
Chair Professor of Civil Engineering Department Bruce R. Ellingwood awarded ASCE 2017 Outstanding Projects and Leaders

Recently, our Chair Professor Bruce R. Ellingwood won ASCE 2017 Outstanding Projects and Leaders (OPAL). ASCE Outstanding Projects and Leaders is the highest honor for civil engineers, only giving five people who have made great achievements in the fields of architecture, design, education, government or management every year. Professor Ellingwood was commended for his outstanding achievements in the field of engineering education.




Professor Ellingwood is a member of American Academy of Engineering, main founder of structural design theory based on reliability, and internationally recognized authority in the field of structural safety assessment and risk analysis. He once served as vice chairman of ASCE Standard Committee, chairman of Structural Engineer Association, and was awarded the Norman Medal of ASCE for twice, Newmark Medal for once, Walter P. Moore Jr Award and Moisseiff Award, U.S. Steel Structure Association Higgins Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award (2006) as well as outstanding honorary member of American Society of Civil Engineers.


Professor Ellingwood


Professor Ellingwood has published more than 300 academic papers, and more than 200 SCI papers, let along his achievements in education. Doctoral students guided by him all over the world play active roles in the international academic and industrial circles. It is worth mentioning that, since he has become our department professor in 2013, Professor Ellingwood regularly comes to our department for annual academic exchanges and sets up short courses for senior undergraduate and graduate students, such as "Structural Reliability", "Load Model", at the same time, he and our teacher Li Quanwang jointly published many articles. Professor Ellingwood said that teaching at Tsinghua University has a positive effect on his work.


Professor Ellingwood is teaching short course


With the support of "Tsinghua University Huang Tingfang / Xinhe Education Fund", the department of civil engineering has set up Tsinghua University Huang Tingfang / Xinhe Professors Group in 2012. Professor group is led by Japan's Masayoshi Nakashima academician and is composed of 10 international renowned scholars (many of whom are academies of engineering from the United States, Japan and China). Professors sregularly come to Tsinghua for teaching, cooperative research, academic exchanges, and provides advice, suggestions for the development of Civil Engineering Department. Professor Ellingwood, as a member of the chair professors, has made important contributions to the cultivation of talents, scientific research and international academic exchanges.