
Cheng Xiaohui
Position:Associate Professor
Address:Department of Civil Engineering,100084
E-mail:[email protected]
Educational Background
B.Sc. Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 1989-1994
M.Sc. Earthquake and Protective Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 1994-1997
PhD. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 2000-2004
Work Experience
Teaching assistant and lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 1997-1999
Visiting researcher, Balse Pascal University, France, 1999-2000
Researcher, TU Delft and GeoDelft, 2004-2007
Lecturer and Associate Professor, 2007-present
Teaching Courses
1. Foundation Engineering (Undergraduate Level)
2.Elasticity and Plasticity (Graduate Level)
3.Granular Materials Theory and Applications (Graduate Level)
Research Interests
1.Elasticity, plasticity and thermomechanics framework for geomaterials
2.THM coupling analysis and thermo active geostructures
3.Biological considerations in geotechnical engineering
4. Geotechnical structural analysis by finite element limit analysis
Research Projects
Tsinghua-MIT-Cambridge University Alliance Seed Fund: Geo-energy simulator from building scale to city scale(2010.9-2013.7)
NSF China,Bio-grout:an innovative ground improvement technology (2011.1-2013.12)
EU FR7 Marie-Curier International Exchange Researcher Scheme,Geotechnical and geological responses to global climinate changes(2014.1-2018.1)
National key research programme(973),Multiscale modeling of landslide and mudflow(2010/01-2014/08)
NSF China Key Project,Granular solid-flow behaviour and physical mechanism, 2011.1-2014.12
Academic Achievement
(1) Yang, Zuan,Cheng, Xiaohui*,A performance study of high-strength microbial mortar produced by low pressure grouting for the reinforcement of deteriorated masonry structures,Construction and Building Materials,2013,41:505-515。
(2) Zhang,Zhichao, Cheng,Xiaohui*, A thermodynamic constitutive model for undrained monotonic and cyclic shear behavior of saturated soils,Acta Geotechnica, 2015, 10(6), pp 781-796
(3) Shuang You, Xiaohui Cheng*, Hongxian Guo, Zhiquan Yao, Experimental study on structural response of CFG energy piles,Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016,96,pp640-651
(4) Zhang, Zhichao,Cheng, Xiaohui*,Effective stress in saturated soil:a granular solid hydrodynamics approach,Granular Matter,2014,16(5):761-769。
(5) Zhang,Zhichao,Cheng,Xiaohui*, Critical state and ultimate state surface of soils: a granular solid hydrodynamic perspective, Granular Matter, 2015, 17(2), pp 253-263
(6) Tan, Haochen,Cheng, Xiaohui*,Guo, Hongxian ,Closed Solutions for Transient Heat Transport in Geological Media: New Development, Comparisons, and Validations ,Transport in Porous Media,2012,93
(7) Shuang You,Xiaohui Cheng*,Hongxian Guo,Zhiquan Yao,In-situ experimental study of heat exchange capacity of CFG pile geothermal exchangers,Energy and Buildings,2014,79:23-31。
(8) Li,Meng,Cheng,Xiaohui*, Guo,Hongxian, Heavy metal removal by biomineralization of urease producing bacteria isolated from soil, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2013,76(1), pp81–85
(9) Y. Zhang,H.X. Guo*,X.H. Cheng*,Role of calcium sources in thestrength and microstructure of microbial mortar,Construction and Building Materials,2015,77:160-167。
(10) Hao Wang & Xiaohui Cheng* (2015): Undrained Bearing Capacity of Suction Caissons for Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations by Numerical Limit Analysis, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, DOI: