
High Performance Steel Structures Research Council Workshop Ⅱ was successfully held

On November 12-13, 2020, High Performance Steel Structures Research Council (HPSSRC) Workshop Ⅱ was held online by Tsinghua University and Delft University of Technology. Prof. Gang Shi from Tsinghua University, Prof. Milan Veljkovic, and Prof. Frans Bijlaard from Delft University of Technology served as chairmen of the workshop. HPSSRC workshop Ⅱ was supported by the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS). From 15 countries and regions, more than 50 experts and researchers around the world participated in the workshop.

HPSSRC workshop Ⅱ is for experts and researchers in the field of high-performance steel structures. Prof. Brian Uy from University of Sydney, Australia, Prof. Richard Stroetmann from University of Dresden, Germany, Prof. Peter Schaumann from Leibniz University Hannover, Germany, Prof. J. Lange from Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, Prof. Dan Dubina from University Politehnica of Timisoara, Romania, Prof. Haohui Xin from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, Prof. Cheol-Ho Lee from Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, and Prof. Tim Wilkinson from University of Sydney, Australia, were invited to give keynote lectures. Moreover, in this workshop, there are 19 presentations regarding seismic behavior, fracture and fatigue behavior, member and joint performance, and 3D printing technology, after which participants discussed some key issues thoroughly. HPSSRC workshop Ⅱ aims to enhance the research and communication of high-performance steel structures, promote the development and application of relative technologies, and provide collaborative research opportunities.


A photo of participants