
Song Erxiang

Address:Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Tel:(8610) 62773545
E-mail:[email protected]

Education Background

PhD. in Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology (1987/11 –1990/12)

Doctoral student in Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University (1985/09-1987/11)

Master student in Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University (1983/09-1985/08)

BSc in Civil Engineering, Tongji University (1978/02-1983/01)

Work Experience

1999.07-present, Full Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University

1994.05-1999.07, Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University

1994.02-1994.05, Lecturer, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University

1990.12-1994.01, Research Fellow, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology

1985.08-1986.08, Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

1983.02-1983.08, Assistant Engineer, Research Institute of Building Science, the First Building Construction Corporation of China

Teaching Courses

1. Foundation Engineering (for undergraduates)

2. Underground Structures  (for undergraduates)

3. Theory and Numerical Methods in Geomechanics ( for graduates)

Honors and Awards

Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, First Prize, 2020;

Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education, Second Prize, 2018;

National Science and Technology Progress Award of China, First Prize, 2018;

Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering Science and Technology Special Prize, 2017;

China Society of Navigation Science and Technology Special Prize, 2017;

Tsinghua University Annual Teaching Excellence Award, 2017

Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education, Second Prize, 2013;

China Construction Corporation Science and Technology Award, First Prize, 2011;

Honorary title of "Good Teacher and Helpful Friend", Tsinghua University, 2010;

The National 100 Most Influential Domestic Academic Papers Award, 2007;

Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, First Prize, 2004;

Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award, Second Prize, 2003;

Henan Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, Second Prize, 2001;

Research Interests

1. Numerical methods in geomechanics;

2. Design and analysis methods for deep excavation support;

3. Analysis of static and dynamic soil-structure interaction;

4. Ground treatment and bearing characteristics analysis;

5. THM coupling analysis in geotechnical engineering

Professional Service

Deputy Director, the Special Technical Committee for Deep Excavations, China Architecture Society;

Executive Member, Tunnel and Underground Engineering Branch, China Civil Engineering Society;

Honorary Member, Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Branch, China Civil Engineering Society;

Editorial Board Member, the Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering;

Editorial Board Member, International Journal Geomechanics and Engineering;

Editorial Board Member, the International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics;

Research Projects

1. Analysis of Deep Excavation Support of Beijing Sub-center Station Integrated Transportation Hub Project, China Railway Design Group, 2021-2024

2. Multi-field coupled analysis model for water-heat transfer in road foundation with consideration of the canopy effect, National Science Foundation of China, 2018-2021

3. Research on long-term deformation and optimization design method of high filled ground, National 973 Research Program, 2014-2018

4. Study on the Working Mechanism of Geothermal Deep Doublet System and Its Analysis Model for Geothermal Utilization, National Science Foundation of China, 2013 - 2016

5. Analysis of Several Key Technical Issues for the Design and Construction of the Immersed Tunnel of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, China Communications Construction Corporation Project 2010-2013

Academic Achievements

1.Chi Yuejun,Song Erxiang,Chen Zhaoyuan. A simplified method for the settlement of rigid pile composite foundation. China Civil Engineering Journal,2003, 36(11):19-23 (in Chinese)

2.Song Erxiang,Lou Peng, Lu Xinzheng. Nonlinear 3D finite element analysis of an extremely deep excavation support system. Rock and Soil Mechanics,2004, 25(4): 538-543 (in Chinese)

3.Song Erxiang, Gao Xiang, Qiu Yue. Finite element calculation for safety factor of soil nailing through reduction of strength parameters. Chinese Geotechnical Journal,2005, 27(3): 258-263 (in Chinese)

4.Liu Huabei, Song Erxiang, Ling, Hoe I. Constitutive modeling of soil-structure interface through the concept of critical state soil mechanics. Mechanics Research Communications. Vol 33, No 4, 2006, p 515-531

5.Huabei Liu,Erxiang Song. Working mechanism of cutoff walls in reducing uplift of large underground structures induced by soil liquefaction. Computers and Geotechnics, Vol.33,No.3,2006: 209-221

6.Liu Guanglei, Song Erxiang. Visco-elastic transmitting boundary for numerical analysis of infinite saturated soil foundation. Chinese Geotechnical Journal,2006, 28(12):2128-2133 (in Chinese)

7.Song Erxiang,Wu Siyu,Wang Zonggang. A tentative solution for similitude realization in shaking table tests of SSI systems. China Civil Engineering Journal,2008, 41(10):87-92 (in Chinese)

8.Song Erxiang, Wu Siyu, Liu Huabei. Quasi-static calculation method for seismic response of rigid pile composite foundation. Chinese Geotechnical Journal,2009, 31(11): 1723-1728 (in Chinese)

9.Wei Zhai,Erxiang Song. Three Dimensional FEM of Moving Coordinates for the Analysis of Transient Vibration due to Moving Loads. Computers and Geotechnics, Vol 37, No.1, 2010

10.Zhao Heng, Song Erxiang. Stability analysis of circular convex slopes. Chinese Geotechnical Journal, 2011, 33(5): 730-737 (in Chinese)

11.Song Erxiang, Cao Guangxu. Characteristics and simplified calculation of creep settlement of high fill foundation in mountain area. Rock and Soil Mechnics, 2012, 33(6): 1712-1718 (in Chinese)

12.Zhao Heng,Song Erxiang. A method for predicting co-seismic displacements of slopes for landslide hazard zonation. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2012, Vol. 40: 62-77

13.Peng Li, Erxiang Song. A high-order time-domain transmitting boundary for cylindrical wave propagation problems in unbounded saturated poroelastic media. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2013, v48: 48–62

14.Chen Biguang,Song Erxiang,Cheng Xiaohui. A numerical method for discrete fracture network model for flow and heat transfer in two-dimensional fractured rocks. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2014, 33(1): 43-51 (in Chinese)

15.Wang Hongliang,Song Erxiang,Song Fuyuan. Calculation of active earth pressure for limited soil between existing building and excavation. Engineering Mechanics, 2014, 31(4): 76-81 (in Chinese)

16.Song Guang, Song Erxiang. Selection of soil constitutive models for numerical simulation of foundation pit excavation. Engineering Mechanics, 2014,31(5): 86-94 (in Chinese)

17.Li Peng, Song Erxiang, A viscous-spring transmitting boundary for cylindrical wave propagation in saturated poroelastic media. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2014, v65: 269-283

18.Li Peng,Song Erxiang. Three dimensional numerical analysis for longitudinal seismic response of tunnels under asynchronous wave input. Computers and Geotechnics,2015, v63: 229-243

19.Chen Biguang,Song Erxiang. An artificial truncated boundary approach for unbounded transient seepage problems. Inter. J. Num. Analy. Method. Geomechanics,2015, 39(7): 762-774

20.Zhihong Zhao, Erxiang Song. Particle mechanics modeling of creep behavior of rockfill materials under dry and wet conditions. Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, v68: 137-146

21.Sun Yujin, Song Erxiang. Simulation of large-displacement landslide by material point method. Chinese Geotechnical Journal, 2015, 37(7): 1218-1225 (in Chinese)

22.Li Peng, Song Erxiang. A general viscous-spring transmitting boundary for dynamic analysis of saturated poro-elastic media. Inter. J. Num. Analy. Method. Geomechanics,2016,40(3): 344-366

23.Yujin Sun, Erxiang Song. Active earth pressure analysis based on normal stress distribution function along failure surface in soil obeying nonlinear failure criterion. Acta Geotechnica, 2016, 11(2): 255-268

24.Mengjia Zhou, Erxiang Song. A random virtual crack DEM model for creep behavior of rockfill based on the subcritical crack propagation theory. Acta Geotechnica, 2016, 11(4):827-847

25.Xu Ming, Song Erxiang, Jiang Hao, Hong Juntian. DEM simulation of the undrained shear behavior of sand containing dissociated gas hydrate. Granular Matter, 18(4), 2016

26.Song Erxiang,Kong Yufei,Yang Jun. Discussion of safety factor definitions and computation methods for geotechnical structures. Engineering Mechanics,2016, 33(11): 1-6 (in Chinese)

27.Kong Yufei, Xu Ming, Song Erxiang. An elastic-viscoplastic double-yield- surface model for coarse-grained soils considering particle breakage. Computers and Geotechnics, 2017, v85: 59-70

28.Erxiang Song, Shuang Luo. A local artificial boundary for transient seepage problems with unsteady boundary conditions in unbounded domains, Inter. J. Num. Analy. Method. Geomechanics, 2017, 41(8): 1108-1124

29.Luo Shuang,Song Erxiang. A high-order local artificial boundary condition for seepage and heat transfer. Computers Geotechnics, 2018, v97, 111-123

30.Yunjia Wang, Erxiang Song, Zhihong Zhao, Particle mechanics modeling of the effect of aggregate shape on creep of durable rockfills. Computers and Geotechnics, 2018, v98: 114–131

31.Song Erxiang, Li Peng, Lin Ming, Liu Xiaodong. The rationality of semi-rigid immersed tunnel element structure scheme and its first application in Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao bridge project. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, v82: 156–169

32.Sun Yujin,Song Erxiang. Dynamic simulation of “12·20” Shenzhen landslide. Chinese Geotechnical Journal,2018,40(3): 441-448 (in Chinese)

33.Erxiang Song,Tianliang Zheng,Yufei Kong. Tentative investigation of structure size effect of high-filled geotechnical structures. China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering. Aug. 2018, Vol.2:1726-1729

34.Xu Ming, Song Erxiang, Shen Zhiping,etc. Key techniques in geotechnical treatment of a large karst depression for FAST. China Civil Engineering Journal,2019,52(3): 87-99 (in Chinese)

35.Abbas Haider, Erxiang Song, Peng Li. Numerical simulation and absorbing boundary conditions for wave propagation in a semi-infinite media with a linear isotropic hardening plastic model. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v125, 2019

36.Ruiyu Zhang, Yujin Sun, Erxiang Song. Simulation of Dynamic Compaction and Analysis of Its Efficiency with the Material Point Method, Computers and Geotechnics, v116, 2019

37.Zheng Tianliang,Song Erxiang. A micro-macromechanical compression model of crushing in granular materials based on a probabilistic approach and energy aspects. Inter. J. for Num. and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2021, 45(6): 753-775

38.Song Erxiang,Fu Hao,Li Xianjie. Improvement of calculation method for safety factor of basal heave stability of deep excavation. China Civil Engineering Journal,2021,54(3): 109-118 (in Chinese)

39.Song Erxiang,Fu Hao,Li Xianjie, Cheng Xiaohui. On the choice of strength parameters for the analysis of saturated clay under undrained conditions. China Civil Engineering Journal, 2021, 54(9):88-95 (in Chinese)

40.Song Erxiang,Fu Hao,Li Xianjie, Guo Hongxian. Checking method for basal heave stability of deep excavation in saturated cohesive soil. China Civil Engineering Journal, 2021, 54(10): 97-105  (in Chinese)

41.Song Erxiang,Fu Hao,Li Xianjie. A calculation method for the bearing capacity of saturated soil under undrained conditions. Rock and Soil Mechanics,2021, 42(11): 2919-2924 (in Chinese)

42.Song Erxiang,Fu Hao,Li Xianjie. Mechanism and new calculation method for bearing capacity of foundations. Chinese Geotechnical Journal,2022, 44(1): 37-44 (in Chinese)

43.Rui Tong, Hao Fu, Erxiang Song. Modeling and numerical analysis of the canopy effect with time-varying top boundary conditions of soil with an ice-water-air multiphase zone. Computers and Geotechnics, 146(6), 2022