
Prof. Zhen Leng from Hong Kong Polytechnic University visited Department of Civil Engineering

Prof. Zhen Leng visited Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University on October 16th, 2018, and gave a lecture -“Nondestructive Testing of Transportation Infrastructure Using Ground Penetrating Radar: Theory and Practice.” About 20 faculties graduate students participated the academic lecture.

At the beginning, Dr. Qinyan Xing, introduced Prof. Zhen Leng, who is the Director of the Hong Kong Road Research Laboratory at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Prof. Zhen Leng started with a brief introduction of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He first introduced the system components and working mechanism of GPR. Then Prof. Zhen Leng presented its practical applications in pavement layer thickness measurement, in-situ asphalt pavement density monitoring, and railroad ballast fouling detection. In the end, both the advantages and limitations of using GPR as a nondestructive tool were discussed.

All participants really enjoyed Prof. Zhen Leng‘s talk, and had a hot discussion on the topic after the presentation.