
Li Quanwang

Position: Associate professor
Address: Room 212, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
Email: [email protected]

Educational Background

July,2001 – June,2006, Georgia Institute of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Ph.D.

August,1999 – June.2001, Tsinghua University, Department of Civil Engineering, Master

August, 1994 – July,1999, Tsinghua University, Department of Civil Engineering, Bachelor

Work Experience

Jan.2011 - present, Associate professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University

Oct. 2006 – Dec.2010, Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University

Teaching Courses

Structural Mechanics

Research Interests
  1. Structural seismic behavior and seismic reliability

  2. Reliability assessment and life-cycle management of existing structures

  3. Durability design and assessment of RC structures in marine and carbonation environments

  4. Structural deterioration modelling and time-dependent reliability

  5. Community resilience analysis and assessment

Research Projects
  1. National Natural Science Foundation of China(51778337),“Durability design method for RC structures accounting for the deterioration of serviceability and safety over service life”, 2018~2021

  2. National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFC0703404): “ New aseismic structural system and design theory for pre-fabricated RC structures in high seismic zones”,2017~2019

  3. National Natural Science Foundation of China(51578315),“Durability analysis of RC structures under chloride attack considering spatial variability of durability parameters”,2016~2109

  4. Major Project Funding of China Ministry of Transport (201332849A090),“Deterioration modelling of high-pile wharf structures based on in-situ inspection data”,2015~2016

  5. National science and technology support program of China(2011BAG07B04),“Key technology for reliability-based durability design of RC structures with service life of 120 years”,2011~2013

  6. National Natural Science Foundation of China(50708052):“Life-cycle management optimization of existing bridges”,2008~2010

Professional Service
  1. Editorial board member of Structural Safety

  2. Standing committee member of Inspection, Evaluation and Rehabilitation Branch of China Construction Metal Structure Association

Honors and Awards

2019, Outstanding Winner, Science and Technology award of China Steel Construction Society (CSCA)

2018, First Prize, Science and Technology award of Guangdong Civil & Architecture Society

2017, Annual Teaching Excellence Award of Tsinghua University

2016, First Prize, Science and Technology award of China Highway & Transportation Society (CHTS)

2016, First Prize, Teaching Achievement Award of Tsinghua University

2013, Advanced Individual in Teaching and Educating of Tsinghua University

2012, First Prize, Teaching Achievement Award of Tsinghua University

2009, First Prize, The 6th Teaching Skill Competition of Young Teachers of Beijing Colleges and Universities

2009, Best Teaching Plan Award, The 6th Teaching Skill Competition of Young Teachers of Beijing Colleges and Universities

2009, Advanced Workers of Tsinghua University

2008, First Prize, The 3rd Teaching Competition of Young Teachers of Tsinghua University

Academic Achievement
  1. Kairui Feng, Quanwang Li*, Bruce Ellingwood. “Post-earthquake modelling of transportation networks using an agent-based model”. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2020.1713170

  2. Cao, Zijian, and Quanwang Li*. "Effect of Connection Deficiency on Seismic Performance of Precast Concrete Shear Wall-Frame Structures." Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 2019,13(3-4):1940005

  3. Kefei Li, Dongdong Zhang, Quanwang Li, Zhihong Fan. “Durability for concrete structures in marine environments of HZM project: Design, assessment and beyond”. CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH, 2019, 115: 545-558.

  4. Cao Wang, Hao Zhang, Quanwang Li*. Moment-based evaluation of structural reliability. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2019, 181:38-45.

  5. Cao Wang, Kairui Feng, Hao Zhang & Quanwang Li*, “Seismic performance assessment of electric power systems subjected to spatially correlated earthquake excitations”, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2019, 15(3): 351-361

  6. Quanwang Li*, Xinyi Ye. “Surface deterioration analysis for probabilistic durability design of RC structures in marine environment”. Structural Safety, 2018, 75: 13-23.

  7. Cao Wang, Hao Zhang, Quanwang Li*. “Time-dependent reliability assessment of aging series systems subjected to nonstationary loads”. Structural and Infrastructure Engineering, 2017, 13(12): 1513-1522

  8. Cao Wang, Hao Zhang, Kairui Feng, Quanwang Li*. A simple gradient wind field model for translating tropical cyclones. Natural Hazards, 2017, 88(1): 651-658

  9. Cao Wang, Quanwang Li*, Hao Zhang, Bruce Ellingwood. “Modelling the temporal correlation in hurricane frequency for damage assessment of residential structures subjected to climate change”. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE. 2017, 143(5): 04016224

  10. Kairui Feng, Naiyu Wang, Quanwang Li* and Peihui Lin. “Measuring and enhancing resilience of building portfolios considering the functional interdependence among community sectors”. Structural Safety, 2017, 66: 118-126

  11. Cao Wang, Hao Zhang, Quanwang Li*. “Reliability assessment of aging structures subjected to gradual and shock deteriorations”. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2017, 161: 78-86

  12. Cao Wang, Hao Zhang, Kairui Feng, Quanwang Li*. “Assessing hurricane damage costs in the presence of vulnerability model uncertainty”. Natural Hazards, 2017, 85(3):1621-1635

  13. Cao Wang, Quanwang Li*, Long Pang, Aming Zou. “Estimating the time-dependent reliability of aging structures in the presence of incomplete deterioration information”. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2016, 17(9): 677-688

  14. Long Pang, Quanwang Li*. “Service life prediction of RC structures in marine environment using long term chloride ingress data: comparison between exposure trials and real structure surveys”. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 113: 979-987

  15. Cao Wang, Quanwang Li*, Bruce R. Ellingwood, “Time-dependent reliability of aging structures: an approximate approach”. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2016, 12(12):1566-1572

  16. Quanwang Li, Aming Zou*, Hao Zhang. “A simplified method for stability analysis of multi-story frames considering vertical interactions between stories”. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2016, 19(4): 599-610

  17. Cao Wang, Quanwang Li*. “Simplified Method for Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis of Aging Bridges Subjected to Nonstationary Loads”. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 2016, 23(1):1650003

  18. Quanwang Li*, Cao Wang, Hao Zhang. “A Probabilistic framework for hurricane damage assessment considering non-stationarity and correlation in hurricane actions”. Structural Safety, 2016, 59: 108-117

  19. Cao Wang, Quanwang Li*, Aming Zou, Long Zhang, “A realistic resistance deterioration model for time-dependent reliability analysis of aging bridges”. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2015, 16(7): 513-524.

  20. Quanwang Li*; Cao Wang. “Updating the assessment of resistance and reliability of existing aging bridges with prior service loads”. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2015, 141(12): 04015072

  21. Kefei Li*, Quanwang Li, Xingang Zhou, Zhihong Fan. “Durability design of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau sea link project: Principle and Procedure”. Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 2015, 20(11): 04015001

  22. Quanwang Li, Kefei Li*, Xingang Zhou, Qinming Zhang, Zhihong Fan, “Model-based durability design of concrete structures in Hong Kong- Zhuhai- Macau sea link project”. Structural Safety, 2015, 53: 1-12

  23. Quanwang Li*, Cao Wang, Bruce R. Ellingwood, “Time-dependent reliability of aging structures in the presence of non-stationary loads and degradation”. Structural Safety, 2015, 52A: 132-141

  24. Quanwang Li*, Bruce R. Ellingwood. “Damage inspection and vulnerability analysis of existing buildings with steel moment-resisting frame”. Engineering Structures, 2008, 30(2): 338-351

  25. Quanwang Li, Bruce R. Ellingwood*. “Performance evaluation and damage assessment of steel frame buildings under mainshock-aftershock earthquake sequence”. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2007, 36(3): 405-427

  26. Quanwang Li, Bruce R. Ellingwood*. “Structural response and damage assessment by enhanced uncoupled modal response history analysis”. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 9(5): 719-737, 2005