Educational Background
2000-2005. Ph.D. in Civil Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
1996-2000. B.Eng. in Civil Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Work Experience
June.2022 – Present. Professor (Tenured), Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, ChinaAug.2020 – Present. Director of Institute of Transportation Engineering and Geomatics, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
July.2019 – June. 2022. Associate Professor (Tenured), Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
Aug.2017 - June.2019. Associate Professor (Tenure-track), Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
Nov.2012 - Nov.2013. Visiting Scholar, Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
Dec.2010 - July.2017. Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
July.2010 - Oct.2010. Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
Aug.2005 - Dec.2010. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
Teaching Courses
For Undergraduates
– Traffic Information and Control (32 Credit Hours, Core Course, 10-30 Students each year, 2006-)
– Transportation Planning (32 Credit Hours, Core Course, 30-60 Students each year, 2014-)
– Introduction of Intelligent Transportation System (32 Credit Hours, Core Course, 20-30 Students each year, 2009-2012)
For Graduates
– Transport Economics (24 Credit Hours, 7-16 Students each year, 2006-2020)
– Traffic Flow Theory (24 Credit Hours, 7-15 Students each year, 2009-)
– Traffic Operation (48 Credit Hours, 5-8 Students each year, 2006, 2008, 2013)
Research Interests
Traffic condition estimation and prediction
Traffic management and Travel demand characteristic analysis
Study on intelligent transportation system development and application
Research Projects
[1]. NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China) Key Project. Theory and methodology study for intelligent traffic signal control for new generation vehicle to infrastructure (PI). 2022.1-2025.12
[2]. MOST(Ministry of science and technology) State Major Research Program. Intelligent modeling and simulation of complex network of transportation infrastructure considering resilience (PI). 2021.12-2024.11
[3]. National office for Philosophy and Social Sciences Major Research Program. Application strategy and technology policy for key technologies research and development of intelligent transportation system (PI). 2021.4-2023.3
[4]. MOST. Autonomous driving lane design and truck queue control research (sub-project) (PI). 2020.1-2022.12
[5]. NSFC. Multi-source data driven time-sequential prediction method for traffic incident spatio-temporal influence range (PI). 2019.1-2022.12
[6]. MOST. Collaborative optimization method of traffic organization and control based on scenarios (sub-project) (PI). 2019.01-2021.12
[7]. NSFC. Research on integrated urban traffic management and control based on robust optimization prediction (PI). 2013.1-2016.12
[8]. NSFC. Coordination of traffic control and route guidance based on travel time reliability (PI). 2010.1-2012.12
[9]. Beijing Natural Science Foundation. Dynamic feedback active management theory and methodology for oversaturated road network (PI). 2016.1-2018.6
[10]. Tsinghua University - Toyota Research Center. Road infrastructure design method study in Automated Vehicles environment (PI). 2019.4-2022.3
[11]. Tsinghua University - Toyota Research Center. Urban traffic management optimization based on simulation (PI). 2018.4-2019.3
[12]. Tsinghua University - Toyota Research Center. Effect study of Intelligent Connected Vehicle (ICV) for urban transportation system based on Microscopic Simulation (PI). 2017.4-2018.3
[13]. NSFC. Big Data based Analysis and Prediction of Urban Human Mobility Patterns during Extreme Weather Events (Co-PI). 2020.1-2023.12
[14]. NSFC. Combined Models and Algorithms of Dynamic Transportation Network Based on Real-Time Origin-Destination Flows Estimation (Co-PI). 2016.1-2019.12
[15]. Global Road Safety Partnership/IFRC. Study of standard of e-bike helmet and implementation effect of mandatory e-bike helmet usage in China (PI). 2020.10-2022.09
[16]. Volkswagen (China) investment Co., Ltd. Study on Autonomous Mini Vehicles (PI). 2019.08-2020.07
[17]. Global Road Safety Partnership/IFRC. Empirical study of the effect of mandatory helmet used by e-bike riders in China (PI). 2019.8-2020.7
[18]. Road Traffic Safety Research Center of the Ministry of Public Security. Strategy study of modern traffic operation (PI). 2018.12-2019.6
Professional Service
Vice Chairman/ General Secretary, Traffic Modeling and Simulation Committee, China Simulation Federation (2017- )
Committee Member, National Technical Committee (SAC/TC576) on Traffic Management of Standardization Administration of China (2018- )
Committee Member, National Technical Committee (SAC/TC155) on Bicycle of Standardization Administration of China (2020- )
Consultative Expert, National urban road traffic civilization and smoothness improvement action plan (Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development) (2017-2020)
Vice General Secretary, Nation Road Traffic Management Technique Research Center (2012- )
Council Member, Beijing Traffic Engineering Association (2017- )
Council Member, Urban transportation Committee, China Highway and Transportation Society (2020- )
Council Member, Intelligent Vehicle Committee, China Computer Federation (2021- )
Member, Expert Committee of active travel, China Urban Public Transportation Association (2020- )
Member, Integrated Intelligent Transport System Committee, Chinese Association of Automation (2018-2020)
Member, Road Traffic Optimization and Control Committee, China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association (2018-2021)
Consulting expert, Huawei Technologies Co.Ltd; Baidu
Associate Editor, Networks and Spatial Economics (2019- )
Academic Editor, Journal of Advanced Transportation (2020- )
Associate Editor, Journal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation (2021- )
Lead Guest Editor, Transportation Research Part A (2021- )
Young editor, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (top Chinese academic journal) (2021- )
Editor, Road Traffic Science and Technology (In Chinese) (2014- )
Honors and Awards
2017, Second Prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award
2021, First Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award, China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing
2021, Second Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award, China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association
2020, Third Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award, China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association
2020, Third Prize of Huaxia Construction Scientific and Technological Progress Award, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
2018, Second Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award, China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association
2018, Second Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award of Xiamen City
2018, Third Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award of Beijing City
2015, Second Prize of Wu Wen Jun AI Science & Technology Award, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence
2014, Second Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award of Jiangsu Province
2012, Second Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award of Ministry of Public Security
2018, Best Paper Award of 25th Intelligent Transportation System World Congress
2015, Best Paper Award of the 15th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2015)
2021, Award of Outstanding Bachelor Thesis Supervisor, Beijing Municipal Education Commission
2021, Award of Outstanding Graduate (Ph.D) Supervisor, Beijing Municipal Education Commission
2021, Award of Outstanding Bachelor Thesis Supervisor, Tsinghua University
2018, Award of Outstanding Master Degree Dissertation Supervisor, Tsinghua University
2018, Award of Outstanding Bachelor Thesis Supervisor, Tsinghua University
2017 Award of Undergraduate School Principal Scholarship Supervisor, Tsinghua University
2020, Young and middle-aged leaders in scientific and technological innovation, China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association
2017, Outstanding Scientific and Technological Workers, China Simulation Federation
2020, Second Prize, Excellent Textbook, Tsinghua University
2020, Second Prize, The Young Teachers Teaching Competition (Engineering), Tsinghua University
2016, First Prize, Teaching Achievement Award, Tsinghua University
2012, First Prize, Excellent Teaching Software Award, Tsinghua University
2012, First Prize, Excellent Textbook, Tsinghua University
2010, First Prize, Teaching Achievement Award, Tsinghua University
Academic Achievement
1. Book (English only)
[1].Ruimin Li, Zhengbing He, edit. Traffic Information and Control. ISBN: 9781839530258, e-ISBN: 9781839530265, Book DOI: 10.1049/PBTR026E. The Institution of Engineering and Technology. 2020. 11
2. Book Chapters (English only)
[1].Li, Ruimin. Traffic incident management. In: Vickerman, Roger (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Transportation. vol. 4, pp. 122-127. UK: Elsevier Ltd. // 2021
[2].Jianping Wu, Ling Huang, Ruimin Li and Qiu Hongtong. Chapter 15: “Benefits and evaluation of ITS projects – Examples from China” in book “Evaluation of Intelligent Road Transport Systems : Methods and Results” by Meng Lu,ISBN: 978-1-78561-172-8. Indexed in Scopus Book Citation Index,2016
3. Selected Journal Papers (English only)
[1].Zhiyong Liu, Ruimin Li*, Jingchen Dai. Effects and feasibility of shared mobility with shared autonomous vehicles: An investigation based on data-driven modeling approach. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2022, 156: 206–226
[2].Zhiyong Liu, Xiaokun (Cara) Wang, Jingchen Dai, Xiangmin Li, Ruimin Li*. Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on travel behavior in large cities of China: An investigation on the lockdown and reopening phases. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems. 2022, 148(2): 05021011
[3].Yue Ding, Ruimin Li, Xiaokun (Cara) Wang*, Joshua Schmid. Heterogeneity of autonomous vehicle adoption behavior due to peer effects and prior‑AV knowledge. Transportation. //
[4].Jingchen Dai, Ruimin Li*, Zhiyong Liu, Shichao Lin. Impacts of the introduction of autonomous taxi on travel behaviors of the experienced user: Evidence from a one-year paid taxi service in Guangzhou, China. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2021, 130: 103311
[5].Liyang Wang, Ruimin Li*, Changjun Wang, Zhiyong Liu. Driver injury severity analysis of crashes in a western China's rural mountainous county: Taking crash compatibility difference into consideration. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), 2021, 8(5): 703-714,
[6].Jingchen Dai, Ruimin Li*, Zhiyong Liu. Does initial experience affect consumers’ intention to use autonomous vehicles? Evidence from a field experiment in Beijing. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2021, 149: 105778.
[7].Jingchen Dai, Zhiyong Liu, Ruimin Li*. Improving the subway attraction for the post-COVID-19 era: The role of fare-free public transport policy. Transport Policy, 2021, 103: 21–30,
[8].Baichuan Mo, Hui Kong, Hao Wang, Xiaokun (Cara) Wang, Ruimin Li*. Impact of pricing policy change on on-street parking demand and user satisfaction: A case study in Nanning, China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2021, 148: 445–469
[9].Hao Wang, Ruimin Li*, Xiaokun (Cara) Wang, Pan Shang. Effect of on-street parking pricing policies on parking characteristics: A case study of Nanning. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2020, 137: 65-78
[10].Baichuan Mo, Ruimin Li*, Jingchen Dai. Estimating dynamic origin–destination demand: A hybrid framework using license plate recognition data. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2020, 35(7): 734–752.
[11].Xianyuan Zhan⁎, Ruimin Li, Satish V. Ukkusuri. Link-based traffic state estimation and prediction for arterial networks using license-plate recognition data. Transportation Research Part C : Emerging Technologies. 2020, 117: 102660.
[12].Yunduan Lin, Ruimin Li*. Real-time traffic accidents post-impact prediction: Based on crowdsourcing data. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2020, 145: 105696
[13].Pan Shang, Ruimin Li*, Liya Yang. Demand-driven timetable and stop pattern cooperative optimization on an urban rail transit line. Transportation Planning and Technology. 2020, 43(1): 78-100
[14].Zhiyong Liu, Ruimin Li*, Xiaokun (Cara) Wang, Pan Shang. Noncompliance behavior against vehicle restriction policy: A case study of Langfang, China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2020, 132: 1020-1033
[15].Wenbo Zhang, Tho V. Le, Satish V. Ukkusuri, Ruimin Li. Influencing factors and heterogeneity in ridership of traditional and app‑based taxi systems. Transportation. 2020, 47(2): 971-996
[16].Zhiyong Liu, Hongbin Wu, Ruimin Li*. Effects of the penalty mechanism against traffic violations in China: A joint frailty model of recurrent violations and a terminal accident. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2020, 141: 105547
[17].Zhiyong Liu, Ruimin Li*. Will the vehicle restriction policy maintain a long-term deterrent effect?. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2020, 14(6): 562-569
[18].Pan Shang, Ruimin Li*, Jifu Guo, Kai Xian, Xuesong Zhou*. Integrating Lagrangian and Eulerian observations for passenger flow state estimation in an urban rail transit network: A space-time-state hyper network-based assignment approach. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2019, 121: 135-167.
[19].Ruimin Li*, Fanhang Yang, Zhiyong Liu, Pan Shang, Hao Wang. Effect of taxis on emissions and fuel consumption in a city based on license plate recognition data: A case study in Nanning, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 215: 913-925.
[20].Weiwei Zhang, Ruimin Li*, Pan Shang, Hao Liu. Impact Analysis of Rainfall on Traffic Flow Characteristics in Beijing. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 2019, 17(2):150-160
[21].Ruimin Li*, Zhiyong Liu, Ruibo Zhang. Studying the benefits of carpooling in an urban area using automatic vehicle identification data, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2018, 93: 367-380.
[22].Pan Shang, Ruimin Li*, Zhiyong Liu, Liya Yang, Yuqiang Wang. Equity-oriented skip-stopping schedule optimization in an oversaturated urban rail transit network, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2018, 89: 321-343.
[23].Zhiyong Liu, Ruimin Li*, Xiaokun(Cara) Wang, Pan Shang. Effects of vehicle restriction policies: Analysis using license plate recognition data in Langfang, China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice,2018,118: 89-103.
[24].Ruimin Li*, Francisco C. Pereira, Moshe E. Ben-Akiva. Overview of traffic incident duration analysis and prediction. European Transport Research Review, 2018, 10: 22.
[25].Shi Wang, Ruimin Li*, Min Guo. Application of non-parametric regression in predicting traffic incident duration. Transport, 2018, 33(2): 1-10.
[26].Pan Shang, Ruimin Li*, Zhiyong Liu, Kai Xian, Jifu Guo. Timetable Synchronization and Optimization Considering Time-Dependent Passenger Demand in an Urban Subway Network. Transportation Research Record, 2018, 2672(8): 243–254
[27].Pengpeng Jiao, Tuo Sun, Dongyue Li, Han Guo, Ruimin Li*, Zenghao Hou. Real-time Traffic Signal Control for Intersections Based on Dynamic O-D Estimation and Multi-objective Optimization: Combined Model and Algorithm. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2018, 12 (7): 619 - 630.
[28].Baichuan Mo, Ruimin Li*, Xianyuan Zhan. Speed profile estimation using license plate recognition data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2017, 82: 358–378.
[29].Ruimin Li*, Min Guo, Huapu Lu. Analysis of the different duration stages of accidents with hazard-based model. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems research. 2017, 15(1):7-16.
[30].Ruimin Li*, Zhen Ye, Bin Li, Xianyuan Zhan. Simulation of Hard Shoulder Running combined with Queue Warning during Traffic Accident with CTM model. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2017, 11(9): 553 –560.
[31].Ruimin Li*, Min Guo. Effects of odd-even traffic restriction on travel speed and traffic volume: evidence from Beijing Olympic Games. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2016, 3(1): 71-81.
[32].Pan Shang, Ruimin Li*, Liya Yang. Optimization of Urban Single-line Metro Timetable for Total Passenger Travel Time under Dynamic Passenger Demand. Procedia Engineering, 2016: 151-160.
[33].Han Qiu, Ruimin Li*, Hao Liu. Integrated model for traffic flow forecasting under rainy conditions, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2016, 50(8): 1754-1769.
[34].Ruimin Li*, Min Guo. Competing risks analysis on traffic accident duration time. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2015, 49(3): 402-415.
[35].Ruimin Li*, Francisco C. Pereira, Moshe E. Ben-Akiva. Competing risks mixture model for traffic incident duration prediction. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2015, 75:192-201.
[36].Ruimin Li*, Francisco C. Pereira, Moshe E. Ben-Akiva. Competing risk mixture model and text analysis for sequential incident duration prediction. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2015, 54: 74-85.
[37].Ruimin Li*. Traffic incident duration analysis and prediction models based on the survival analysis approach. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 2015, 9(4): 351-358.
[38].Xianyuan Zhan, Ruimin Li, Satish V. Ukkusuri*. Lane-based real-time queue length estimation using license plate recognition data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2015, 57: 85-102.