Yang Jun
Position:Associate ProfessorTel:86-10-62792430Fax:86-10-62782184E-mail:
[email protected]
Educational Background
B.Sc. in Structure Engineering at Tsinghua University, Beijing(1996)Ph.D. in Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering at Tsinghua University, Beijing(2001)
Work Experience
2005.01 – Associate Professor of Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University2001.12 - 2004.12 Lecturer of Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University 2005.01 - 2005.03 Visiting Scholar of UBC, Canada
Teaching Courses
1. Conceptual Structure Design2. Reinforce Concrete Design
Research Interests
1. aseismic performance of underground engineering2. soil and structure interaction (SSI)
Research Projects
DEM approach and verification of earthquake-induced progressive slope failure and the influence zone (National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant no. 50908123)The key technology of the deformation and stability control of airport high fill in mountain area (National Key Fundamental Research and Development Program of China. grant no. 2014CB047000)
Professional Service
member of technical committee of soft soil in CCESmember of technical committee of ground improvement in CCESmember of technical committee of structural timber (SAC/TC41)
Honors and Awards
2013, the second prize of the Award of Science & Technology of Ministry of Education (Rank 5th),( honored project: the deformation and stability control of airport high fill in mountain area)
Academic Achievement
Selected papers1. Jun Yang. Discussion of “Numerical Study of Slope-Stabilizing Piles in Undrained Clayey Slopes with a Weak Thin Layer” by I-Hsuan Ho. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622. 000044512. 杨军, 张大峰. 考虑固结过程的单桩负摩擦数值模型. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),2015,55(12):1276-1280(EI20160301816126)3. Dafeng Zhang, Jun Yang, Lianyou Li, Zhaopu Shen. Settlement calculation method for single pile in negative friction case considering consolidation of surrounding soils. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication Vol. 1 (2015) No. 6 p. 53-57 // Sun Y,Yang J & Song E,Runout analysis of landslides using material point method, Geohazards & Geomechanics,2015. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/26/1/0120145. 杨攀,杨军. 考虑前期降雨的边坡稳定降雨阈值曲面. 岩土力学,2015,36(S1): 169-1746. Fu-yao Zhao, Er-xiang Song, and Jun Yang, “Stress Analysis of Rotary Vibration of Rigid Friction Pile and Stress General Solution of Central Symmetry Plane Elastic Problem,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2015, Article ID 685941, 12 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/6859417. 张大峰,杨军, 李连友, 沈兆普. 东非地区黑棉土工程特性和桩基病害处理. 建筑结构,2015,45(1): 72-768. Zhang Y., Pan P., Gu Q., Yang J., Deng K. Development of Collaborative Structure Analysis (CSA) system and its application to investigate effects of soil-structure interaction. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2014, 18(7): 1151-1169.9. Wang Mingqiang,Yang Jun. Three Dimensional Implementation of HISS Model in ABAQUS. Q. Yang et al. (Eds.): Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials : Advances and New Applications, SSGG, pp. 771–781. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013(EI 20142617867014)10. 曹海韵, 杨军, 潘鹏, 王飞, 狄启腾, 申金昌. 大型液化天然气储罐隔震分析和设计. 建筑结构. 2011(S1): 211-215.11. Yang Bing, Yang Jun. 3-D Granular Simulation on the Process of Slope Failure and Collapse. Advanced Materials Research, v 378-379, p 489-492, 2012, Applied Materials and Electronics Engineering, AMEE 2012.(EI 20114614519466)Books1. Co-author of the book Timber Engineering (In Chinese), China Architecture & Building Press, 2008, 170p2. Co-author of the book Conceptual Design and Case Study of Building Structure (In Chinese), Tsinghua University Press, 2003, 238p