

Wang Qiang
Position:Associate professorAddress:Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, ChinaTel:01062773097Fax:01062785836E-mail: [email protected]
Educational Background
BA:   Sep.2002 – July.2006, Civil Engineering, Tsinghua UniversityPhD:  Sep.2006 – Jun.2010, Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
Work Experience
2010.7-2012.7 Research Associate, Dept. Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University2012.7-2014.12 Lecturer, Dept. Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University2014.12- Associate professor, Dept. Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
Teaching Courses
Undergraduate course: Modern Construction MaterialsGraduate course: Advances in Concrete Science and Technology
Research Interests
1. Utilization of industrial by-products for manufacture of building materials2. Modern concrete
Research Projects
1. The role of mineral admixture in the steam-cured concrete, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program), 2015-2018.2. Durability of the concrete containing steel slag, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Young Program), 2013-2015.
Professional Service
1. Executive director, Solid Waste Subcommittee of the Chinese Ceramic Society 2. Chairman, Technical Committee of Metallurgical slag, the Chinese Ceramic Society3. Vice chairman, Technical Committee of Inorganic Non-metallic Materials, Chinese Electron Microscopy Society4. Member, Building Material Subcommittee of the Architectural of China5. Member, Technical Committee of Concrete Durability, Chinese Society of Civil Engineering6. Member, Technical Committee of Concrete Theory and Application, The Architectural of China
Honors and Awards
Science & Technology Award for Young Talents of Chinese Ceramic Society (2015)Outstanding Post-Doctor of Tsinghua University (2012)
Academic Achievement
1. Wang Qiang, Shi Mengxiao, Wang Dengquan. Contributions of fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag to the early hydration heat of composite binder at different curing temperatures. Advances in Cement Research, 10.1680/jadcr.15.000772. Han Fanghui, Wang Qiang, Mei yingjun, Liu Mutian. Early hydration properties of composite binder containing limestone powder with different finenesses. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2016, 123(2), 1141-11513. Shi Mengxiao, Wang Qiang, Zhou Zhikai. Comparison of the properties between high-volume fly ash concrete and high-volume steel slag concrete under temperature matching curing condition. Construction and Building Materials, 2015,98:649-655.4. Han Fanghui, Wang Qiang, Feng Jingjing. The differences among the roles of ground fly ash in the paste, mortar and concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 93:172-179.5. Wang Qiang, Shi Mengxiao, Zhang Zengqi. Hydration properties of steel slag under autoclaved condition. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2015, 120(2): 1241-1248.6. Hu Jin, Jiang Guohua, Wang Qiang, Zhang Haibing, Tang Aimin. Influence of early-age moist curing time on the late-age properties of concretes with different binders. Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Science, 2014, 21: 677-682.7. Wang Qiang, Li Mengyuan, Zhang Bo. Influence of pre-curing time on the hydration of binder and the properties of concrete under steam curing condition. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2014, 118(3): 1505-1512.8. Wang Qiang, Li Mengyuan, Jiang Guohua. The difference among the effects of high-temperature curing on the early hydration properties of different cementitious systems. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2014, 118(1): 51-58. 9. Wang Qiang, Yan Peiyu, Yang Jianwei. Comparison of hydration properties between cement-GGBS-fly ash blended binder and cement-GGBS-steel slag blended binder. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition, 2014, 29(2): 273-277.110. Yan peiyu, Mi Guidong, Wang Qiang. A comparison of early hydration properties of cement-steel slag binder and cement-limestone powder binder. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2014, 115(1):193–200.  711. Wang Qiang, Yang Jianwei, Yan Peiyu. Cementitious properties of super-fine steel slag. Powder Technology, 2013, 245: 35-39. 512. Wang Qiang, Yan Peiyu, Yang Jianwei. Influence of steel slag on mechanical properties and durability of concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2013, 47(10): 1414-1420.1113. Wang Q, Zhang B, Yan P Y. The influence of steel slag with high Al2O3 content on the initial hydration of cement. Science China-Technological sciences, 2013, 56(12): 3123-3128. 114. Wang Qiang, Yan Peiyu, Feng Jingjing. Design of high-volume fly ash concrete for a massive foundation slab. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2013,65(2): 71-81. 215. Wang Qiang, Miao Miao, Yan Peiyu. The influence of high-temperature curing on the hydration characteristics of a cement-GGBS binder. Advances in Cement Research, 2012, 24(1), 33–40.16. Wang Qiang, Feng Jing Jing, Yan Peiyu. The microstructure of 4-year-old hardened cement-fly ash paste. Construction and Building Materials, 2012, 29(4): 114-119. 17. Wang Qiang, Yan Peiyu, Mi Guidong. Effect of blended steel slag-GBFS mineral admixture on hydration and strength of cement. Construction and Building Materials, 2012, 35(10): 8-14.18. Wang Qiang, Yang Jianwei, Yan Peiyu. Influence of initial alkalinity on the hydration of steel slag. Science China-Technological sciences, 2012, 55(12): 3378-3387. 19. Wang Qiang, Yan Peiyu, Feng Jianwen. The influence of mineral admixtures on bending strength of mortar on the premise of equal compressive strength. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition, 2012, 27(3): 586-589. 20. Wang Qiang, Yan Peiyu. An explanation for the negative effect of elevated temperature at early ages on the late-age strength of concrete. Journal of Materials Science, 2011, 46:7279-7288.21. Wang Qiang, Yan Peiyu, Feng Jianwen. A discussion on improving hydration activity of steel slag by altering its mineral compositions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 186: 1070-1075. 22. Wang Qiang, Yan Peiyu, Han Song. The influence of steel slag on the hydration of cement during the hydration process of complex binder. Science China-Technological sciences, 2011, 54(2):388-394.23. Wang Qiang, Yan Peiyu. Strength Mechanism of Cement-Asphalt Mortar.  ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2011, 23(9): 1353-1359.24. Wang Qiang, Yan Peiyu. Activity index for steel slag. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2011, 63(10):737-742.25. Wang Qiang, Yan Peiyu. Hydration properties of basic oxygen furnace steel slag. Construction and Building Materials, 2010, 24(7):1134-1140.