
Fan Jiansheng
Name: Fan Jiansheng
Title: Professor
Address: Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing
Tel: +86-10-62788615
E-mail: [email protected]
Educational Background
Ph.D. in Structural Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2003
B.Eng. in Structural Engineering, Tsinghua University, 1998
Work Experience
2011-, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Professor
2017-, Institute of Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Director
2009-2010, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UIUC, Visiting Scholar
2006-2011, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Associate Professor
2003-2006, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Assistant Professor
Teaching Courses
Design of reinforced concrete structure
Design of masonry structure
Failure analysis of structures
Research Interests
1. Steel-concrete composite structures
2. Bridge engineering
3. Structural inspection and assessment, etc.
Research Projects
1. Project supported by the state major program of National Natural Science of China, 51890901, Research on high durable concrete structures, 2019/01-2023/12, PI
2. Project supported by the National Science Foundation for distinguished young scholars of China, 51725803, Steel-concrete composite structures, 2018/01-2022/12, PI
3. National key research and development program, 2017YFC0703400, Research and demonstration application of high performance composite structure system, 2017/07-2020/06, PI
4. Research program of Tsinghua University, 2015THZ09010, Principle verification and experimental study of high performance concrete structure, 2016/01-2018/12, PI
5. National natural science foundation of China, 51542801, Sixth international symposium on structural innovation and sustainable development of civil engineering, 2015/07-2015/12, PI
6. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 51478245, Study on temperature field and temperature effect of steel-concrete composite bridge, 2015/01-2018/12, PI
7. National Natural Science Foundation of China for distinguished young scholars, 51222810, Steel-concrete composite structures, 2013/01-2015/12, PI
8. Special research found for the doctoral program of higher education, 20120002110003, Study on shear degradation mechanism in core zone of steel-concrete composite joints, 2013/01-2015/12, PI
9. National Science and Technology Support Program, 2011BAJ09B02-01, Bridge system ofnew urban composite structure and the design method, 2012/01-2015/12, PI
10. Program of Natural Science Foundation of Beijing, 8122026, Study on key issues of steel plate-concrete composite structures, 2012/01-2014/12, PI
11. Research Program of Tsinghua University, 2012Z06117, Research on key problems of composite structure applied to railway hub complex, 2012/07-2015/06, PI
12. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 51078206, Study on seismic behavior of composite bridge under combined bending and torsion, 2011/01-2013/12, PI
13. Ministry of Railways-Tsinghua University Science and Technology Research Fund, J2010Z063, Study on key seismic problems of new type high pier long span railway bridge, 2010/01-2011/12, PI
14. Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, NCET-08-0318, Study on basic mechanical behavior of corrugated steel web-CFT composite bridge, 2009/01-2011/12, PI
15. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 90815006, Study on seismic behavior of steel-concrete composite structures considering bidirectional load, 2009/01-2011/12, PI
16. Ministry of Railways Science and Technology Research and Development Project, 2008G007-D, Research on technology and design of steel-concrete composite rigid frame bridge for high speed railway, 2008/01-2009/12, PI
Professional Service
Editorial member of Journal of Building Structures, Building Structures and Progress in Steel Building Structures
China Civil Engineering Society, Council member
Bridge and Structural Engineering Branch of China Civil Engineering Society, Executive Member
Expert Committee of China Steel Construction Society, Deputy secretary general
Composite Structure Branch of China Steel Construction Society, Vice president
Building Structure Branch of China Architectural Society, Executive Member
Bridge and Structural Engineering Branch of China Highway and Transportation Society, Executive Member
Expert Committee of Structural Engineering of China Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Society, committee member
Expert Committee of Structure of China Nuclear Industry Investigation & Design Association, committee member
Expert Committee of Civil Engineering of Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering, committee member
Honors and Awards
National science and technology progress award (First prize, innovation team, 2018)
National technology invention award (First prize, 2012)
National science and technology progress award (Second prize, 2003)
National science fund for distinguished young scholars (2017)
Leading talents in science and technology innovation awarded by the Ten thousand-talent scheme (2016)
Yangtze river scholars distinguished professor (2015)
Youth science and technology innovation leader awarded by the ministry of science and technology (2015)
The national science fund for excellent young scholars (2012)
New century excellent talents awarded by the ministry of science and technology (2008)
Academic Achievement
[1] Gou Shuangke, Ding, Ran, Fan Jiansheng, Nie Xin, Zhang Jun. Seismic performance of a novel precast concrete beam-column connection using low-shrinkage engineered cementitious composites. Construction and Building Materials. 2018, 192: 643-656, DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.10.103
[2] Wang Jia-Ji, Zhou Meng, Nie Xin, Fan Jian-Sheng, Tao Mu-Xuan. Simplified design method for the shear capacity of steel plate shear-strengthened reinforced-concrete beams. Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 2018, 23(11), 04018089, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001310
[3] Pan Wen-Hao, Eatherton Matthew R., Nie Xin, Fan Jian-Sheng. Stability and adequate bracing design of pretensioned cable-braced inverted-Y-shaped ferris wheel support system using matrix structural second-order analysis approach. Journal of structural Engineering, ASCE, 2018, 144(10), 04018194, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002185
[4] Pan Wen-Hao, Eatherton Matthew R, Nie Xin, Fan Jian-Sheng. Design of pre-tensioned cable-stayed buckling-restrained braces considering interrelationship between bracing strength and stiffness requirements. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2018, 144(10), 04018169, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002162
[5] Guo Yu-Tao, Tao Mu-Xuan, Nie Xin, Qiu Sheng-Yuan, Tang Liang, Fan Jian-Sheng. Experimental and theoretical studies on the shear resistance of steel-concrete-steel composite structures with bidirectional steel webs. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2018, 144(10), 04018172, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002182
[6] Pan Wen-Hao, Tao Mu-Xuan, Nie Xin, Fan Jian-Sheng. Rebar anchorage slip macromodel considering bond stress distribution: monotonic loading and model application. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2018, 144(8), 04018097, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002096
[7] Wang Jia-Ji, Tao Mu-Xuan, Fan Jian-Sheng, Nie Xin. Seismic behavior of steel plate reinforced concrete composite shear walls under tension-bending-shear combined cyclic load. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2018, 144(7), 04018075, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002073
[8] Zheng Xuan, Zhang Jun, Wang Qing, Fan Jiansheng. Flexural performance of high strength engineered cementitious composite-steel beam coupling with shrinkage load. Construction and building materials, 2018, 191(10): 932-941, DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.10.071
[9] Ran Ding, Xin Nie, Mu-Xuan Tao, Jian-Sheng Fan. Fishbone-shaped beam–column model for steel outrigger truss–concrete wall composite joints. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018, 145(6): 386-396, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2018.02.037
[10] Qing Wang, Jun Zhang, Jiansheng Fan, Xuan Zheng. Cracking load of high strength ECC-steel composite bridge deck with impact of shrinkage stress -Test and simulation. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 202: 174-201, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2018.09.018
[11] Shi Zhengjie, Fan Jiansheng. Analytical investigation on effective elastic stiffness of eccentric steel beam-column joints. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2018, 21(1): 125-137
[12] Li-Yan Xu, Mu-Xuan Tao, Xin Nie, Jian-Sheng Fan, Ertugrul Taciroglu. Modeling techniques for strain-range-dependent hardening behavior of low-yield-point steel shear panel dampers. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2017, 143(12): 04017172, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001896
[13] Cheng Liu, Jong-Woong Park, B F Spencer Jr, Do-Soo Moon, Jiansheng Fan. Sensor fusion for structural tilt estimation using an acceleration-based tilt sensor and a gyroscope. Smart Materials and Structures, 2017, 26: 105005
[14] Xiao-Gang Liu, Jian-Sheng Fan, Yu-Fei Liu, Qing-Rui Yue, Jian-Guo Nie. Experimental research of replaceable Q345GJ steel shear links considering cyclic buckling and plastic overstrength. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2017, 134(7): 160-179
[15] Xin Nie, Yue Yang, Jiansheng Fan, Y. L. Mo, Jianguo Nie. Experimental study on steel jacket-concrete composite connections. Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 2017, 22(4), 04016138, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001007
[16] Yu-Tao Guo, Mu-Xuan Tao, Xin Nie, Jian-Sheng Fan. Rigidity and moment distribution of steel-concrete composite waffle floor systems considering the spatial effect. Engineering Structures, 2017, 143: 498-510. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2017.04.04
[17] Zhou Meng, Xu Li-Yan, Tao Mu-Xuan, Fan Jian-Sheng, Hajjar Jerome F, Nie Jian-Guo. Experimental study on confining-strengthening, confining-stiffening, and fractal cracking of circular concrete filled steel tubes under axial tension. Engineering Structures, 2017, 133(2): 186-199
[18] Xu Li-Yan, Nie Xin, Fan Jian-Sheng. Cyclic behaviour of low-yield-point steel shear panel dampers. Engineering Structures, 2016, 126: 391-404, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.08.002
[19] Xi Cheng, Xin Nie, Jiansheng Fan. Structural performance and strength prediction of steel-to-concrete box girder deck transition zone of hybrid steel-concrete cable-stayed bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 2016, 21(11), 04016083, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000958
[20] Pan Wen-Hao, Fan Jian-Sheng, Nie Jian-Guo, Hu Jian-Hua, Cui Jian-Feng. Experimental study on tensile behavior of wet joints in a prefabricated composite deck system composed of orthotropic steel deck and ultrathin reactive-powder concrete layer. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2016, 21(10), 04016064, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000935
[21] Meng Zhou, Jian-Sheng Fan, Mu-Xuan Tao, Jian-Guo Nie. Experimental study on the tensile behavior of square concrete-filled steel tubes. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2016, 121(6): 202-215, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2016.02.002
[22] Yue Yang, Jingbo Liu, Jiansheng Fan. Buckling behavior of double-skin composite walls: An experimental and modeling study. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2016, 121(6): 126-135, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2016.01.019
[23] Xiaowei Ma, JianguoNie, Jiansheng Fan. Longitudinal stiffness of multispan suspension bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 2016, 21(5), 06015010, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000878
[24] Liyan Xu, Xin Nie, Jiansheng Fan, Muxuan Tao, Ran Ding. Cyclic hardening and softening behavior of the low yield point steel BLY160: Experimental response and constitutive modeling. International Journal of Plasticity, 2016, 78(3): 44-63
[25] Hong-Song Hu, Jian-Guo Nie, Jian-Sheng Fan, Mu-Xuan Tao, Yu-Hang Wang, Sheng-Yong Li. Seismic behavior of CFST-enhanced steel plate-reinforced concrete shear walls. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2016, 119(3): 176-189, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2015.12.010
[26] Yu-Fei Liu, Soojin Cho, B. F. Spencer Jr., Jian-Sheng Fan. Concrete crack assessment using digital image processing and 3D scene reconstruction. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 2016, 30(1): 04014124, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000446