Professor Scott Thomas Smith Was Appointed as Tsinghua Distinguished Visiting Professor
In the afternoon of August 29th, Professor Scott Smith, Deputy Dean (International) and Professor of Structural Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Adelaide, Australia, and President of International Institute for FRP in Construction(IIFC), was appointed as Distinguished Visiting Professor of Tsinghua University. Professor Smith gave a presentation entitled "How to Enhance YourInternational Research Profile". Professor Fang Dongping, chair of council ofSchool of Civil Engineering, awarded the appointment letter to Professor Smith. Professor Pan Peng, head of the department of Civil Engineering, hosted the appointment ceremony. Professor Feng Peng attended and chaired the presentation.

Prof. Pan Peng
In the ceremony, Professor Fang expressed his sincere congratulations to Professor Smith on his appointment as a distinguished visiting professor of Tsinghua University. In order to build a world-class university, Tsinghua keeps building connections with outstanding scholars worldwide. Professor Smith’s joining will enhance the international influence and reputation of the School of Civil Engineering as well as Tsinghua University. Professor Smith accepted the appointment and expressed his thankfulness for the recognition of his cooperation with Tsinghua University over the past ten years. He looked forward to the cooperation between the two universities in the future.

Prof. Scott Smith(L), Prof. Fang Dongping(R)Professor Scott Smith is Deputy Dean (International) and Professor of Structural Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering, Computer and MathematicalSciences at the University of Adelaide, Australia. He was awarded BE (Civil,1994) and PhD (Structural Engineering, 1999) degrees from the University of NewSouth Wales, Australia, as well as an MBA (2018) from Imperial College London,UK.
Professor Smith's research interests encompass the repair and strengthening of structures with advanced composite materials, and he is President of the International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC). He has published over180 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, and he has won several awards including the IIFC Distinguished Young Research Award. Professor Smith is an Editor of the journal Construction and Building Materials and an Associate Editor of the ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction. He is also the founder of the Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS) conference series, and he is the Chair of APFIS 2019 ( which will be held in Gold Coast, Australia, December 2019. Further details about Professor Smith and his research activities can be found here: //
The International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC) was established in 2003. The aim of the Institute is to advance the understanding and the application of FRP composites in civil infrastructure, at the service of the engineering profession and society. As laid down in its by-laws, the activities of the IIFC include: the organization and sponsorship of international conferences, symposiums, workshops, short courses and seminars, including a conference, the publication of an official newsletter and other relevant materials, the establishment of working groups in selected areas to develop state-of-the-art reports and design recommendations, and the development of course materials to meet educational needs at different levels.