This summer school is funded by:

Organized by

Technischen Universität München
Chair for Traffic Engineering and Control

Tsinghua University
Institute of Transportation Engineering
Location and time
Tsinghua University, Beijing, PR China
The summer school 2017 will be held from 24 July 2017 to 04 August 2017
Program Objectives
The summer school is a short-term (2 weeks) training course on:
Latest achievements in transportation engineering and logistics
The summer school is established for students from Peoples Republic of China and is organized by Technische Universität München (TUM) and Tsinghua University. The lectures are mainly set up by Technische Universität München and all school activities are conducted in English. Approximately 25-30 students will be accepted for the summer school this year.
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Federal Foreign Office of Germany (Auswärtiges Amt) are the supporters of this summer school.
The participation in the summer school is free of charge for all students. However, accepted students are supposed to cover their travel and accommodation expenses on their own.
Students, who are interested in transportation related subjects and Students who are interested in undertaking a M.Sc. degree in Germany with the major in transportation at TUM, are invited to apply for this summer school. You have the chance to meet lecturers from TUM and discuss study and research opportunities at TUM in Germany.
Content of Lectures
The summer school contents the following modules:
Module 1 - Land use and transportation
Module 2 - Transport and environment / assessment of transport infrastructure projects
Module 3 - Microscopic traffic flow simulation
Module 4 - Traffic control systems / intelligent transportation systems
Module 5 - Public transport concepts and planning
Module 6 - Goods transportation and logistics
Module 7 - Selected aspects of intermodal traffic concepts
Module 8 - Transport demand management
Module 9 - Sustainable urban transport
Module 10 - Public transport planning
Module 11 - Pavement design
......and, of course a social and supporting programme.
The summer school curriculum provides a brief overview over the contents of the two TUM Master of Science Programs:
§ Master of Science in Transportation Systems (TS)
§ Master of Science in Transport and Logistics
Students, attending our summer school will get an impression on what they should expect if they decide to join a Masters course at Technische Universität München (TUM).
Moreover, the lecturers, who intend to deliver classes in the summer school, are teaching these courses in the TUM Masters programmes as well.
Beside the transportation related subjects, students can gather ination about study opportunities at Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany and will get a brief introduction into the German language and German culture.
Admission Requirements
Applications are open to all Chinese candidates who has already held a bachelor's degree or who is currently enrolled in a bachelor's degree program in any of the following fields of study (but not limited to):
Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Geodetics, Mechanical Engineering, Geography, Computer Science, Communications Engineering, Economics, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Architecture, Environmental Engineering, Tourism.
please view more detailed application ination on website as below:
Useful Ination
Financial Aspects
The participation in the summer school is free of charge for all students. However, accepted students are supposed to cover their travel and accommodation expenses on their own.
Housing and living
Students who participate in the summer school could apply for the accomodation at Tsinghua University. Please contact our partner at Tsinghua University at the following address:
Tsinghua University
Institute of Transportation Engineering
Email: [email protected]
Tel: + (86) 10 62772615
Please do not contact for accommodation until your place in the summer school is confirmed.
Summerschool Contact
If any questions, then please do not hesitate to contact us:
Technische Universität München
Chair for Traffic Engineering and Control
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +(49) 89 289 22443
Fax: +(49) 89 289 22333
Tsinghua University
Institute of Transportation Engineering
Email: [email protected]
Tel: + (86) 10 62772615