Appointment of Adjunct Professor Yoo Sang Choo, from the National University of Singapore, as Distinguished Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University
On October 16th, 2023, the appointment ceremony for Adjunct Professor Yoo Sang Choo, from the National University of Singapore, as a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University took place in Tsinghua University’s New Civil Engineering Building. Associate Professor Li Wei from the Department of Civil Engineering hosted the event. Professor Fang Dongping, Dean of the School of the Civil Engineering, delivered a welcome address and presented Professor Choo with the official appointment letter. The ceremony was aslo attended by Professor Pan Peng and Associate Professor Wang Facheng from the Department of Civil Engineering.
The School Dean, Professor Fang Dongping, presented the appointment letter to Professor Yoo Sang Choo.
Professor Choo previously held the Chair Professor position at the Lloyd's Register Foundation at the National University of Singapore, served as the 106th President of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (IMarEST), and was the Founding Director of the Marine Engineering Research Center at the National University of Singapore. In his welcome address, Professor Fang Dongping highlighted Professor Choo’s extensive research achievements and practical experience in marine engineering, emphasizing his ability to offer valuable insights to students and faculty in related research areas. Following the appointment ceremony, Professor Choo presented a lecture on "Construction and Installation Engineering of Offshore Structural Systems." Attendees engaged substantive discussions with him on offshore engineering construction and the development of offshore oil and gas resources.
Attendees group photo