1.SHI Jing, Urban Road Traffic Planning Design and Operations (2nd edition), China Communications Press, Beijing, 2023.
2.SHI Jing, Social Infrastructure Planning (2nd edition), China Communications Press, Beijing, 2018.
3.SHI Jing, Social Infrastructure Planning, China Communications Press, Beijing, 2009.
4.SHI Jing, Urban Road Traffic Planning Design and Operations, China Communications Press, Beijing, 2006.
5.KITAMURA R, WU G, SHI J, Motorization and Urban Life: Urban and Transport Development Strategies. China Communications Press, Beijing, 2006.
1.SHI Jing, LUO Ling, LIN Hong, ZHANG Qi. A combined solar light board, CN201810455996.3 (Patent of invention)
2.LIN Hong, ZHANG Qi, SHI Jing, WEI Ya Xuan. A fluorescent light solar lighting systems, CN201810179430.2 (Patent of invention)
3.LIN Hong, ZHANG Qi, SHI Jing, ZHOU Yang Ying. A fire early warning system, CN201810149034.5 (Patent of invention)
4.SHI Jing, QU Zhen, LIN Hong. Road safety marking device, 2015202822759 (Utility model patent)
1. Qian Qian, Jing Shi. Comparison of injury severity between E-bikes-related and other two-wheelers-related accidents: Based on an accident dataset. Accident Analysis & Prevention28 June 2023
2. Baikejuli M, Shi J. A cellular automata model for car-truck heterogeneous traffic flow considering drivers’ risky driving behaviors. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2023, 2350154.
3. Baikejuli, Muladilijiang; Shi, Jing; Qian, Qian. Mobile phone use among truck drivers: The application and extension of the theory of planned behavior;Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2023, 179:106894.
4. Muladilijiang Baikejuli & Jing Shi. Truck drivers’ self-reported engagement in overloading: An application of the extended theory of planned behavior. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security. 10 Aug 2023.
5. Shi, J ;Hussain, M ;Peng, DD. A study of aberrant driving behaviors and road accidents in Chinese ride-hailing drivers. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION SAFETY & SECURITY (ISSN:1943-9962)
1. SHI Jing, QIAN Qian, YU Hongmiao. The comprehensive evaluation method of overtourism and its empirical research (in Chinese); Journal of Chang’an University (Social Science Edition) (ISSN:1671-6248); 2022,24,3:p.64-76.
2. Baikejuli, Muladilijiang; Shi, Jing; Qian, Qianhrivers: The application and extension of the theory of planned behavior. Accident Analysis and Prevention.(ISSN:0001-4575)
3. Hussain, M; Shi, J. Modelling and examining the influence of predictor variables on the road crashes in functionally classified vehicles in Pakistan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRASHWORTHINESS (ISSN:1358-8265)
4. Shi, J ;Hussain, M ;Peng, DD. Aberrant driving behaviours among ride-hailing drivers: direct and indirect effects of personal attributes and work-condition factors. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRASHWORTHINESS (ISSN:1358-8265)
5. Shi, J; Hussain, M; Kong, XP. Factors Affecting Travel Mode Choice between High-speed Railway and Air Transportation among University Students for Tourism - Evidence from China. JOURNAL OF CHINA TOURISM RESEARCH(ISSN:1938-8160)
6. Hussain, M; Shi, J; Batool, Z. An investigation of the effects of motorcycle-riding experience on aberrant driving behaviors and road traffic accidents-A case study of Pakistan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRASHWORTHINESS (ISSN:1358-8265)
7. SHI Jing, LONG Yuxi. Study on the impact of COVID-19 on residents’ leisure travel (in Chinese); China Highway Journal. (ISSN:1001-7372, 2022)
8. Baikejuli, Muladilijiang;Shi, Jing;Hussain, Muhammad,A study on the probabilistic quantification of heavy-truck crash risk under the influence of multi-factors,Accident Analysis and Prevention(ISSN:0001-4575)
1. Hussain, M., Shi, J.Effects of proper driving training and driving license on aberrant driving behaviors of Pakistani drivers–A Proportional Odds approach. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 2021, 13(6), p 661–679
2. Hussain, M., Shi, J., Baikejuli, M.Which factors contribute to road crashes in non-commercial and commercial vehicles? An examination of administrative data from motorways in Pakistan. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 2021, 28(4), p 513–520
3. Shi, J.,Baikejul, M., Luo, L.Impact of risk factors on driving tours: A study based on CA model. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2021, 32(4), 2150055
1. SHI Jing, BAIKEJULI Muladilijiang, PAN Xuan. Study on the Effect of Self-luminating Pedestrians Crosswalks on Reducing Conflicts with Motor Vehicles (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2020, 20(01): 7-11.
2. SHI Jing, LUO Ling, WU Weikun. Driving Behaviors at the On-set of Yellow Lights and Their Influential Factors (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2020, 20(02): 1-5+53.
3. HUSSAIN M, SHI J. Predictors of aberrant driving behaviors of Pakistani drivers by using proportional odds (PO) model [J]. Asian Transport Studies, 2020, 6:
4. HUSSAIN M, SHI J, BATOOL Z. An investigation of the effects of motorcycle-riding experience on aberrant driving behaviors and road traffic accidents-A case study of Pakistan [J]. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2020: 1-10. (SCI, IDS: ME6UE IF=1.477)
5. JIAN M Y, SHI J*. Analysis of impact of elderly drivers on traffic safety using ANN based car-following model [J]. Safety Science, 2020, 122: WOS:000500381500006. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2019.104536. (SCI, ISSN: 0925-7535, IDS: JS5YE IF=4.105)
6. LUO L, SHI J. Aberrant driving behaviors by tourists: a study of drivers in China [J]. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2020, 146: 105738. (SSCI, IF=3.655)
7. SHI J, HUSSAIN M, KONG X P. Factors Affecting Travel Mode Choice between High-speed Railway and Air Transportation among University Students for Tourism - Evidence from China [J]. Journal of China Tourism Research, 2020: 1-15.
8. SHI J, XIN L, LIU Y. Simulation of tourists’ spatiotemporal behaviour and result validation with social media data [J]. Transportation Planning and Technology, 2020, 43(7): 698-716. (SCI, IDS: MY5ZQ IF=0.824)
1. LONG Yuxi,SHI Jing*,LI Ruimin. Case Study and Future Prospect of MaaS (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2019, 19(3): 1-10.
2. QIAN Qian, SHI Jing*. History of Mutual Development of Transportation Vehicles, Transport Infrastructures and Urbanization, and Inspiration from the Historical Process (in Chinese). 2019 WTC, Beijing, China, June 13-16, 2019 [C].
3. SHI Jing, LUO Ling, WANG Enda. A Quantitative Analysis Method of Traffic Crash Risk Based on Cellular Automata Model (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Transport Information and Safety, 2019, 37(06): 56-62. (CSCD, ISSN: 1674-4861, IF=0.930)
4. HUSSAIN M, SHI J. Predictors of Aberrant Driving Behaviors of Pakistani Drivers by using Proportional Odds (PO) model. The 13th International Conference of EASTS, Colombo, Sri Lanka, September 9-12, 2019 [C].
5. HUSSAIN M, SHI J*. Effects of proper driving training and driving license on aberrant driving behaviors of Pakistani drivers–A Proportional Odds approach [J]. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 2019: 1-19. WOS:000490582300001. DOI: 10.1080/19439962.2019.1665601. (SSCI, ISSN: 1943-9962, IDS: JE3GP IF=1.642)
6. SHI J, HUSSAIN M, KONG X. Mode choice among university students in Beijing as tourists-high-speed railway (HSR) versus air transportation (AT). 2019 WTC, Beijing, China, June 13-16, 2019 [C].
7. SHI J, LIU M Y. Impacts of differentiated per-lane speed limit on lane changing behaviour: A driving simulator-based study [J]. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2019, 60: 93-104. WOS:000458714900009. DOI:10.1016/j.trf.2018.10.018. (SSCI, ISSN: 1369-8478, IDS: HL4TB IF=2.518)
8. SHI J, LUO L, XIN L. Analysis of team's multi-days leisure travel behaviors The 10th International Seminar on Urban Transport, Tourism and Travel Behavior Analysis, Sapporo, Japan, 2019 [C].
9. SHI J, PENG D, XIAO Y. Exploration of Contributing Factors of Different Distracted Driving Behaviours [J]. Promet – Traffic & Transportation, 2019, 31(6): 633-41. (SCI, IDS: KA9UR IF=0.664)
10. SHI J *, XIN L. Empirical Analysis of the Impact of High Speed Rail on Tourism Spatiotemporal Behavior——A Case Study in Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai-Anhui Region[A]. WTC 2019[C], 2019:9. // =IPFD&dbname=IPFDTEMP&v=
1. CAO Zhejing, SHI Jing*. Research on Public Transport Mode Choice of College Students based on the Prospect Theory (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2018, 18(05): 21-8.
2. SHI Jing, XIN Lei. Long-term predication of tourism in Hainan province (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Chang'an University (Social Science Edition), 2018, 20(02): 42-50.
3. JIAN M Y, SHI J, LIU Y. Dependence of the Future Elderly on Private Cars: A Case Study in Beijing [J]. Promet-Traffic & Transportation, 2018, 30(1): 45-55. (SCI, IDS: GB9ZZ IF=0.768)
4. LIU M Y, SHI J. A cellular automata traffic flow model combined with a BP neural network based microscopic lane changing decision model [J]. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018, 23(4): 309-18. (SSCI IF=2.568)
5. LIU M Y, SHI J. Exploring the Impact of Differentiated Per-Lane Speed Limits on Traffic Safety of Freeways with Considering the Compliance Rate [J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018, 2018: 1-11. (SCI, IDS: HH3ZG IF=1.983)
6. SHI J, LUO L. A Study on Driving Behavior and Influential Factors of Self-Driving Tourists[C]. 9th International Seminar on Urban Transport, Tourism and Travel Behavior Analysis, Hangzhou, 2018
1. JIAN Meiying, SHI Jing*. Study on older drivers' car following behavior and influencing factors (in Chinese) [J]. China Safety Science Journal, 2017, 27(06): 25-30. (CSCD, ISSN:1003-3033, IF=1.294)
2. PENG Dandan, TIAN Wei, SHI Jing*. Research on influences of mobile navigation modes on driving behavior (in Chinese) [J]. China Safety Science Journal, 2017, 27(09): 39-44. (CSCD, ISSN:1003-3033, IF=1.294)
3. SHI Jing, LIU Meiyu. Impact of driving style on freeway lane changing behaviors: A driving simulator-based study (in Chinese) [J]. JOURNAL OF SOUTHEAST UNIVERSITY (Natural Science Edition), 2017, 47(05): 1037-41. (EI, ISSN:1001-0505, IF=0.691)
4. WANG Enda, SHI Jing*. Quantification and Analysis of Traffic Crash Risk under the Superposition of Multiple Factors Based on the Mutual Information Theory (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2017, (06): 1-5+12.
5. LI X Y, PENG D D, LIN H, et. al. Design of an Active Luminous Traffic Safety Facility Powered by Solar Energy. 1st WTC, June, 2017 [C].
6. LIU Y, SHI J*. How inter-city high-speed rail influences tourism arrivals: evidence from social media check-in data [J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 2017, 22(9): 1025-42. (SSCI, IDS: HQ2PK, IF=3.462)
7. LIU Y, SHI J*. Analysis of International Island Resort and Long-Term Prediction of Tourism in Hainan. 8th International Seminar on Urban Transport Policies, Tourism, and Travel Behavior Researches, Xining, China, 2017 [C].
8. LIU Y, SHI J*, JIAN M Y. Understanding Visitors’ Responses to Intelligent Transportation System in a Tourist City with a Mixed Ranked Logit Model [J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2017, 2017: 1-13. (SCI, IDS: EO3BL, IF=1.102)
9. SHI J, LIU M Y, XIONG Y. Characteristics of Automobile-Related Accidents in Urban Area: A Case Study of Beijing. 1st WTC, June, 2017 [C].
10. SHI J, XIAO Y, TAO L, et al. Factors causing aberrant driving behaviors: A model of problem drivers in China [J]. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 2017, 10(4): 288-302. DOI: 10.1080/19439962.2016.1263706. (SSCI, IDS: GK8KZ, IF=0.736)
1. SHI Jing, LIU Meiyu, XIE Anyu. Research on the Accident Mechanism and Prevention of Swarm and Jostlement in Scenic Spot during Peak Period. (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2016, (05): 1-6+10.
2. TAN Jinhua, SHI Jing*. Two-lane freeway intermittent release measures in heavy fog (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), 2016, (09): 985-990. (EI, ISSN: 1000-0054, IF=0.633)
3. LIU Y, SHI J*. How inter-city high-speed rail influences tourism arrivals? evidence from social media check-in data. 7th International Seminar on Urban Transport, Tourism and Travel Behavior Analysis, Jinan, China, October 21-24, 2016 [C].
4. QU Z, SHI J*. Train rescheduling model with train delay and passenger impatience time in urban subway network [J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2016, 50(8): 1990-2014. (SCI, IDS: EV2AT, IF=1.813)
5. WANG E D, SHI J*. How Smart City Supports the Travel of Elderly Care Community. IEEE Second International Smart Cities Conference, 2016 [C]. DOI:10.1109/ISC2.2016.7580791. //
6. XIAO Y, SHI J*. Study on the influence of driving distraction on traffic flow considering the stochastic duration time of distraction [J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2016, 30(32n33): (SCI, IDS: EF3UO, IF=0.617)
1. SHI J*, XIAO Y, ATCHLEY P. Analysis of factors affecting drivers’ choice to engage with a mobile phone while driving in Beijing[J]. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behavior, 2016, 37: 1-9. (SSCI, ISSN: 1369-8478, IDS:DD7FO IF=2.518)
2. XIAO Y, SHI J*. Analyzing the Influence of Mobile Phone Use of Drivers on Traffic Flow Based on an Improved Cellular Automaton Model [J]. DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY, 2015: 73090. DOI: 10.1142/S0129183116500315 WOS:000351402700001. (SCI, IDS:CD9FH, IF=0.877)
3. Mei-Ying Jian, Jing Shi∗, & Yang Liu. (2015). Analysis of the effect of older drivers' driving behaviors on traffic flow based on a modified CA model [J]. International Journal of Modern Physics C. (SCI, IF=1.260)
4. Shi J, Tan J H. Traffic accident and emission reduction through intermittent release measures for heavy fog weather [J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2015, 29(25): 1550148 (1-11) (SCI, IDS: CS0LV, IF=0.746)
5. SHI Jing, JIAN Meiying, LIU Yang. Overview of Travel Behavior of the Elderly (in Chinese) [J]. China Transportation Review, 2015,7: 87-95.
6. QU Z, SHI J*. A Method for Optimizing the Last Train Timetable in Urban Rail Transit Based on Auxiliary Decision Support. Efficient, Safe, and Green Multimodal Transportation, ASCE, CICTP, 2015:1612-1622.
7. SHI J, JIAN M Y. Analysis of Car Ownership Growth Trend in China under the Purchasing Restriction Policy. Efficient, Safe, and Green Multimodal Transportation, ASCE, CICTP, 2015[C]: 3563-3574. DOI: 10.1061/ 9780784479292.330
8. SHI J, WANG E D. Countermeasure Analysis of Urban Basic Parking Space Shortage Based on Economic Means[A]. Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, B: Transportation Economics and Policy, 2015[C], 10, 14, ISSN:1881-1132
9. SHI J, TAN J H, WANG E D. Stability Study of an Improved Car-Following Model Considering Driving Behaviors in Heavy Fog, 11th EASTS, Sept. 2015, Cebu.
10. Yang Liu, Jing Shi, & Nobuyuki Ozaki (2015) A Simulation-Based Analysis on the Impacts of ITS on Tourist City. 22nd ITS World Congress 5–9 October 2015
1. Atchley P, Shi J, Yamamoto T. Cultural foundations of safety culture: A comparison of traffic safety culture in China, Japan and the United States. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2014, 26, Part B (0): 317-325
2. Shi J, Tao L, Li X, et al. A Survey of Taxi Drivers’ Aberrant Driving Behavior in Beijing. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 2014, 6(1): 34-43
3. Shi J, Liu Y, Zhu X. Consequence Analysis of Left-Turn Driver's Scrambling Behavior to Traffic Efficiency at a Two-Phase Signalized Intersection. 10th Asia Pacific Transportation Development Conference: Challenges and Advances in Sustainable Transportation Systems, Beijing, May 25-27, 2014: 81-89.
4. SHI Jing, JIAN Meiying. Driving Characteristics of Elderly People and Their Traffic Safety Problems for the Future of China. (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2014(5):20-24.
5. SHI Jing, XIAO Yao, CHEN Zhiliang. Influence of Music Preference on Driving Behavior. (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2014(5):52-57.
6. SHI Jing, XIAO Yao. Effects of Driver's Psychology on Traffic Safety. (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2014(5):65-70.
7. SHI Jing, XIAO Yao, TANG Yan-nan. Modeling and calculation of capacity of yacht docks. (in Chinese) [J]. Port & Waterway Engineering, 2014 (09): 78-82
8. WANG Shi, JIN Bin, SHI Jing*. Effect Analysis of Traffic Police Offsite Law Enforcement. (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2014 (03): 62-68
9. SHI Jing, JIAN Meiying, ZHANG Wenyan. Study on the Influence of Student Shuttle Vehicle on Beijing Road Traffic. (in Chinese) [J]. (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science & Engineering), 2014 (05): 960-964
1. SHI J, TAN J H. Effect Analysis of Intermittent Release Measures in Heavy Fog Weather with an Improved CA Model [J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2013, Article ID 812562. DOI: 10.1155/2013/812562 (SCI: 261JI)
2. Jing Shi, Nian Zhou, How Cities Influenced by High Speed Rail Development: A Case Study in China, Journal of Transportation Technologies, 2013, 3, 7-16.
3. Jing SHI, Jinhua TAN, Nian ZHOU. Land-saving Mode of Congo (Brazzaville) Highway One (Phase II). Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 256-259 (2013) pp 1832-1836 (EI: 20130515975490)
4. TAN Jinhua, SHI Jing. Impact of intermittent vehicle release on freeway energy dissipation and emissions (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology),2013,53(4):499-502 (EI: 20134416914762)
5. SHI Jing, LI Xilin, TAN Jinhua. Study on Economic Feasibility Evaluation for Railway's Risk Control (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Railway Engineering Society,2013(01):120-124 (EI: 20131916319130)
6. SHI Jing, ZHOU Nian, WU Zhaozhang. Quantitative Analysis of Development Level of Regional Comprehensive Transportation System in China (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Railway Engineering Society,2013, (05):1-6 (EI:20132816484191)
7. SHI Jing, SU Enwei, CHEN Tianqi, XIAO Yao. A Comparative Analysis of Urban Traffic in Beijing and Taipei. (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science & Engineering), 2013,03:477-481.
8. Jing Shi, Yao Xiao. Analysis on Regional Freight Transport in a Regional Integrated Transportation System. Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.9, 2013, P170.
1. Shi Jing, Zhou Nian. A Quantitative Transportation Project Investment Evaluation Approach with both Equity and Efficiency Aspects[J]. Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 36 (2012): 93-100
2. SHI Jing, CHEN Tianqi, MENG Jie, LIN Hong. Stable Wind-Solar Energy Hybrid Generation System for road lighting. (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology),2012 ,52(2):139-143
3. SHI Jing, LI Wenyu. The Bottlenecks and Strategies for Development of Intelligent Transportation System in China. (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology,2012,12(Sup.1):1-6.
4. 韓直林、楊国峰、石京.中国の道路技術基準体系.道路,2012-4:54-58 日本
5. 韓直林、石京.中国の道路投資システム.道路,2012-12: 56-60 日本
6. Shi Jing, Zhou Nian, Wuzhaozhang. Coordination between Comprehensive Transportation & Social development at the Regional Level in China.9th Asia Pacific Transportation Development Conference, Sustainable Transportation Systen,2012.06.29:101-109 (EI)
7. Jing SHI, Jinhua TAN, Nian ZHOU. Land-saving Mode of Congo (Brazzaville) Highway One (Phase II). Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET). Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 256-259 (2013) :1832-1836 (EI)
1. SHI J, BAI Y, TAO L, et. al. A model of Beijing drivers’ scrambling behaviors[J], Accident Analysis and Prevention 2011,43: 1540–1546 (SSCI, IF=2.35, WOS:000291296200033, EI:20111913962946)
2. SHI J., WU Z., JIN J. Reform Beijing to a public transit oriented city - From the view of transportation equity[J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2011, 45, 2: 96-106. (WOS:000289759500002, EI:20111613924535)
3. SHI Jing, LIU Chen, TAO Li, A Preliminary Exploration of Road Risk Assessment, EASTS 2011
4. 韓直林、石京、楊国峰.中国の道路行政制度.道路、2011.7:54-58 日本
5. SHI Jing, TAO Li, BAI Yun. Drivers' Scrambling Behaviors in Beijing and Their Influential Factors. (in Chinese) [J]. China Safety Science Journal,2010, 20(8):1-10.
6. SHI Jing, LI Zhuofei, TAO Li. Spatial Distribution of Residential Communities and Roadway Planning (in Chinese) [J]. Urban Transport of China, 2011.9(3):60-65.
7. SHI Jing, TAO Li, LU Jie. A Study of Drivers’ Scrambling Behaviors Based on Interventional Experiment. (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering,2011, 29(3):69-73
8. SHI Jing, TAN Jinhua. A Primary Study on Road Risk Assessment (in Chinese) [J]. (in Chinese) [J]. Highway Engineering, 2011,36(4):85-88
1. Jing SH, Tianqi CHEN, Analysis of Energy Saving and Energy Transferring on Road, The 8th Asia Pacific Transportation Development Conference, The 23th ICTPA Annual Conference, Tainan, 2010.5.27-5.30
2. Jing SHI, Indicators in Transportation Equity Evaluation: Basic Principles and Working Process, The 1st Annual Conference of Transportation Research Forum (Shanghai) & The 6th China-Japan Joint Conference of Transportation, Shanghai, China, 2010.6.11-2010.6.12
4. TAN Jinhua, SHI Jing, Rural Road Safety Audit in China, International Workshop on Environment, Construction and Transportation(WECT2010), Wuhan, China June 25-27,2010:1415-1418
5. Jing Shi, Yun Bai, Xiwen Ying, Paul Atchley,Aberrant driving behaviors: A study of drivers in Beijing,Accident Analysis & Prevention, 42 (2010) 1031–1040
6. Jing SHI, Zhao-zhang WU, Jangwon JIN, Reform Beijing to a Public Transit Oriented City- from the View of Transportation Equity, Journal of advanced transportation, 2010; 44:1–11
7. XI-QUN CHEN, WEI-JUN XIE, JING SHI and QI-XIN SHI, Perturbation and Stability Analysis of the Multi-Anticipative Intelligent Driver MODEL, International Journal of Modern Physics C 1Vol.21, No.5 (2010) 1-22
8. SHI Jing, WU Zhaozhang,A Quantitative Transportation Project Investment Evaluation Approach with both Equity and Efficiency Aspects,12th WCTR, July, 11-15, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
9. Jing SHI, Zhaozhang WU, Evaluation of Regional Integrative Transportation System with Considering both Equity and Efficiency, the 10th International Chinese Conference of Transportation Professionals(ICCTP2010) Proceeding:171-181, Beijing, China August 4-8, 2010
10. Shi Jing, Tao Li. Quantitative Analysis of Drivers’ Route Choice Behavior on the Provision of Real-time Traffic Information, (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science & Engineering),34(4):639-643,2010.8.
11. SHI Jing, ZHOU Nian. Principles and Method for Choosing Transportation Equity Indexes (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Railway Engineering Society,2010(9):92-97
12. Shi Jing, Wu Zhaozhang, Huang Teng. Evaluation on the Impact of an Expressway Upon Regional Social Economy (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science & Engineering), 2010,34(5):857-859,873.
13. Shi Jing, Huang Qian, Wu Zhaozhang. Interactive Relationship Between Transportation and Economic Development in China. (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science & Engineering), 2010,35, (6):1077-1080.
14. SHI Jing, TAO Li, BAI Yun. Drivers' Scrambling Behaviors in Beijing and Their Influential Factors (in Chinese) [J]. China Safety Science Journal,2010, 20(8):1-10.
1. SHI Jing, BIAN Wei, TAO Li, Quantitative Analysis of One-Way Street Effects in Urban Central District, IEEE EMS, 2009.9, Beijing China
2. Shi Jing, Bian Wei, Lu Xuan, Huang Qian, Work Zone Optimization for Two-Lane Urban Road Maintenance Projects with Consideration of Mixed Traffic (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science & Engineering),33(5):830-835, 2009.10
3. SHI Jing, YANG Lang, HUANG Qian, YING Xi-wen, Evaluate and Model the Transportation Equity from Different Aspects (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Railway Engineering Society,2009.1:97-101
4. SHI Jing, ZHANG Dan, WU Zhao-zhang, Study of the Interactive Relationship between Regional Coordinated Development and Transport System (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Railway Engineering Society,2009.11:104-108.
5. Jing SHI, Driver’s route choice behavior on the provision of traffic information, Proceedings of The 5th Japan-China Joint Seminar on the City and ITS: Low-Carbon Urban Planning and Transportation Policies:84-90, Hiroshima, Japan, 2009.8
6. TAN Jinhua, SHI Jing. The Development and Problems of Road Safety Audit in China, (in Chinese) [J]. Highway Engineering, 34(5):33-36, 2009,10
1. Shi Jing, Yang Lang, Ying Xiwen, Huang Qian, Transportation Equity Evaluating Model Based on Wilson Ent ropy Distribution Hypothesis (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science & Engineering),32(1):1-4,2008.2
2. SHI Jing, YING Xiwen, Accessibility of a Destination-based Transportation System: A Large Airport Study, Tsinghua Science and Technology, April 2008, Vol.13, No. 2:211-219
3. Jing SHI, Yun BAI, Xiwen YING, Analysis of Beijing’s Drivers Driving Behavior, Proceedings of the 6TH International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies: 342-351, ASCE, 2008.8
4. Shi Jing, Huang Qian, Liang Jinjian, Equity and Efficiency Combined Priority Evaluation on Regional Highway Projects (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science & Engineering),32(4):1-4,2008.8
5. HUANG Qian, SHI Jing, Optimizing Work Zones for Two-Lane Urban Road Maintenance Projects, Tsinghua Science and Technology, Vol.13, No.5: 644-650, 2008.10
6. YING Xiwen, SHI Jing, Road Resources Distribution and Evolution Analysis Using a Species Competition Model for Improving Road Equity (in Chinese) [J]. Tsinghua Science and Technology, Vol.13, No.5: 651-659, 2008.10
7. Jin Jangwon, Shi Jing, Yuan Jian. User Satisfaction Survey and Comparison Analysis on Beijing Bus Rapid Transit, (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science & Engineering),32(5):802-805
8. Jing SHI, Yun BAI, Shunfeng HU, The Impacts of Sustainable Development Concept on Road Planning and Design, Proceedings of the 8th ICCLTP: 383-389, 2008
9. Jian YUAN, Jing SHI, Qian HUANG, The Competition Relationship Analysis on BRT and Rail Transit in Urban Integrated Transportation System (1020C31150), Proceedings of the 8th ICCLTP: 416-423, 2008
10. WANG Heng, SHI Jing. Analyses of Present African Roads and Prospects for Access to African Roads Construction Market (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Railway Engineering Society,2008(3):97-101
11. SHI Jing, BIAN Wei, SONG Xiaoyun, Optimizing Work Zone for Urban Road with Consideration of Mixed Traffic,10th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation – AATT 2008, Athens, Greece, May 27th-31st, 2008
12. Jang won JIN, SHI Jing, A Survey Research on the Users’ Satisfaction with the CRT in Beijing,10th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation – AATT 2008, Athens, Greece, May 27th-31st, 2008
13. Jing SHI, Optimize urban road special resources from the view of transportation equity, The 4th Meeting of the Sino-Japanese Academic Exchanges----City & Intelligent Transportation System, Conference Proceeding :32-38, Lang fang, China, 2008.8
1. Jiangqian YING, Huapu LU, Jing SHI, An Algorithm for Local Continuous Optimization of Traffic Signals, European Journal of Operational Research, 2007.9, 181(3): 1189-1197
2. SHI Jing, YING Xiwen, ZHU Yingying, Economical and Policy Approach for Improving Equity of Road Resources Distribution, ICTE 2007, Vol.2: 1714-1719, ASCE, 2007.7
3. SHI Jing. Study on Practical Forecasting Method of Toll Revenue for Certain Toll Road (in Chinese) [J]. Highway Engineering,2007.32(4):103-106,126
4. ZOU Bo, SHI Jing, LU Huapu, YUAN Jian. Influencing Factor Analysis and Improvement of Roundabout Entry Capacity Model (in Chinese) [J]. Highway Engineering,2007.32(4):169-173
6. SHI Jing, YU Runze. Planning Environment and Planning Policy in Social Infrastructure Planning (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Railway Engineering Society,2007.(11):102-110
7. SHI Jing, HUANG Qian, YANG Lang, Equity Issues on Transportation Infrastructure Investment and Model Amelioration, 11th WCTR, Berkley, USA. June 24-28, 2007
8. Jing SHI, Transportation Equith Study and National Balanced Development in China, ETC, Netherlands 2007.10.17-19
9. Jang-Won Jin, Chang-Ho Choi, Jing Shi, An Analysis of the Satisfaction Survey Results from Beijing Bus Rapid Transit(BRT) Users, Seoul Studies, June 2007, Volume 8, Number 2: 115-131 (in Korea)
10. Jing SHI, The Competition Relationship Analysis between BRT and Rail Transit in Urban Integrated Transportation System, Proceedings of The 3rd Japan-China Joint Seminar on Transportation and Urban Planning, 33-43,2007.8 Kumamoto, Japan
11. Jing SHI, Basic Status of Transportation Infrastructure and Logistics in China, Workshop on the China-Korea-Japan Infra Logistics Research,2007, Seoul, Korea
1. Jing SHI, Applied Study of Price Discrimination Implemented on a Two-path Route Expressway, Tsinghua Science and Technology, December 2006, 11(6):632-639
2. SHI Jing, YANG Lang, LIU Liyuan, Research on the Regional Equity and Financing Problems of China Railway (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Railway Engineering Society,2006.6, No.3:92-96
3. YING Xi-wen, SHI Jing. Some Studies of the Accessibility of Large Aeronautic Hub, (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology,2006.12,6(6):136-142
4. YUAN Jian, SHI Jing, Micro-Simulation Study of the Characteristic of Plane Separation, (in Chinese) [J]. Central South Highway Engineering,2006.12, Vol.31, No.6:103-107
1. YANG Lang, SHI Jing, LU Huapu. Equity evaluation of road projects investment, (in Chinese) [J]. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology),2005, 45(9):1162-1165
2. Jing SHI, Investment and Financing Study for China’s Expressway Construction, Proceedings of the EASTS, Vol.5:2434-2440, 2005.9
3. Lang YANG, Jing SHI, Road Projects Evaluation of Social-economic Benefits Based on Equity, International Road Federation (IRF) Bangkok 2005, 15th World Meeting 2005.6
4. Yonghua Zhou, Huapu Lu, Jing Shi, The synergistic design methodology for intelligent transportation system, 12th World Congress on ITS, 6-10 November 2005, San Francisco
1. Jing SHI, Practical Issues in traffic Prediction for Certain Toll Road, Proceedings of the 4th ICTTS: 374-383, Science Press, China, 2004.8
2. Jing SHI, Lang YANG, Pengpeng JIAO, Transportation Structure Model for Sustainable Development in Beijing, Proceeding of The World Engineers’ Convention 2004: 105-110, China Science and Technology Press, 2004.11
3. LIU Qiang, YANG Hao, LU Huapu, SHI Jing, STUDY ON THE DISPERSAL OF PEOPLE FLOW IN THE STADIUM, (in Chinese) [J]. China Civil Engineering Journal,2004.37(10):92-98
4. Jing, SHI, Two-toll-levels Problem in Traffic Flow Forecasting of a Certain Toll Road, 10Th WCTR, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004.7