From May 23 to 24, 2019, the International Symposium of Advancement in Earthquake Engineering and Seismic Design was held in Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University. Prof. Taichiro Okazaki from Hokkaido University and Assoc. Prof. Xiaodong Ji from Tsinghua University chaired the seminar. The meeting was partially supported by NSFC-JSPS collaborative research project.

Prof. Taichiro Okazaki from Hokkaido University, Prof. Ippei Maruyama and Assoc. Prof. Takuya Nagae from Nagoya University, Assoc. Prof. Noriyuki Takahashi from Tohoku University, Prof. Peng Pan, Assoc. Prof. Zuozhou Zhao and Assoc. Prof. Xiaodong Ji from Tsinghua University, Prof. Tao Wang and Prof. Xuchuan Lin from the Institute of Engineering Mechanics of China Earthquake Administration (IEM), as collaborative project members, and Assoc. Prof. Ryota Matsui from Hokkaido University, Assoc. Prof. Yao Cui from Dalian University of Technology and Assist. Prof. Shelly Zhang from UIUC attended the symposium and gave presentations. Graduate students from Tohoku University, Tsinghua University, IEM, Dalian University of Technology and Tianjin University participated in the seminar. During the meeting, professors and students from China, Japan, and the United States discussed in depth. The conference promoted exchanges and cooperations among young scholars in the field of international earthquake engineering and achieved great success.

On the morning of May 24th, the symposium specially set up an engineer section. The meeting invited Engineering Director of Nikken Sekkei (Osaka) Dr.Kato, Associate Manager of Structural Engineering Section of Nikken Sekkei(Osaka) Mr. Yamada, senior engineer Lijun Wang and Weibiao Yang, gave reports. President of the International Association of Earthquake Engineering, Prof. Masayoshi Nakashima, attended the symposium through remote video. In the symposium, scholars from China and Japan exchanged opinions on the integration of architectural and structural design in Japan, and the design and construction of super high-rise buildings in China.
On May 25, the symposium organized a construction site tour. Nearly 20 scholars and students from China and Japan participated in the technical tour. In the morning, the group visited three high-rise buildings of about 200m in Beijing Lize Business District. Among them, two buildings are core wall-frame system with CFTs and outrigger truss, and the other is core wall-frame system with SRCs. In the afternoon, the group visited the construction site of the Chinese National Speed Skating Oval, “the Ice Ribbon”. The National Speed Skating Ovalis the only new-constructed competition venue for the Beijing Winter Olympicsin 2022. The main structure in the bottom is RC structure, and the roof system is a cable net tension structure. During the project tour, scholars from China and Japan exchanged views on the structural systems and design methods of high-rise buildings in China and Japan. China's innovative practices in the design and construction of high-rise buildings and large-span structures left a deep impression on Japanese scholars.