
Li Wei

Position:Associate Professor
Address:Heshanheng Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Tel: +86 10-6277 8987
E-mail:[email protected]

Educational Background

Sep. 2006–Jun. 2011, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, PhD

Sep. 2002–Jul. 2006, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, BE

Work Experience

Aug. 2017–Present, Associate professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University

Aug. 2016–Aug. 2017, Assistant professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University

Aug. 2013–Jul.2016, Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University

Sep. 2012– Dec. 2012, Visiting Research Fellow, Monash University, Australia

Aug. 2012, Visiting Research Fellow, University of Western Sydney, Australia

Jul. 2011–Jul. 2013, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University

Teaching Courses

Graduate: Fire Safety Design for Engineering Structures

Graduate: Catastrophology (Fire)

Undergraduate: Building Architecture and Construction for Civil Engineering Students

Undergraduate: Structural Fire Safety

Research Interests

Steel and Concrete Composite Structures

Life-Cycle Structural Performance for Infrastructures

Structural performance under earthquake, fire and impact loading

Research Projects

2021-2023, PI, National Youth Top-Notch Talent Program

2020-2023, PI, Post-fire seismic performance of CFST column to steel beam 3-D connections. Natural Science Foundation of China

2018-2021, PI, Performance of prefabricated steel joint for vertical industrial building under fire and fire protection strategy. Sub-project of National Key R&D Program of China

2018-2020, PI, Seismic Performance of Prefabricated Concrete-Filled Double-Skin Steel Tubular Pier, Natural Science Foundation of Beijing

2016-2017, PI, Seismic Performance of CFDST Structures after Fire Exposure, Open Fund of Chinese National Key Lab for Building Safety and Environment

2015-2016, PI, Fatigue Behaviour of Concrete-Filled Double Skin Structures Using High-Strength Steel, Zhejiang Electric Power Company

Professional Service

Council Member, China Steel Construction Society

Council Member, Sustainable Civil Engineering Branch, Chinese Society for Urban Studies

Council Member, Fire Safety Engineering Branch, China Civil Engineering Society

Member, Architectural Society of China

Member, American Society of Civil Engineers

Honors and Awards

2019, National Natural Science Award (Second Class)

2019, Beijing Labor Medal

2018, National Universities Teaching Competition of Young Teachers, First Class in Engineering Group (Rank 1st)

2018, China Civil Engineering Society Excellent Paper Award

Academic Achievement

Scopus ID: 55044176900; ORCiD: 0000-0001-7240-490X


Han LH, Li W, Wang WD, Tao Z. Advanced composite and mixed structures: testing, theory and design approach (second edition). Beijing, Science Press, 2017. (in Chinese, 1,540,000 words and 11 chapters in total, drafting Chapters 5,6 and 10)

International Journal Papers

1. Li W*, Xu LF, Qian WW. Seismic Performance of 3-D Steel Beam to Concrete-Encased CFST Column Joints: Tests. Engineering Structures 2021, 232: 111793.

2. Ye Y, Li W*, Liu XJ, Guo ZX. Behaviour of concrete-filled steel tubes with concrete imperfection under axial tension. Magazine of Concrete Research 2021, jmacr.19.00306.

3. Li W*, Cheng YF, Wang D, Han LH, Zhao XL. Behaviour of high-strength CFDST chord to CHS brace T-joint: Experiment. Engineering Structures 2020, 219: 110780.

4. Wang ZB, Zhang JB, Li W*, Wu HJ. Seismic performance of stiffened concrete-filled double skin steel tubes. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2020, 169, 106020.

5. Li W*, Chen B, Han LH, Lam D. Experimental study on the performance of steel-concrete interfaces in circular concrete-filled double skin steel tube. Thin-Walled Structures 2020, 149: 106660

6. Ye Y, Li W*, Guo ZX. Performance of concrete-filled stainless steel tubes subjected to tension Experimental investigation. Thin-Walled Structures 2020, 148: 106602.

7. Li W*, Xu LF, Qian WW. Seismic performance of concrete-encased CFST column to steel beam joints with different connection details. Engineering Structures 2020, 204: 109875.

8. Li W*, Chen B, Wang T. Seismic performance of concrete-filled double-skin steel tubes after exposure to fire: Analysis. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2019, 162:105753.

9. Li W*, Wang T, Han LH. Seismic performance of concrete-filled double-skin steel tubes after exposure to fire: Experiments. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2019, 154:209-223.

10. Li W*, Gu YZ, Han LH, Zhao XL, Behaviour of grout-filled double-skin steel tubular T-joint subjected to low-velocity impact. Thin-Walled Structures 2019, 144. 106270

11. Li W*, Gu YZ, Han LH, Zhao XL, Wang R, Nassirnia M, Heidarpour A. Behaviour of ultra-high strength steel hollow tubes subjected to low velocity lateral impact: Experiment and finite element analysis. Thin-Walled Structures 2019, 134:524-536.

12. Li W*, Cai YX. Performance of CFDST stub columns using high-strength steel subjected to axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures 2019, 141:411-422.

13. Wang FC*, Li W, Han LH. Interaction behavior between outer pipe and liner within offshore lined pipeline under axial compression. Ocean Engineering 2019, 175:103-112.

14. Chen JY, Li W, Han LH*, Wang FC, Mu TM. Structural behaviour of concrete-encased CFST box stub columns under axial compression. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2019, 158:248-262.

15. Ma DY, Han LH*, Li W, Hou C, Mu TM. Behaviour of concrete-encased CFST stub columns subjected to long-term sustained loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2018, 151:58-69.

16. Wang FC, Han LH, Li W. Analytical behavior of CFDST stub columns with external stainless steel tubes under axial compression[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 127:756-768.

17. Nassirnia M, Heidarpour A*, Zhao XL, Wang R, Li W, Han LH. Hybrid corrugated members subjected to impact loading Experimental and numerical investigation. International Journal of Impact Engineering 2018, 122:395-406.

18. Nassirnia M, Heidarpour A*, Zhao XL, Wang R, Li W, Han LH. Lateral impact response of innovative hollow corrugated members. International Journal of Impact Engineering 2018, 114:43-52.

19. Ma DY, Han LH*, Li W, Zhao XL. Seismic Performance of Concrete-Encased CFST Piers: Analysis. Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE 2018, 23(1): 04017119.

20. Zhang YB, Han LH*, Li W. Analytical behaviour of tapered CFDST stub columns under axially partial compression. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2017, 139:302-314.

21. Li W*, Wang D, Han LH. Behaviour of grout-filled double skin steel tubes under compression and bending: experiments. Thin-Walled Structures 2017, 116:307-319.

22. Chen J, Wang J, Li W*. Experimental behaviour of reinforced concrete-filled steel tubes under eccentric tension. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2017, 136:91-100.

23. Tao Z*, Li W, Shi BL, Han LH. Behaviour of bolted end-plate connections to concrete-filled steel columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2017, 134:194-208.

24. Xu W, Han LH*, Li W. Performance of hexagonal CFST members under axial compression and bending. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2016, 123:162-175.

25. Xu W, Han LH*, Li W. Seismic performance of concrete-encased column base for hexagonal concrete-filled-steel-tube: experimental study. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2016, 121: 352-369.

26. Qian WW, Li W*, Han LH, Zhao XL. Analytical behaviour of concrete-encased CFST columns under cyclic lateral loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2016, 120:206-220.

27. Han LH*, Wang ZB, Li W, Tao Z. Seismic performance of concrete-encased CFST piers: experimental study. Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE 2016, 21(4): 04015072.

28. Li W*, Han LH, Chan TM. Performance of concrete-filled steel tubes subjected to eccentric tension, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE 2015, 141(12): 04015049.

29. Li W*, Han LH, Zhao XL. Behavior of CFDST stub columns under preload, sustained load and chloride corrosion. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2015, 107(4): 12-23.

30. Zhao XL*, Li W, Stanbrook J. A framework for the integration of performance based design and life cycle assessment to design sustainable structures. Advances in Structural Engineering 2014, 17(4): 461-470.

31. Han LH*, Li W, Bjorhovde R. Developments and advanced applications of concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) structures: Members. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2014, 100(9): 211-228. (ESI paper, top 0.1% in Engineering field from July to August, 2016)

32. Li W*, Han LH, Chan TM. Numerical investigation on the performance of concrete-filled double-skin steel tubular members under tension. Thin-walled Structures 2014, 79(6): 108-118.

33. Ren QX, Han LH*, Lam D, Li W. Tests on elliptical concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) beams and columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2014, 99(8): 149-160.

34. Li W*, Han LH, Chan TM. Tensile behaviour of concrete-filled double-skin steel tubular members. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2014, 99(8): 35-46.

35. Wang WH, Han LH*, Li W, Jia YH. Behavior of concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns and beams using dune sand as part of fine aggregate. Construction and Building Materials 2014, 51(3): 352-363.

36. Li W, Han LH*, Ren QX, Zhao X L. Behaviour and calculation of tapered CFDST columns under eccentric compression. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2013, 83(4): 127-136.

37. Li W, Han LH*, Ren QX. Inclined concrete-filled SHS steel column to steel beam joints under monotonic and cyclic loading: experiments. Thin-walled Structures 2013, 62(1): 118-130 (Top 25 Hottest Articles.)

38. Li W, Ren QX, Han LH*, Zhao XL. Behaviour of tapered concrete-filled double skin steel tubular (CFDST) stub columns. Thin-walled Structures 2012, 57(8):37-48.

39. Li W, Han LH*, Zhao XL. Axial strength of concrete-filled double skin steel tubular (CFDST) columns with preload on steel tubes. Thin-walled Structures 2012, 56(7):9-20. (Top 25 Hottest Articles.)

40. Li W, Han LH*. Seismic performance of CFST column-to-steel beam joint with RC slab: joint model. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2012, 73(6):66-79.

41. Lam D*, Dai XH, Han LH, Ren QX, Li W. Behaviour of inclined, tapered and STS square CFST stub columns subjected to axial load. Thin-walled Structures 2012, 54(5): 94-105.

42. Li W, Han LH*. Seismic performance of CFST column-to-steel beam joints with RC slab: analysis. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2011, 67(1):127-139. (Top 25 Hottest Articles.)

43. Han LH*, Ren QX, Li W. Tests on stub stainless steel-concrete-carbon steel double skin tubular (DST) columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2011, 67(3):437-452.

44. Han LH*, Li W. Seismic performance of CFST column-to-steel beam joint with RC slab: experiments. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2010, 66(11):1374-1386.

45. Han LH*, Ren QX, Li W. Tests on inclined, tapered and STS concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) stub columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2010, 66(10):1186-1195.

46. Han LH*, Li W, Yang YF. Seismic behaviour of concrete-filled steel tubular frame to RC shear wall high-rise mixed structures. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2009, 65(5):1249-1260. (Top 25 Hottest Articles.)