
Guo Hongxian
Position:PhD, Associate Professor
Address:Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
E-mail: [email protected]
Educational Background
BA: Sep.1985 – July.1990, Bachelor major in Structural Engineering and minor in Computer Science and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
MA: Sep.1990 – Mar. 1993, Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
PhD: Sep.2001 – Jan.2007, Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
Work Experience
2002.12~ Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Associate Professor
1995.8~2002.12 Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Lecturer
1993.4~1995.8 Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Assistant Teacher
Teaching Courses
1. Course Design of Masonry Structure (Undergraduate course)
2. Ecological and Civil Engineering (Undergraduate course)
Research Interests
1. Microbial Geotechnical engineering
2. Thermo-active ground structure
3. Deep Excavation
Research Projects
1. The effect of cementitious solution on microbial mortar, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Durability for Marine Civil Engineering, 2015-2017
2. Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions - Research Fellowship Programme, Geotechnical and geological Responses to climate change: Exchanging Approaches and Technologies on a world-wide scale, 2014-2017
3. Tsinghua- Cambridge - MIT LCEUA project,Geo-Energy Systems Simulator: From Building Scale to City Scale,2010-2013
Professional Service
Fellow and General-Secretary, Technical Committee of Deep Excavation (2004.5-)
Executive member of the council,China Building Construction Institute, The Architectural Society of China (2014.8-)
Academic Achievement
A) Microbial geotechnical engineering:
1. Meng Li; Xiaohui Cheng; Hongxian Guo; and Zuan Yang. Biomineralization of Carbonate by Terrabacter Tumescens for Heavy Metal Removal and Biogrouting Applications. Journal of Environmental Engineering, published online on June 18, 2015
2. Zhang, Y; Guo,HX; Cheng, XH. Role of calcium sources in the strength and microstructure of microbial motar. Construction and Building Materials, 2015,v77,p160-167
3. Zhang, Y; Guo,HX; Cheng, XH. Influences of calcium sources on microbially induced carbonate precipitation in porous media. Materials Research Innovations, May 2014,v18,s2, p79-84
4. Guo Hongxian; Cheng Xiaohui; Li Meng. Experimental analysis of bio-stimulated sealing process in environmental geotechnical engineering. Science China Technological Sciences, Mar. 2013, v 56, p732-738
5. Li, M ; Cheng, XH ; Guo, HX ; Yang, Z. Enhancement of the Yield and Strength of Microbially-induced Carbonate Precipitation by Optimum Cultivation and Grouting Measures for Civil Engineering Applications. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. NOV 2013,v7, SI,p631-638
6. Li Meng; Cheng Xiaohui; Guo Hongxian. Heavy metal removal by bio-mineralization of urease producing bacteria isolated from soil. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, January 2013, v 76, p 81-85
7. Meng Li, Hongxian Guo, Xiaohui Cheng. Application of Response Surface Methodology for Carbonate Precipitation Production Induced By a Mutant Strain of Sporosarcina Pasteurii. Geotechnical Special Publication, n 211 GSP, p 4079-4088, Geo-Frontiers 2011.
8. Hechao Zhang, Hongxian Guo, Meng Li, Xiaohui Cheng. Experiment Research from macro to micro on Microbial-induced Clogging by Adding Potato Soup in Beijing Sand Column. Geotechnical Special Publication, n 211 GSP, p 4089-4098, Geo-Frontiers 2011
9. Guo Hongxian, Zhang Yue, Cheng Xiaohui, Ma Ruinan. Crack Repair and Surface Deposition of Cement-Based Materials by MICP Technology (in Chinese). Industrial Construction, 2015.07, v45, p41-46,58
10. Tan Qian,Guo Hongxian,Cheng Xiaohui. Experimental Study of Strength and Durability of Microbial Cement Mortar (in Chinese). Industrial Construction, 2015.07, v45, p47-52
11. Li Meng, Guo Hongxian,Cheng Xiaohui,Yang Zuan. Isolation of Urease Producing Bacteria from Soil and Laboratory Test of Sands Solidification (in Chinese). Industrial Construction, 2015.07, v45, p13-17
12. Li Meng,Guo Hongxian,Cheng Xiaohui,Zhang Hechao. Analysis of the Changes of Microbial Communitiesin Process of Biosealing Grounds (in Chinese). Industrial Construction, 2015.07, v45, p18-23
13. Zhang Hechao,Guo Hongxian,Li Meng,Cheng Xiaohui. Expeimental Research of Microbial-Induced Clogging in Sands (in Chinese). Industrial Construction, 2015.01, v45, p144-147
14. Cheng Xiaohui,Yang Zuan, Li Meng,Guo Hongxian. Microbial Modified Geomaterials: A Methodology Review (in Chinese). Industrial Construction, 2015.07, v45, p6-12
15. Zhang Yue, Guo Hongxian, Cheng Xiaohui,Li Meng. Field Experiment of Microbial Induced Carbonate Precipitation Technology in Leakage Treatment of a Basement (in Chinese). Industrial Construction, 2013.12, v43, p138-143
B)Thermal-active ground structures:
16. Li Xiangyu, Guo Hongxian, Cheng Xiaohui. The Experimental and Numerical Study on Temperature Distribution in Energy Piles (in Chinese). China Civil Engineering Journal, 2016.4
17. You Shuang; Cheng Xiaohui; Guo Hongxian; Yao Zhiquan. Experimental study on structural response of CFG energy piles. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2016, v96(3), p640-651
18. Li Xiangyu, Guo Hongxian, Cheng Xiaohu. Simulation and applicability of thermal response tests in energy pile. J Tsinghua Univ(Sci & Technol) (in Chinese), 2015, v55(1), p14-20,26
19. You Shuang; Cheng Xiaohui; Guo Hongxian; Yao Zhiquan. In-situ experimental study of heat exchange capacity of CFG pile geothermal exchangers. Energy and Buildings, August 2014, v 79, p 23-31
20. Tan Haochen; Cheng Xiaohui; Guo Hongxian.Closed Solutions for Transient Heat Transport in Geological Media: New Development, Comparisons, and Validations. Transport in Porous Media, v93, n3, p737-752, July 2012

C)Traditional geotechnical engineering:
21. FU Dan,GUO Hong-xian,CHENG Xiao-hui et.cl. Working stress measurement of prestressed anchor cables: Detection mechanism and experimental study of lift-off test. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2012, 33(8):2247~2252.
22. Guo Hongxian, Song Erxiang, Chen Zhaoyuan. Analysis of the axial forces of soil nails during construction (in Chinese). China Civil Engineering Journal, 2007,40(11):78~85
23. GUO Hong-xian , SONG Er-xiang , CHEN Zhao-yuan. Excavation Influential Surface of Soil Nailing and its Application in Estimating the Nail Tensile Forces (in Chinese). Engineering Mechanics, 2007,24(11):81~87,157.
24. GUO Hong-xian, SONG Er-xiang, CHEN Zhao-yuan. Analysis of nail tensile forces during construction of soil nailing (in Chinese). Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2008(9):2463~2468.
25. GUO Hong-xian, SONG Er-xiang, CHEN Zhao-yuan. c-phi-tao Strength-Reduction Method for Internal Stability of Soil Nailing (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,,Vol.30. Supp. 2008:187~191
26. GUO Hong-xian, SONG Er-xiang, CHEN Zhao-yuan. Calculation of horizontal displacement of soil nailing considering construction process (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol.32. Supp.1, July 2010:69-73
27. Fu Dan, Guo Hongxian, Cheng Xiaohui,Zhou Wei. Test Study on the Compression behavior of Gabion Element (in Chinese). Proceedings of the 18th National Conference on Structural Engineering,Guangzhou,China. 2009,11:II 240-243
28. Fu Dan, Guo Hongxian, Cheng Xiaohui. Principles and Error Analysis of the Lift-off Test to Evaluate the Prestressed Anchor Tendon’s Working Stress. Conference on Modern Hydraulic Engineering. Xi’an, China. 2010,11.
29. Xiao-dong Chen, Hong-xian Guo,Er-xiang Song. Analysis method for slope stability under rainfall action. Landslides and Engineered Slopes (2008.7) (Editors: Zuyu Chen, Jianmin Zhang, Zhongkui Li, et. al.), CRC PRESS / BALKJEMA : 1507~1515.
30. CHEN Yiqi, GUO Hongxian, SONG Erxiang, CHEN Zhaoyuan et.cl. Corrosion Evaluation for Existing Ground Anchored Structure(in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2007,26(7):1492~1498
31. GUO Hongxian, CHEN Yiqi, SONG Erxiang, CHEN Zhaoyuan. Corrosion of Ground Anchored Structure and its Influence Factors (in Chinese). Geotechnical Engineering World. 2007,2:35~38,41
32. Wang Fang, Guo Hongxian. Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Excavations with Convex Coners(in Chinese) . Railway Engineering. 2006,12:69~72
33. Guo Hongxian , Chen Yiqi , Song Shushuang, Luo Jiguang. Design and Construction of Retaining Structure for a Deep Excavation with an Unconventional Excavated Section(in Chinese). Industrial Construction. 2006,36(4):95~98.
34. Guo Hongxian , Wu Qing , Song Shushuang ,Jiang Bo. FEM Analysis for Building Foundation Schemes Adjacent to Metro Tunnels (in Chinese). Building Structure. 2006,3:65~67.
35. Guo Hongxian, Song Erxiang, Chen Zhaoyuan. Soil Nailing Under the Influence of the Seasonal Frozen Soil (in Chinese). Journal of Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying. 2006,2:1~6, 71.
36. Guo Hongxian, Song Shushuang, Li Xiufeng. Soil Nailing Under the Influence of the Seasonal Frost (in Chinese). Industrial Construction. 2005,35(8):67~70.
37. GUO Hongxian, REN Baoshuang, QIAN Jiaru. Evaluation system for existing simply supported beam type reinforced concrete bridge structures in Beijing (in Chinese). Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2002,42(6):825~827,842