
Li Kefei

Address:Dept. Civil Engineering|| Tsinghua university|| Beijing||
Postal Code:100084
E-mail:[email protected]

Education Background

BA:   Sep.1989-Jun. 1993, Bridge Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

MA:  Sep.1993-Mar.1996, Bridge Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

PhD: Sep.1996-Sep.2000, Bridge Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

PhD: Sep.1999-Sep.2002, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, Paris, France

Work Experience

2004.10- , associate professor/professor, Dept. Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Teaching Courses

1. Building and Construction Materials (undergraduate, 32hrs)

2. Durability and assessment of engineering structures (graduate, 48hrs)

Research Interests

1. Physics and Mechanics of Cement-based porous materials

2. Durability of concrete materials and structures3. Life-cycle theory and application

Research Projects

1. NSFC project no.50538060, Fundamental research of durability of concrete structures under atmospheric and freeze-thaw environment, 2006-2009

2. NSFC project no. 50608048, Mass transport and exchange of flow across the cracked surface of cement-based materials, 2007-2009

3. ICCMC project, Index-based durability design method of concrete bridges, 2007-2008

4. Western Technology Project (Chinese Ministry of Communication), no. 318 223 02-06, Research on the index system, detection methods and assessment critera of concrete bridges, 2007-2010

5. 973 project no. 2009CB623106-2, pore structure and moisture transport mechanisms of cement-based materials, 2009.1-2013.12

6. NSFC project no. 50978144, Nuclide transport process in unsaturated engineered barrier materials, 2010.1-2012.12

7. China Science and Technology Ministry Project, Design techniques for large-scale concrete structures in marine environment for service life of 120 years, 2010.7-2015.6

8. Lafarge Group project, On the relation between pore structure and the air permeability of high-volume fly-ash cement pastes, 2010.12-2011.9

Professional Service

Advance in Cement Research, Editorial board member

Cement and Concrete Research, Editorial board memeber

Materials and Structures, associate Editor

RILEM, TAC convener (cluster D)

IABSE, associate deputy member

(China Group)JCSS (Joint Committee on Structural Safety), Board member

Honors and Awards

2011, the second prize of the Award of Science & Technology of China (Rank 5st)

2012, Extraordinary prize of CCCC Science & Technology Award (Rank 3rd)

Academic Achievement

[1] Li, K.F., Durability Design of Concrete Structure: Phenomena, Modelling and Practice, Wiley, 2016.

[2] GB/T 50476, 混凝土结构耐久性设计规范, 2016修订,主编

[3] Wang, Z.D., Zeng, Q., Wang, L., Li, K.F., Xu, S.L., Yao, Y. (2015). Characterizing frost damages of concrete with flatbed scanner, Construction and Building Materials, 102:872-883.

[4] Yang, R.W., Gui, Q., Fen-Chong, T., Li, K.F. (2015) Micromechanical Modeling of Transport Properties of Cement-Based Composites: Role of Interfacial Transition Zone and Air Voids, Transport in Porous Media, 110(3):591-611.

[5] Li, K.F., Li, Q.W., Zhou, X.G., Fan, Z.H. (2015) Durability Design of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Sea-Link Project: Principle and Procedure, Journal of Bridge Engineering-ASCE, 20(11): 04015001

[6] Zeng, Q., Zhang, D.D., Li, K.F. (2015) Kinetics and Equilibrium Isotherms of Water Vapor Adsorption/Desorption in Cement-Based Porous Materials, Transport in Porous Media, 109(2):469-493.

[7] Li, L., Li, K.F. (2015) Permeability of Microcracked Solids with Random Crack Networks: Role of Connectivity and Opening Aperture, Transport in Porous Media, 109(1):217-237.

[8] Li, L., Li, K.F. (2015) Permeability of cracked porous solids through percolation approach, Acta Physica Sinica, 64(13):136402

[9] Zeng, Q., Li, K.F. (2015) Reaction and microstructure of cement-fly-ash system, Materials and Structures, 48(6):1703-1716.

[10] Zhou, C.S., Li, K.F. (2015) Transport Properties of Concrete Altered by Crack-Induced Damage, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering-ASCE, 27(2): A4014001

[11] Zhou, X.G., Xia, H., Li, K.F. (2015) Regression analysis for determination of durability parameter values of marine concrete, Magazine of Concrete Research 67(18): 1400302

[12] Li, Q.W., Li, K.F., Zhou, X.G., Zhang, Q.M., Fan, Z.H. (2015) Model-based durability design of concrete structures in Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau sea link project, Strcutural Safety 53:1-12.

[13] Zeng, Q., Li, K.F., Fen-Chong, T. (2015) Heterogeneous nucleation of ice from supercooled NaCl solution confined in porous cement paste, Journal of Crystal Growth 409:1-9.

[14] Li, K.F., Pang, X.Y. (2014) Sorption of radionuclides by cement-based barrier materials, Cement and Concrete Research 65:52-57.

[15] Zeng, Q., Zhang, D.D., Sun, H., Li, K.F. (2014) Characterizing pore structure of cement blend pastes using water vapor sorption analysis, Materials Characterization 95:72-84.

[16] Zhou, C.S., Li, K.F., Ma, F. (2014) Numerical and statistical analysis of elastic modulus of concrete as a three-phase heterogeneous composite, Computers & Structures 139:33-42.

[17] Zeng, Q., Wang, Y.Y., Li, K.F. (2014) Uniform Model for Moisture Transport in Porous Materials and Its Application to Concrete at Selected Chinese Regions, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering-ASCE, 26(6): 05014001

[18] Zeng, Q., Li, L., Pang, X.Y., Gui, Q., Li, K.F. (2014) Freeze-thaw behavior of air entrained cement paste saturated with 10 wt.% NaCl solution, Cold Regions Science and Technology 102:21-31.

[19] Wang, Z.D., Zeng, Q., Wang, L., Yao, Y., Li, K.F. (2014) Effect of moisture content on freeze-thaw behavior of cement paste by electrical resistance measurements, Journal of Materials Science,  49(12):4305-4314.

[20] Zeng, Q., Fen-Chong, T., Li, K.F. (2014) Freezing behavior of cement pastes saturated with NaCl solution, Construction and Building Materials 59:99-110.

[21] Wang, Z.D., Zeng, Q., Wang, L., Yao, Y., Li, K.F. (2014) Corrosion of rebar in concrete under cyclic freeze-thaw and Chloride salt action, Construction and Building Materials 53:40-47.

[22] Li, K.F., Zeng, Q., Luo, M.Y., Pang, X.Y. (2014) Effect of self-desiccation on the pore structure of paste and mortar incorporating 70% GGBS, Construction and Building Materials 51:329-337.

[23] Zeng, Q., Fen-Chong, T., Li, K.F. (2013) Elastic behavior of saturated porous materials under undrained freezing, Acta Mechanica Sinica 29(6): 827-835.

[24] Zhou, X.G., Li, K.F., Chen, Z.Y. (2013) Modeling Boundary and Edge Effect of Chloride Diffusion for Durability Design of Concrete Structures Exposed in Marine Environment, Journal of Wu’han University of Technology- Materials Science Edition, 28(6):1112-1117.

[25] Zeng, Q., Luo, M.Y., Pang, X.Y., Li, L., Li, K.F. (2013) Surface fractal dimension: An indicator to characterize the microstructure of cement-based porous materials, Applied Surface Science 282:302-307.

[26] Wang, Z.D., Zeng, Q., Wang, L., Yao, Y., Li, K.F. (2013) Characterizing blended cement pastes under cyclic freeze-thaw actions by electrical resistivity, Construction and Building Materials 44:477-486.

[27] Li, K.F., Li, C.Q. (2013) Modeling Hydroionic Transport in Cement-Based Porous Materials Under Drying-Wetting Actions, Journal of Applied Mechanics – Transactions of the ASME, 80(2): 020904.

[28] Zeng, Q., Li, K.F.,  Fen-Chong, T.,  Dangla, P. (2013). Water Removal by Freeze-Drying of Hardened Cement Paste, Drying Technology, 36(1): 67-71.

[29] Yang, L.H., Li, K.F., Pang, X.Y. (2013). Design and optimization of maintenance strategies for a long life-span  port project, Materials and Structures, 46(1-2):161-172.

[30] Zhou, C.S., Li K.F., Pang, X.Y. (2012). Geometry of crack network and its impact on transport properties of concrete , Cement and Concrete Research, 42(9):1261-1272.

[31] Zeng, Q., Li, K.F., Fen-chong, T., Dangla, P. (2012). Pore structure characterization of cement pastes blended with high-volume fly-ash, Cement and Concrete Research, 42(1):194-204.

[32] Zeng, Q., Li, K.F., Fen-chong, T., Dangla, P. (2012). Determination of cement hydration and pozzolanic reaction extents for fly-ash cement pastes, Construction and Building Materials, 27(1): 560-569.

[33] Zeng, Q., Li, K.F., Fen-chong, T., Dangla, P. (2012).  Effect of porosity on thermal expansion coefficient of cement pastes and mortars, Construction and Building Materials, 28(1):468-475.

[34] Zhou, C.S., Li, K.F., Han, J.G. (2012). Characterizing the effect of compressive damage on transport properties of cracked concretes, Materials and Structures, 45(3):381-392.

[35] Zeng, Q., Li, K.F., Fen-Chong, T., Dangla, P. (2012). Analysis of pore structure, contact angle and pore entrapment of blended cement pastes from mercury porosimetry data, Cement and Concrete Composites, 34(9):1053-1060.

[36] Li, K.F., Ma, M.J., Wang, X.M. (2011). Experimental study of water flow behaviour in narrow fractures of cementitious materials , Cement and Concrete Composites, 33(10):1009-1013.

[37] Zhou C.S., Li K.F., Pang X.Y.(2011). Effect of crack density and connectivity on the permeability of microcracked solids, Mechanics of Materials, 43(12):969-978.

[38] Zeng, Q., Fen-Chong, T., Dangla, P., Li, K.F. (2011). A study of freezing behavior of cementitious materials by poromechanical approach, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 48(22-23):3267-3273.

[39] Zhou, C.S., Li, K.F. (2010). Numerical and statistical analysis of permeability of concrete as a randomheterogeneous composite, Computers and Concrete, 7(5):469-482.

[40] Zeng, Q., Li, K.F., Fen-Chong, T., Dangla, P.(2010). Surface fractal analysis of pore structure of high-volume fly-ash cement pastes, Applied Surface Science, 257(3):762-768.

[41] Li, K.F., Ju, Y.W., Han, J.G., Zhou, C.S. (2009), Early-age stress analysis of a concrete diaphragm wall through tensile creep modeling,  Materials and Structures, 42(7):923-935.

[42] Li, K.F., Zeng, Q. (2009), Influence of freezing rate on the cryo-dammage of cementitious materials, Journal of Zhejiang Universtity SCIENCE A, 10(1):1-5.

[43] Li, K.F., Li, C.Q., Chen, Z.Y. (2009) Influential depth of moisture transport in concrete subject to drying-wetting cycles, Cement and Concrete Composites, 31(10):693-698.

[44] Li, K.F., Chen, Z.Y., Lian, H.Z. (2008), Concepts and requirements for durability design of concrete structures: An extensive review of CCES01, Materials and Structures, 41:717-731.

[45] Li, K., Coussy, O. (2004). Numerical assessment and prediction method for the chemico-mechanical deterioration of ASR-affected structures, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 31(3), 432-439(doi:10.1139/L04-003)

[46] Steffens, A., Li, K.F., Coussy, O. (2003). An aging approach to water effect on ASR degradation of structures, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 129(1):50-59.

[47] Li, K.F., Coussy, O. (2002). Concrete ASR degradation: from material modeling to structure assessment, Concrete Science and Engineering, 4, 35-46.

[48] Ulm, F.J., Coussy, O., Li, K.F., Larive, C. (2000). Thermo-chemo-Mechanics of ASR-expansion in concrete structures, J. Engrg. Mech., ASCE, 126(3), 233-242.