
Zhao Zhihong

Position:Associate Professor
Address:Department of Civil Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, P.R. China
E-mail:[email protected]

Educational Background

2008.10 - 2011.11 PhD, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden

2005.09 - 2008.01 Master, University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), China

2001.09 - 2005.07 Bachelor, University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), China

Work Experience

2014.02 - present Assistant, Associate professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University

2011.12 - 2014.06 Post-doc, Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University

2006.12 - 2008.09 Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Structural;Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic

Teaching Courses

1. Scientific Writing and Communication

2. Introduction to sponge city

3. Advanced rock mechanics

4. Soil mechanics and foundation engineering

5. Foundation engineering

Research Interests

Rock mechanics (Coupled THMC processes in fractured rocks)

Underground engineering (EGS, Nuclear waste repositories, Deep tunnels)

Numerical methods (Discrete element method, Particle mechanics method)

Research Projects

1.Mechanisms and controlling methods of gas migration in fractured rock mass under coupled thermal-mechanical condition, National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI, 2023-2026

2.Comprehensive evaluation technology of natural and artificial fracture networks in deep carbonate geothermal reservoirs, National Key R&D Program of China, PI, 2019-2022, National Key R&D Program of China, PI, 2022-2025

3.Mechanisms and modeling methods for fluid flow and solute transport through fractured rocks under coupled TM conditions in radioactive nuclear waste repositories, National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI, 2021-2024

4.Comprehensive evaluation technology of natural and artificial fracture networks in deep carbonate geothermal reservoirs, National Key R&D Program of China, PI, 2019-2022

5.Water-rock interaction induced multi-scale weakening of rock fractures and fracture shear strength criterion, National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI, 2018-2021

6.The mechanism and control of the abnormal deformation of super-high arch dams and mountains during the initial impoundment period, National Natural Science Foundation of China, co-PI, 2018-2022

7.Discrete element modeling of thermal effects on flow and transport properties of fractured rocks in Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI, 2016-2018

8.The interaction mechanism of important infrastructures and geological environment, Ministry of Science and Technology, China, co-PI, 2018-2021, 3 000 000 RMB

9.Effects of reinjection on permeability of Beijing geothermal field: fundamental study and application, Beijing Natural Science Foundation, PI, 2015-2017

10.Stability and support technology of deep tunnels with large sections in high in-situ stress area, Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program, PI, 2015-2018

11.A numerical framework for modeling of coupled reactive transport processes in fractured rock, Tsinghua University – KU Leuven Exploratory Bilateral Co-operation Program, Co-PI, 2016-2017

12.Numerical modeling for geothermal fields in Beijing-Tianjing-Shijiazhuang area, Consulting Project, PI, 2018

13.Numerical modeling of variation of thermal conductivity of Beishan granite under uniaxial compressive loading, Consulting Project, PI, 2016-2018

14.Numerical modeling on geothermal reinjection in sandstone reservoirs, Shandong, Consulting Project, PI, 2015-2017

Professional Service


ISRM Commission on Radioactive Waste Disposal, Commission member

ISRM Commission on Coupled Thermal-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Rock, Early/Mid Career Representatives

Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering, General secretary (Associate)

Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering, Commission on physical and numerical modeling, General secretary (Associate)


International Journal of Geomechanics, Associate Editor

Computers and Geotechnics, Editorial Board Member

Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Editorial Board Member

Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Editorial Board Member


1.2021 The sixth ISRM Early Career Forum, Co-chair

2.2020 The 22nd Young Scientist Salon of the 2020 China Science and Technology Summit Series of China Association for Science and Technology, Chair

3.2020 Coufrac2020 – International Conference on Coupled Processes in Fractured Geological Media: Observation, Modeling, and Application, Organization committee

4.2018 ARMS10 – the 10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Session Chairman

5.2018 Workshop for Young Scientists from Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait, Hong Kong and Macao, Chair

6.2017 the 15th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (15th IACMAG), Local Organizing Committee

7.2017 Young Scientist Forum Supported by China Association for Science and Technology, Chair

8.2016 ARMS9 – the 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Session Chairman

9.International Workshop on “Long-term Stability of High Dams” (Sinodam-2016), General Secretary


Examiner of Shuang Luo’s PhD thesis at Department of Civil Engineering, THU, 2018

Anonymous examiner of PhD thesis at School of Civil Engineering, CSU, 2017

Outstanding Student Paper Awards Judge of AGU Fall Meeting 2012

Examiner of Barbara Kleine’s Licenciate (Mid-term PhD) thesis at Department of Geological Sciences, SU (2012-12)

Examiner of Madeleine Bohlin’s Master thesis at Department of Geological Sciences, SU (2013-06)

Examiner of Xiangyu Li’s Master thesis at Department of Civil Engineering, THU (2015-06)

European Research Council Advanced Grant 2016 Remote Review

Honors and Awards

2021, the second prize of Hebei Province Technology Invention Award

2021, the first prize of natural science of the Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering

2020,Coufrac2020 Plenary session for emerging scientists

The 10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS) Young Researcher Plenary Lecture (2018)

KSRM Scholarship Award in 2017 Young Scholars’ Symposium on Rock Mechanics (YSRM)

Young Faculty Performance Award in Teaching, Tsinghua University (2016)

The Young Elite Scientist Sponsorship (YESS) Program by China Association for Science and Technology (2015)

The recruitment program of Beijing youth experts (2014)

Academic Achievement

Books / Book chapters

Zhihong Zhao. 2023. Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical processes in fractured rocks: Fundamentals, modeling and application, Springer.

Zhao Z. Technical Regulation for Tracer Test in Geothermal reservoirs, Head of drafting team, 2018 (in Chinese)

Zhao Z. 2017. Application of discrete element approach in fractured rock masses. In: Shao J. and Shojaei A (eds), Porous Rock Failure Mechanics: with Application to Hydraulic Fracturing, Drilling and Structural Engineering. Elsevier. pp 145-176.

Peer-reviewed journal papers (* corresponding author, # student or Postdoc)

1.Liu B#, Zhao Z*, Chen S#, Yang Q. 2023. Numerical modeling on deformation of fractured reservoir bank slopes during impoundment: Case study of the Xiluodu dam. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. (in press)

2.Liu G#, Zhao Z*, Xu H#, Zhang J, Kong X, Yuan L. 2022. A robust assessment method of recoverable geothermal energy considering optimal development parameters. Renewable Energy. 201: 426-440.

3.Ma F, Liu G#, Zhao Z*, Xu H#, Wang G. 2022. Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical modeling on the Rongcheng geothermal field, China. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 55: 5209-5233.

4.Wang J#, Zhao Z*, Liu G#, Xu H#. 2022. A robust optimization approach of well placement for doublet in heterogeneous geothermal reservoirs using random forest technique and genetic algorithm. Energy. 254: 124427.

5.Dou Z#, Gao T, Zhao Z*, Li J*, Yang Q, Yi S. 2021. Effect of immersion duration on shear behavior of granite fractures. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 54: 4809-4823.

6.Xu H#, Cheng J#, Zhao Z*, Lin T, Liu G, Chen S. 2021. Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical modeling on acid fracturing in carbonatite geothermal reservoirs containing a heterogeneous fracture. Renewable Energy. 172: 145-157.

7.Zhao Z, Dou Z#, Liu G#,*, Chen S, Tan X. 2021. Equivalent flow channel model for doublets in heterogeneous porous geothermal reservoirs. Renewable Energy. 172: 100-111.

8.Chen Y#,*, Liang W, Selvadurai APS, Zhao Z. 2021. Influence of asperity degradation and gouge formation on flow during rock fracture shearing. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 143: 104795.

9.Zhao Z, Chen S#, Chen Y#,*, Yang Q. 2021. On the effective stress coefficient of single rough rock fracture. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 137: 104556.

10.Chen Y#, Zhang C*, Zhao Z*, Zhao X. 2020. Shear behavior of artificial and natural granite fractures after heating and water-cooling treatment. Rock mechanics and Rock Engineering. 53: 5429-5449.

11.Li B, Ye X, Dou Z#, Zhao Z*, Li Y, Yang Q. 2020. Shear strength of rock fractures under dry, surface wet and saturated conditions. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 53: 2605-2622.

12.Zhao Z*, Guo T#, Li S, Wu W, Yang Q, Chen S#. 2020. Effects of joint surface roughness and orientational anisotropy on characteristics of excavation damage zone in jointed rocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 128: 104265.

13.Peng H#, Zhao Z*, Chen W, Chen Y, Fang Y, Li B. 2020. Thermal effect on permeability in a single granite fracture: Experiment and theoretical model. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 131: 104358.

14.Chen Y, Zhao Z*. 2020. Heat transfer in a 3D rough rock fracture with heterogeneous apertures. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 134: 104445.

15.Liu G#, Wang G*, Zhao Z*, Ma F. 2020. A new well pattern of cluster-layout for deep geothermal reservoirs: Case study from the Dezhou geothermal field, China. Renewable Energy. 155: 484-499.

16.Liu Z, Xu H#, Zhao Z*, Chen Z. 2019. DEM modeling of interaction between the propagating fracture and multiple pre-existing cemented discontinuities in shale. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 52: 1993-2001.

17.Wang G, Liu G#, Zhao Z*, Liu Y, Pu H. 2019. A robust numerical method for modeling multiple wells in city-scale geothermal field based on simplified one-dimensional well model. Renewable Energy. 139-873-894.

18.Zhao X, Xu H#, Zhao Z*, Guo Z, Cai M, Wang J. 2019. Thermal conductivity of thermally damaged Beishan granite under uniaxial compression. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 115: 121-136.

19.Liu G#, Pu H*, Zhao Z*, Liu Y. 2019. Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical modeling on well pairs in heterogeneous porous geothermal reservoirs. Energy. 171: 631-653.

20.Zuo J, Li Y, Zhang X, Zhao Z, Wang T. 2018. The effects of thermal treatments on the subcritical crack growth of Pingdingshan sandstone at elevated high temperatures. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 51: 3439-3454.

21.Zhao Z*, Guo T#, Ning Z, Dou Z#, Dai F*, Yang Q. 2018. Numerical modeling of stability of fractured reservoir bank slopes subjected to water-rock interactions. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 51: 2517-2531.

22.Zhao Z*, Peng H#, Wu W, Chen Y-F. 2018. Characteristics of shear-induced asperity degradation of rock fractures and implications for solute retardation. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 105: 53-61.

23.Zhao X, Zhao Z, Guo Z, Cai M, Li X, Li P-F, Chen L, Wang J. 2018. Influence of thermal treatment on the thermal conductivity of Beishan granite. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 51: 2055-2074

24.Zhao Z*, Liu Z, Pu H, Li X. 2018. Effect of thermal treatment on Brazilian tensile strength of granites with different grain size distributions. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 51: 1293-1303.

25.Zhao Z*, Yang J, Zhang D, Peng H.# 2017. Effects of wetting and cyclic wetting-drying on tensile strength of sandstone with a low clay mineral content. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 50: 485-491.

26.Luo S, Zhao Z*, Peng H#, Pu H. 2016. The role of fracture surface roughness in macroscopic fluid flow and heat transfer in fractured rocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 87: 29-38.

27.Zhao Z.* 2016. Thermal influence on mechanical properties of granite: A micro-cracking perspective. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 49: 747-762.

28.Zhao Z*, Li B, Jiang Y. 2014. Effects of fracture surface roughness on macroscopic fluid flow and solute transport in fracture networks. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 47: 2279-2286.

29.Zhao Z*, Liu L, Neretnieks I, Jing L. 2014. Solute transport in a single fracture: impacted by chemically mediated changes. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 66: 69-75.

30.Zhao Z.* 2013. Gouge particle evolution in a rock fracture undergoing shear: A microscopic DEM study. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 46: 1461-1479.

31.Zhao Z*, Jing L, Neretnieks I. 2012. Particle mechanics model for the effects of shear on solute retardation coefficient in rock fractures. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 52: 92-102.