Prof. Gian Paolo Cimellaro from Polytechnic University of Turin visited Tsinghua University and joined the workshop of “Resilience of Cities and Infrastructures”
Gian Paolo Cimellaro from Polytechnic University of Turin visited the
Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University on December 1st, 2017.
He was also invited to give a presentation titled“Resilience of Cities and Infrastructures”.
the workshop, Prof. Cimellaro gave a comprehensive presentation titled “Integrated
resilience analysis of communities under emergencies”. The presentation
provided an overview of recent advances in resilience definition and
quantification, introduced PEOPLES framework on resilience field. This talk also
presented applications of the proposed methodology including hospital/school
building, human behavior during evacuation and debris model. At last, he
indicated that new ination technologies (e.g. smartphones, sensors for
indoor localization) should be adopted to improve resilience.
Then, Prof. Fang Dongping gave a presentation titled “System thinking and initiatives towards urban resilience”. He introduced goals
of urban resilience and researches accomplished by Department of Civil
Engineering and Construction Management. After that, Prof. Li Quanwang, Prof.
Ji XiaoDong and Prof. Guo Hongling also shared their recent research progress
on the topic of resilience of cities and infrastructures.
During the workshop, participators had thorough discussions about the framework
of resilience and emergency department after the earthquake. Finally, we took a
group photo.