Tao M X*, Guo C R, Li Y X. Optimized prestressed continuous composite girder bridges with corrugated steel webs. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2017, 22(2): 04016121.
8. Tao M X*, Nie J G. Multi-scale modeling for deformation mechanism analysis of composite joint substructures. Engineering Structures, 2016, 118: 55-73.
9. Zhou M, Xu L Y, Tao M X*, Fan J S, Hajjar J F, Nie J G. Experimental study on confining-strengthening, confining-stiffening, and fractal cracking of circular concrete filled steel tubes under axial tension. Engineering Structures, 2017, 133: 186-199.
10. Tao M X*, Fan J S, Nie J G. Seismic behavior of steel reinforced concrete column-steel truss beam hybrid joints. Engineering Structures, 2013, 56: 1557-1569.
11. Nie J G, Tao M X*. Slab spatial composite effect in composite frame systems. I: Effective width for ultimate loading capacity. Engineering Structures, 2012, 38(5): 171-184.
12. Nie J G, Tao M X*. Slab spatial composite effect in composite frame systems. II: Equivalent stiffness and verifications. Engineering Structures, 2012, 38(5): 185-199.
13. Tao M X*, Nie J G. Element mesh, section discretization and material hysteretic laws for fiber beam-column elements of composite structural members. Materials and Structures, 2015, 48(8): 2521-2544.
14. Ding R, Tao M X*, Zhou M, Nie J G. Seismic behavior of RC structures with absence of floor slab constraints and large mass turbine as a non-conventional TMD: a case study. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2015, 13(11): 3401-3422.
15. Pan W H, Tao M X*, Nie J G. Fiber beam-column element model considering reinforcement anchorage slip in the footing. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 15(3): 991–1018.
16. Wang J J, Tao M X*, Nie X. Fracture energy-based model for average crack spacing of reinforced concrete considering size effect and concrete strength variation. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 148: 398-410.
17. Xu L Y, Nie X, Tao M X*. Rational modeling for cracking behavior of RC slabs in composite beams subjected to a hogging moment. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 192: 357-365.
18. Nie J G, Tao M X*, Cai C S, Chen G. Modeling and investigation of elasto-plastic behavior of steel-concrete composite frame systems. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2011, 67(12): 1973-1984.
19. Xu L Y, Tao M X*, Zhou M. Analytical model and design formulae of circular CFSTs under axial tension. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2017, 133: 214-230.
20. Zhou M, Fan J S, Tao M X*, Nie J G. Experimental study on the tensile behaviour of square concrete-filled steel tubes. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2016, 121: 202-215.
21. Tao M X*, Nie J G, Fan J S, Pan W H, Wang J J, Liu C. Development trends and path for China’s civil and structural engineering science and technology to 2035. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2017, 19(1): 79-85.