
Xu Ming

Position: Associate Professor
Address: Engineering Research Group, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Tel: 0086-10-62785681
E-mail: [email protected]

Educational Background

PhD:   Oct.2001-July 2005, Geotechnical Engineering, University of Southampton
B.Eng: Sep.1991-July 1996, Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University

Work Experience

Dec. 2010-present   Associate Professor, Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
Nov. 2007-Dec. 2010   Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
Aug. 2006-Nov. 2007   Design Engineer, Tunnel Division, Mott MacDonald, UK
Jul. 2005-Aug. 2006     Research Fellow, University of Southampton, UK
Aug. 1997-Sep. 2001   Engineer, China Space Design & Research Institute

Teaching Courses
  1. Foundation Engineering

  2. Advanced Experimental Soil Mechanics

  3. Ground Improvement and Composite Foundation

Research Interests
  1. The behavior of sand containing gas hydrate

  2. Soil-structure interaction

  3. Tunneling Engineering

  4. Micro-behavior of granular materials

Research Projects
  1. The buildup of lateral earth pressure of sand behind integral abutments, National Natural Science Foundation of China (51978382), 2013.1-2016.12

  2. Experimental and theoretical study on the soil behavior at small strains and its application in the safety analysis of urban large underground construction, National Natural Science Foundation of China (41272280), 2013.1-2016.12

  3. Analysis of the interaction between tunneling and adjacent underground structures considering soil small strain stiffness, National Natural Science Foundation of China (50808109), 2009.1-2011.12

  4. Investigation of the Interaction between Soil and Underground Pipelines under Complex Loading Conditions, National Natural Science Foundation of China (51350110231), 2013.7-2014.6

  5. Centrifuge Investigation of the Behavior of Underground Pipeline Joints Subjected to Traffic Loading, National Natural Science Foundation of China (51450110097), 2014.7-2014.12

Professional Service
  1. Editorial Board Members, Canadian Geotechnical Journal

  2. Fellow and Vice General-Secretary, Technical Committee of Deep Excavation

  3. Fellow, Tunnel and Underground Works Branch of China Civil Engineering Society

  4. Fellow, Chinese Society of Underground Space

Honors and Awards
  1. 2019, the second prize of the Award of Science & Technology of Guizhou Province ( honored project: The geotechnical aspects of FAST)

  2. 2017, the first prize of the Award of Science & Technology of China Institute of Navigation ( honored project: Research on semi-rigid immersed tunnel)

  3. 2012, the second prize of the Award of Science & Technology of Ministry of Education ( honored project: Research on key techniques to control the stability and deformation of high-fill foundations for airports in mountain areas)

Academic Achievement
  1. Xu M. and Shen D. (2020) The influence of erosion voids on the longitudinal behaviour of a jointed large-diameter reinforced concrete pipeline, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 103: 103494.

  2. Hong J., Xu M.* (2020) DEM study on the undrained mechanical behavior of gassy sand. Acta Geotechnica, 15: 2179–2193. 

  3. Xu M., Jin D., Song E., Shen Z., Yang Z., and Fu J. (2019) Full-scale creep test and back-analysis of the long-term settlement of heavy-loaded shallow foundations on a high rockfill embankment, Computers and Geotechnics, Vol 115: 103156.

  4. Xu M., and Liu P. (2019) Response of full-height frame integral abutments subjected to seismic motions, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 121: 356-368.

  5. Xu M., Jin D., Song E., and Shen D. (2018) A rheological model to simulate the shear creep behavior of rockfills considering the influence of stress states, Acta Geotechnica, 13: 1313–1327.

  6. Xu M., Hong J., and Song E. (2018) DEM study on the macro- and micro-responses of granular materials subjected to creep and stress relaxation, Computers and Geotechnics, 102: 111–124.

  7. Xu M., Shen D., and Jin D. (2017) The behaviour of jointed large-diameter reinforced concrete pipeline buried in various ground conditions, Engineering Structures, 153: 354–369.

  8. Xu M., Song E., and Jin D. (2017) A strain hardening model for the stress-path-dependent shear behavior of rockfills, Geomechanics and Engineering, 13(5): 743-756.

  9. Xu M., Hong J., and Song E. (2017) DEM study on the effect of particle breakage on the macro- and micro-behavior of rockfill sheared along different stress paths. Computers and Geotechnics, 89: 113–127.

  10. Xu M., Shen D., and Rakitin B. (2017) The longitudinal response of buried large-diameter reinforced concrete pipeline with gasketed bell-and-spigot joints subjected to traffic loading, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 64: 117–132.

  11. Kong Y., Xu M., and Song E. (2017) An elastic-viscoplastic double-yield-surface model for coarse-grained soils considering particle breakage, Computers and Geotechnics, 85: 59–70.

  12. Xu M., Song E., Jiang H., and Hong J.(2016) DEM simulation of the undrained shear behavior of sand containing dissociated gas hydrate, Granular Matter, 18(4), DOI 10.1007/s10035-016-0675-4.

  13. Rakitin B., and Xu M.* (2015) Centrifuge testing to simulate buried reinforced concrete pipe joints subjected to traffic loadingCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 52(11): 1762-1774

  14. Rakitin B., and Xu M.* (2014) Centrifuge modeling of large diameter underground pipes subjected to heavy traffic loads, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 51(4): 353–368

  15. Xu M., Song E., Chen J. (2012) A large triaxial investigation of the stress-path-dependent behavior of compacted rockfill, Acta Geotechnica, 7(3):167–175

  16. Bloodworth A. G., Xu M.*, Banks J.R, Clayton C. R. I., (2012). Predicting the earth pressure on integral bridge abutments, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 17(2), 371-381, 

  17. Bloodworth A. G., Cao J, Xu M. (2012) Numerical modelling of shear behaviour of reinforced concrete pile caps, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 138(6), 708-717

  18. Xu M., Clayton C. and Bloodworth A. (2010) Discussion: A new type of integral bridge comprising geosynthetic-reinforced soil wall, Gesynthtetics International, 17(4), 260-271

  19. Clayton C., Xu M., Whiter J., Ham A. & Rust M. (2010) Stresses in cast-iron pipes due to seasonal shrink-swell of clay soils, Water Management, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 163(3), 157-162

  20. Xu M., Song E. (2009) Numerical simulation of the shear behavior of rockfills, Computers and Geotechnics, 36(8), 1259-1264

  21. Xu M., Song E. & Cao G. (2009) Compressibility of broken rock-fine grain soil mixture, Geomechanics and Engineering, 1(2), 169-178

  22. Xu M., Bloodworth A. & Clayton C. (2007) Behavior of a stiff clay behind embedded integral abutments, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 133(6), 721-730

  23. Xu M., Clayton C. & Bloodworth A. (2007) The earth pressure behind full-height frame integral abutments supporting granular backfill, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 44(3), 284-298

  24. Clayton C., Xu M. & Bloodworth A. (2006) A laboratory study of the development of earth pressure behind integral abutments, Géotechnique, 56(8), 561-571.

*Corresponding author