
CIvil engineering VIsion Lecture at Tsinghua (CIVIL@Tsinghua)

To promote international academic exchanges civil engineering, our department launched the Civil Engineering Vision Lecture at Tsinghua (CIVIL@Tsinghua). This lecture series invites globally recognized civil engineering experts to share the latest research and insights into future trends. Aimed at faculty, students, alumni, and industry professionals, this year’s, three sessions featured esteemed guests, including Professor Cheng Tsing Wen, Fellow of the Singapore Academy of Engineering and Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and Professor Fang Guoguang, Dean of the School of Science and Technology at the Singapore University of Technology and Design; Professor Timo Hartmann from the Berlin Institute of Technology; and Associate Professor Ruggiero Lovreglio from the School of Built Environment at Massey University in New Zealand. The lectures offered in a hybrid format attracted over 3800 participants through both online and offline sessions.